At this moment, heart-tearing and lung-splitting howls came from time to time within the prison. Outside the iron gate at the end of the corridor, two prison guards were smoking, and one of them was Wang Soong, who had just sent Ye Feng there.

The other guard asked Wang Soong, "Brother Song! Will there be any problems? Those fellows did not act lightly or seriously. If something happens, the higher-ups will not be able to answer their questions! "

Wang Soong exhaled a cloud of smoke, then said to the police officer: "What are you afraid of? This is Brother Hui's order, and it's not like you don't know who Fan Jiangloong is, at that time, if there are any problems, he would be the only one to shoulder it! "

That guard thought so too, so he did not say anything. After about half an hour, there was no more movement from the call board.

Wang Soong looked at the time again, and then threw away his cigarette, saying, "It's about time, go take a look." As he spoke, he walked towards the cell with the other policemen.

When Wang Soong and the guard just reached the entrance of the cell that held Ye Feng, they saw all the prisoners inside rolling around on the ground covering their crotch with their hands.

Wang Soong was stunned, he looked around, only to see that there were some injuries on Ye Feng's face, and he was' dejectedly 'standing there.

Wang Soong quickly opened the prison door, and the moment he entered, he immediately shouted at the prisoners on the bed, "What happened to you all?"

The prisoners were all groaning and groaning, not a single one of them could utter a word.

Wang Soong immediately walked in front of Fan Jiangloong, wanting to ask him what was going on.

Fan Jiangloong's face alternated between green and white, the veins on his forehead bulged, his hands covered his crotch, and he rolled on the ground non-stop.

Wang Soong immediately understood that every single one of them had been knocked down, and it seemed as if they had all been kicked in the crotch.

The only person who did not fall and roll on the ground was Ye Feng, and it was very obvious that it was Ye Feng who did it. He immediately looked towards Ye Feng as he thought, "What happened to them all?"

Ye Feng was initially depressed, but upon hearing that, he suddenly turned to Wang Soong and said, "Reporting to Sir, these people said that they all practiced some kind of Diamond Indestructible Body, and that they all didn't even die, they were not even afraid of kicking me, and wanted me to kick them one by one. I was not willing, and even got beaten up by them, look at the wounds on my face … I have no other choice! I can only give them a kick, one at a time. Then I'll know they're all liars … "

Wang Soong stared at Ye Feng speechlessly, "This is simply nonsense, are they all crazy? will they ask you to kick their crotch on their own accord? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask them. I am not lying!"

The other guard immediately asked the prisoners who were groaning at the top of their lungs, "What exactly happened to all of you? Now, who will tell me what exactly happened? "

The prisoners were in so much pain that they couldn't even speak. Fan Jiangloong moaned on the ground and wanted to say something, but his words were unclear. He couldn't understand a single word.

Seeing this, the corner of Wang Soong's eyes twitched. Of course he knew that these guys were all done in by Ye Feng, but these guys were all like this now, so even if they could speak, they would at least be afraid of Ye Feng not wanting to say anything.

He was still thinking, "What kind of trash did Brother Hui send him? Didn't he say he was a rapist? Why can't he solve the problem that has the most problems in the jail?"

Just at this time, Ye Feng suddenly stood in front of Wang Soong, "Officer, I requested for the cells to be changed, what do you think? I'm afraid to stay in this cell any longer. What if they kill me? "

Wang Soong glanced at Ye Feng. There were indeed some wounds on his face, but they were much lighter compared to those prisoners. He didn't even need a bandage.

Seeing that Ye Feng still had a face full of fear, Wang Soong muttered in his heart, this brat was too shrewd, his acting skills were even able to get a gold medal, he was truly stung.

Thinking about it, he snorted and said to Ye Feng, "Do you think this is a hotel? He then nodded to the other guard and they went out of the cell and locked the door again.

Ye Feng still had a look of horror on his face, walking to the steel door with a sullen face, he said to Wang Soong: "Officer, I don't dare to stay here any longer, if they let me stab them again, if I don't do it, they'll beat me up again …"

Wang Soong rolled his eyes at Ye Feng, and coldly snorted, "Even so, you still have to have a blade to do it …" After saying that, he immediately left with the other police officer.

Ye Feng was still standing in front of the iron gate, shouting non-stop, "Officer, officer, don't abandon me, save me …"

Only when he heard the sound of another iron gate closing did Ye Feng shut his mouth. He turned around and looked at the men who were still lying on the ground, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

These fellows were just a mob that relied on their numbers. If it was before, none of these fellows would be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Ye Feng touched his mouth as he thought about it, and it still hurt a little. Seems like this trash's body limitations were still too big, even if he was going to deal with a group of trash like them, he would be done for.

At this moment, he looked at the man on the ground and coldly snorted, "Stop fucking pretending already. Those whose eggs aren't broken stand up. Don't let me kick them a few more times …"

Hearing that, a few people immediately stood up, but they still held onto their crotch, and stared at Ye Feng.

Seeing that this brat wasn't tall, he was gentle, yet he attacked so viciously. Furthermore, he kicked every one of them as if he had a grudge with an L-egg.

The others who were slower stood up and looked at Ye Feng, thinking, is this guy really strong?

At this time, Ye Feng walked towards Fan Jiangloong who had not gotten up yet, and kicked his crotch one more time.

Originally, the pain on Fan Jiangloong's body had already disappeared, but after being kicked by Ye Feng again, he immediately shouted out in a heart-wrenching manner.

However, at this moment, his throat was already hoarse and his voice sounded like a pig being butchered.

When the other prisoners saw this, they all felt the same way and subconsciously protected their crotch, as if Ye Feng's leg could kick them at any time.

Ye Feng gave a cold snort, "Didn't you hear what I said and allowed you to stand up?" As he spoke, he touched his handbag and asked casually, "Who has cigarettes?"

The prisoners hesitated for a while, but a fellow quickly fished out a cigarette from the bed, and eagerly ran over and offered it to Ye Feng. He even took out a lighter for him to light, and called out with a laugh, "Brother Feng …"

Ye Feng looked at this guy, and thought to himself, it looks like there is no lack of people who can help others, no matter where they go. If this guy was in the war era, he would definitely be the best candidate to be a traitor.

But he didn't say anything. He took a puff on his cigarette and looked around at the prisoners. "Anyone else who doesn't accept this and wants to take revenge for your Brother Long, come out now!"

That group of prisoners looked at each other, then at Fan Jiangloong who was still rolling on the ground. All of them lowered their heads, and no one stood up to speak.

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