Ye Feng immediately got up and went to the small single room on one side of the laboratory. This is Cao Yihai's single room, but it was a strange smell inside, and the things were placed in a mess, which was a typical Houseman's slovenly appearance.

Ye Feng went to one side of the shower, took a bath first, then stood in front of the mirror, looked at Cao Yihai's face in the mirror, touched his chin, or picked up one side of the razor to clean his beard, and with scissors, he cut Cao Yihai's hair, which was messy and almost the same as the bird's nest.

Originally, Ye Feng didn't intend to change Cao Yihai's appearance, but now he is going to save Cao Yihai's newly married wife. If it has always been this virtue, his wife will run a lot.

Ye Feng helped Cao Yihai pay an inch simply, and his haircut skill is limited to this. It's very good that he can cut it fresh.

After shaving and shaving, Ye Feng looks in the mirror again, only to find that Cao Yihai is good, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

It seems that not only women, but also men need to clean up. Before that, Cao Yihai didn't like to clean up, so he made himself look like he was buried.

After taking care of Ye Feng, he puts on Cao Yihai's black framed glasses, finds a black suit and a white shirt. He looks like a fresh student from a university. After

leaves, he found a bottle of a man's perfume with unclear trademark. He took it up and smelled it. It was still acceptable, and it was almost completely empty. It meant that Cao Yihai was useless at ordinary times.

leaves Feng to spray out a little perfume, then came out of the room, found Cao Yihai's car keys on the table, picked up the logo is Lamborghini's car keys, Ye Feng immediately went out of the laboratory.

After leaving the laboratory, Ye Feng turns around in the corridor. The scene here is very familiar, similar to his previous impression.

Passing by a laboratory full of glass walls, Ye Feng sees a familiar figure, which Cao Yihai mentioned before. It must be for this reason that Cao Yihai used a laboratory alone.

Takla is Russian, but he doesn't like vodka. He prefers coffee with milk and polysaccharide. Now he's about the same size as his second elder martial brother.

At this time, Takla is playing a game. When he sees Ye Feng passing by, he can't help looking at it in surprise. After recognizing that it's Cao Yihai, he looks at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and waves to him.

Ye Feng just nodded, shook the key in his hand, said he wanted to go out, and walked away directly.

When taking the elevator, a woman also looked at Ye Feng in surprise. When did a little fresh meat come to the Institute?

When Ye Feng got to the underground garage, he saw that there were all luxury cars below. There were several Lamborghini alone. But it's not surprising that people in the organization were not poor in money. Even the technicians in the logistics such as Cao Yihai and Tacla started with an annual salary of one million dollars. It's not surprising to have such a luxury car.

Ye Feng pressed the button on the key to get off the car, and immediately there was an orange Lamborghini aventador convertible not far away. Ye Feng could not help frowning and murmuring, "I didn't expect that he didn't like to be cautious, but he chose such a naughty sports car!"

Speaking, Ye Feng or sat in, immediately start the car, a step on the accelerator, the car instantly out of the underground garage.

After getting out of the underground garage, Ye Feng drove along the asphalt road to the seaside. TSL's base is on an isolated island. Every time he left, he had to take a cruise ship to the mainland.

Soon Ye Feng drove to the seaside, where the cruise ship is an hour, now look at the time, that is, wait for about 20 minutes.

Ye Feng sat on the car by the sea, lit a cigarette and smoked leisurely, as if he had returned to his previous life. His life was almost like this before.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. He takes it up and looks at it. It's Dixie.

After connecting, but listen to Dixie and Ye Feng said, "I'm leaving the base, estimated to be back in a week or so!"

Ye Feng said a know, and then listen to the phone next to Dixie, someone asked Dixie, "now you go out to carry out the task, have to report with Cao?"? What's your relationship with Cao? No wonder I heard that the red light appeared in Cao's marriage. Since Satan was gone, your taste seems to be getting heavier and heavier! Dixie

Dixie immediately scolded the man, then hung up the phone. About a quarter of an hour later, a helicopter flew over Ye Feng's Lamborghini.

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and looks up at the helicopter. He knows that Dixie should be on the plane. The cruise ships are all in and out of the basic staff on the base, and the personnel on duty are usually in and out of the helicopter.

After watching the helicopter fly away, Ye Feng flicks the cigarette end toward the direction of the helicopter disappearing. At this time, a cruise ship on the sea comes slowly.

A quarter of an hour later, when the cruise ship arrived at the shore, Ye Feng immediately put Lamborghini on the cruise ship. After waiting for about 20 minutes, there were several cars on the cruise ship.After waiting for the cruise ship to start, Ye Feng opened the door, went to one side of the cruise ship, lay down on the railing and lit a cigarette, watching the waves rolling back on both sides of the cruise ship.

At this time, a man approached Ye Feng and stood on the side of Ye Feng. Then he took a look at Ye Feng. He saw that Ye Feng had some strange faces and some wounds on his neck. He frowned and said, "are you?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng takes a look at the man, a foreigner in his early 40s. He is tall, with a navy blue suit and yellow curly hair. At this time, he is looking at himself in surprise. Ye Feng sees that he looks familiar and doesn't remember who he is at the moment?

after a careful look, Ye Feng suddenly remembers that this man is Jackson, the director of the logistics department He stood up and nodded to him, "I! Cao Yihai

Hearing this, Jackson's face suddenly changed. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he suddenly said, "Oh, Cao? You shaved your hair? And shaved? Oh, my God, I didn't recognize it for a while

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak. Jackson glances at the wound on Ye Feng's neck and says, "what's the matter with your neck? Besides, how long have you not left the laboratory? What's the wind blowing today? You're all dressed up... " Then he sniffed and said, "Oh! And perfume, are you going on a date? "

Ye Feng said to Jackson, "Oh Yes, Cao I have a dinner date with my wife! "

Jackson just nodded and said, "Oh! That's good! However, you have a clear idea of the rules of the organization. You should have a clear idea of what can be said and what can not be said! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod a way, "know, rest assured!"

Jackson just nodded, and then looked at Ye Feng. Obviously, he was not used to Cao Yihai's appearance.

Jackson then asked Ye Feng, "by the way, what's the progress of the project about Satan?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, I forgot to report, that project has failed!"

On hearing this, Jackson's face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Failed? So Satan, he He... "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, he has died, completely dead, all-round dead!"

Hearing this, Jackson looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you didn't repay such a big thing..." Said immediately took out the mobile phone, dialed a number, then immediately went to the side, with the phone at the end of the people began to report.

After the phone call, Jackson immediately walked up to Ye Feng and said, "today you can go on a date with your wife. When you come back tomorrow, you must go to my office as soon as possible and give me a complete and reasonable report!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK!"

Jackson then touched his neck and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter with your neck? It's like a strangler, isn't it

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I want to test that people will not die even when they are strangled to the extreme?"

Jackson looks at Ye Feng in surprise, then nods and doesn't speak. After all, Cao Yihai is a lunatic in the Research Institute, so many ideas are unacceptable.

Jackson took a look at Ye Feng at this time, and said in his heart, it seems that Cao Yihai is still a lunatic after he is ready to get married. It seems that there is a rumor in the research institute that Cao Yihai's marriage lights up as soon as he gets married, and there is no reason.

Jackson didn't talk much. At this time, he went to his car and sat in the car. Ye Feng took a look and looked in front of the cruise ship. It was estimated that he would arrive at the shore of the mainland in half an hour. He immediately went back to his Lamborghini car and sat down.

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