Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett face slightly move way, "you are for Amy that wench film?"

Ye Feng heard Scarlett's words full of sour, can't help but toward Scarlett way, "in fact, this really has nothing to do with Amy, AI general because I was arrested by them, if not for me, may not have such a thing, so I have to rescue AI general!"

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng say so, no more say what, pondering to sit beside the bed.

Ye Feng took a look at Scarlett, and then said, "don't worry, since you have come, you should do everything according to the plan. Don't think about those useless things!"

Scarlett nods to Ye Feng. At this time, there are several people coming from the window. One of them is sitting in an electric wheelchair. She can only see her head from the window. It's Jack.

Soon the door of the ward was opened. Jack came in with an electric wheelchair and stopped at the door to let the people outside close the door.

After the door is closed, Jack starts the electric wheelchair and goes to Ye Feng. After having a look at Ye Feng, he says, "Dr. Li, it's OK, isn't it?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said to Jack, "it's OK. Thank you for your concern."

Jack took another look at Scarlett, and then said to Ye Feng, "Dr. Li, they attach great importance to your injury. You are a VIP on our island. We don't allow you to make any mistakes and dangers, so we seem to make a fuss about it, but it's for your safety!"

Ye Feng said to Jack, "it's just the normal fight between our husband and wife!"

Jack immediately interrupts Ye Feng and says, "Dr. Li, I have to correct you. First, you are not husband and wife. Second, that is not normal fighting!"

Then Jack took a look at Scarlett and asked Ye Feng, "I don't know you Well, how do you know a female friend? We can see from the surveillance screen that she was actually holding a knife and was ready to attack you when she was on the beach. It was you who took his knife, and then the scene happened. Although we don't know what happened and what you said at that time, it seems that this is not a so-called accident! "

Ye Feng hears Jack say so, can't help but heart next move, looking at Jack, mouth but say, "this is an accident!"

Jack said with a faint smile, "Dr. Li, it's meaningless to argue. Besides, I haven't talked about the point of this matter yet."

Jack sighed, "from the surveillance video, when you captured your female friend's knife, it was clean and sharp. It didn't look like a technician's skill. We don't have any information to show that you have joined the army or practiced martial arts. You really make us look at it with new eyes!"

Scarlett a listen to this, the heart suddenly a Lin, did not expect a scene on the beach, or was the surveillance shot? And it's because he wants to kill Ye Feng that Ye Feng comes to grab his knife, which leads to his full exposure.

But at this time, Ye Feng's face is unusually calm, as if nothing happened and looking at Jack.

At this time, jack also looks at Ye Feng with the same look and eyes. The two people's eyes are opposite, but they don't say anything.

For a time, the atmosphere of the whole ward was not right. A few people outside the window looked at the two people in the ward, one lying and the other sitting. They were surprised that no one spoke.

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "come here!" Said the finger slightly toward a direction.

Although Scarlett didn't quite understand what Ye Feng wanted to do at that time, she did.

When Scarlett stands there, Jack glances at the window with his spare light and finds that it's just blocked by Scarlett, which means that people outside can't see him and Ye Feng clearly now. He says that he can't see them completely from another angle.

Ye Feng then said to Jack, "in fact, you have already found out?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "you are smart and confused. Your voice betrays you!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, after all, I seldom need to disguise my actions before!"

But Jack said to Ye Feng, "if you leave, you shouldn't come back!"

Ye Feng is toward Jack said, "some things escape is not the way, I also have a compelling reason, had to come back!"

Scarlett looks at Ye Feng and Jack in surprise. They talk as if they are old acquaintances and old friends. She can't help saying in her heart, do they know each other? And Jack has recognized Ye Feng. It sounds like this.

Jack took a deep breath at this time and said, "I can tell you that Jackson has been watched. We are secretly investigating him."

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looks at Jack and says, "you are not with Is Jackson together? "

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's impossible to talk about being different. Now the pattern on the island is changeable. No one can know what the future will be like. Therefore, any agreement at this moment may become invalid at the next moment. Anyone can take advantage of others, or betray each other at any time!"Listen to Jack say so, Ye Feng suddenly a burst of silence, then looking at Jack way, "you find Jackson what?"

Jack then said to Ye Feng, "I can't tell you that, but what I can tell you is that no matter what the purpose of your coming in this time is, you will regret it, because from now on, the island has been banned completely. People from outside can't get in and people on the island can't get out. Even those who come back from performing tasks outside can't come back to the island!"

As soon as Ye Feng hears this, he immediately asks Jack, "Dixie, she..."

Jack smell speech a while silent looking at Ye Feng, for a long time did not speak, looks very bad.

Ye Feng see Jack so, heart can't help a Lin, feel very bad, immediately asked Jack, "what's the matter with Dixie?"

Jack pondered for a long time before he said to Ye Feng, "this mission of Dixie is a trap, and it's the same as last time. On the way back from the mission, the helicopter exploded. At present, no one has been found alive, and no one has contacted the organization..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately sat up from the bed, abdominal wound immediately by his such action a pull, pain of his stuffy hum.

Scarlett immediately ready to see Ye Feng's situation, do not want Ye Feng but a hand, motioned him not to come.

Jack looked at Ye Feng so, can't help comforting Ye Feng way, "but you don't worry, at present, we haven't confirmed whether there is Dixie in the body, maybe she escaped a disaster!"

Hearing Jack say so, Ye Feng immediately says to Jack, "why? Why do you do this to Dixie? "

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's time for the two parties to become white hot. All the people who may be harmful to him should be eradicated. What's more to ask?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but be silent when he heard the speech, and didn't speak for a long time.

Jack then said to Ye Feng, "you'd better take good care of yourself. If you want to leave, I can arrange it, but after you leave again, you'll never come back!"

But Ye Feng said to Jack, "I don't have a way to deal with it. I can't go!"

Jack looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter with you? Revenge? Do you know who did you harm? "

But Ye Feng says to Jack, "I need to see Dante Emma!"

Jack smell speech eyebrow move, incredibly looking at Ye Feng way, "what do you want to see him do?"

Ye Feng says to Jack, "take him!"

Jack looks at Ye Feng in surprise. He doesn't say anything for a long time. Finally, he says to Ye Feng with a slight sigh, "you can't see Dante Emma. Since he openly elevated dromus, few people have been able to contact him. He is the actual leader on the island now. Many people need to go through the Senate even if they want to see him!"

Ye Feng hears Jack say so, immediately heart next move, immediately toward Jack way, "so zhuomus? I want to see dromus! "

Jack stared at Ye Feng for a long time before he said, "what do you want to see zhuomus for?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "after all, I just want to see you."

But Jack said to Ye Feng, "I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to see him!"

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