Dante Emma, knowing that she is behind, immediately kicks the coffee table. While the coffee table is sliding to the other side, the gun is sliding in the opposite direction.

Dante Emma raised her mouth slightly and immediately reached for the gun. As long as there was no accident, she would get the gun first.

But things will never be as simple as Dante Emma thought. How can Ye Feng let Dante Emma do what she wants?

Ye Feng saw Dante Emma do so, and at the same time, immediately kicked on the coffee table, the coffee table immediately began to change direction, and the gun on the surface of the coffee table, the sliding route immediately appeared deviation, moved toward the other end.

Two people one foot happened in front of the other, the difference time is not more than two seconds, but the gun on the tea table has changed the taxiing route twice.

When Dante Emma saw this, she immediately stepped out again, but at the same time, Ye Feng also immediately stepped out, two feet kicked on the coffee table at the same time. Suddenly, both sides of the coffee table were forced, and the glass on the surface immediately cracked with a bang, while the pistol and glass residue on the table jumped into the air at the same time.

Zhuomus sat in the original position and did not move. Everything in front of him was like slow motion. Although Dante Emma and Ye Feng were very fast, they could see clearly in his eyes. After all, they were both apprentices taught by themselves.

The pistol is still flying towards the sky, surrounded by broken glass scum. Ye Feng and Dante Emma hand at the same time. As soon as they reach out, they will shoot the glass scum flying in front of each other. Although the power can't be compared with bullets, they have enough strength to hurt each other's skin.

Moreover, as long as it hurts the opponent's skin, it can distract him. Any detail of the master's fight may change the situation.

Ye Feng and Dante Emma hold the pistol at the same time. Ye Feng holds the head of the pistol while Dante Emma just holds the handle.

Dante Emma whispered, "heaven help me, too." she immediately put her finger in the trigger and pulled the trigger in an instant.

However, after Dante Emma buckles it, she finds that she can't move at all. Only then can she find that Ye Feng has firmly grasped the head of the gun, and the buffer can't move at all.

When Dante Emma saw that she had already locked the winning game, she didn't want to pull the trigger at the most critical moment, and was on the verge of success or failure. She immediately took the other hand and quickly hit Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng at the same time also immediately stretched out another hand to block, two people not only hand to hand confrontation, at the foot is not idle, you come and I go to each other kicking, action is extremely fast, if it is ordinary people can't see two people's action.

Dromus was watching clearly. By this time, he had stood up and walked to one side, as if to avoid being hurt by Ye Feng and Dante Emma.

At this time, it is estimated that Dante Emma and Ye Feng are inseparable for a while. At this time, Ye Feng makes a dangerous surprise attack, directly takes the pistol out of Dante Emma's hand and flies into the air again.

Dante Emma showed no sign of weakness, and immediately went to Ye Feng with both fists. Ye Feng should also fight back, and the two were once again entangled with each other barehanded.

When the pistol fell, both of them seemed to realize that it was meaningless to entangle in the pistol. After all, no one could let the other side take the gun. They actually thought of working together to shoot the pistol and stop each other from taking it.

Two people fight when the outcome is hard to separate, but suddenly hear "bang" to a sound, Ye Feng immediately feel a pain in the shoulder, immediately a flash away.

Dante Emma is also a Leng, at this time side head a look, but see zhuomus is holding a pistol, aim at his side, face suddenly move, originally oneself and Ye Feng fight for that pistol has arrived zhuomus hand.

But what Dante Emma thinks is that if dromus gets the gun, he should design himself first, why he will hit Ye Feng.

And at the same time, dromus sneered and immediately fired at Dante Emma.

Dante Emma felt a pain in her leg and was shot.

Dante Emma hiding behind the sofa, see Ye Feng hiding on the other side, two people look at each other, this just understand, dromus is not against any of them, but to kill them both.

Dromus said with a sneer, "I taught you all your shooting skills. You should know the accuracy of my shooting skills. You are both injured now. There is no sense of resistance any more!"

Ye Feng leaned back against the back of the sofa and looked at his shoulder. Fortunately, this shot only hurt the skin and flesh. But when he looked at Dante Emma again, he saw that his calf was full of blood. It was estimated that the injury was not light.

Dante Emma at this time remorseful, why would want to compare with Ye Feng, but let zhuomus drill a hole.

Zhuomus then fired a machine gun at the sofa. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Satan, don't you doubt me all the time?"

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "so my suspicion has always been right!"Dromus immediately said, "you're right. I ordered people to do the explosion in Brazil, but I didn't expect that you could come back to life. What's more, I didn't expect that you would come back after you left Stewart Island after you came back to life!"

Dante Emma said in surprise this time, "you've been waiting for this day, haven't you?"

Dromus sneered and said, "I knew you were against me. If I didn't pretend to be controlled by you, how could you come out on your own?"

Dante Emma clenched her teeth and said, "but you can't get anything. I've killed all the people who follow you on the island. Now the island is full of my people!"

Dromus sneered, "is that right?"

Just then, the door of the office was immediately kicked open, and a crowd of Dante Emma's men rushed in.

Dante Emma was about to speak when she saw those people standing behind dromus. Dante Emma was shocked that these people had betrayed her.

Dromus sneered, "they are not traitors, because they are loyal to me from the beginning to the end, and the people you eradicate are actually the real traitors! And these guys are old, and they want to persuade me to retire and give Stewart Island to younger people! So I'll show them what you'll look like when you're in power! "

When Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly moved and she said angrily, "so you are using my hand to eradicate your dissident!"

Dromus sneered and said, "thank you for your ruthlessness. I didn't mistake you. You are really cruel. You didn't leave one!"

At this time, Jack came in with an electric wheelchair and stopped at the side of dromus. He said to dromus, "master, the whole investigation building has been completely under control. They can't fly!"

Ye Feng then said to Jack, "since this is your plot, why did you let me go last time?"

Jack said to Ye Feng, "you are suspicious. If I told you this last time, you will have doubts."

Ye Feng immediately asked Jack, "how do you know I will come back?"

Jack immediately said with a smile, "this is going to ask the master to explain it to you in person!"

At this time, dromus went to the desk, sat on the boss's chair and lit a cigar. Then he looked at the sofa in the reception area and said with a smile, "don't you understand? The so-called suppression of Stewart Island is a cover

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, but zhuomus said, "in fact, since your resurrection, everything has been under my control! So you should understand? "

If ye Feng didn't understand at this time, he deserved to fall into this trap. He immediately said, "so you are the mastermind of the so-called government organization to eliminate TSL?"

Zhuomus said, "yes, you are wise and confused. We TSL have been on Stewart Island for so many years, don't we have any contact with the government of New Zealand? The influence of our TSL is far beyond your imagination! But it's not easy to lure you. You're a good apprentice I taught you! "

At this point, dromus said to Jack, "you talk about it, let him die to understand!"

Jack immediately said to Ye Feng, "although it's fake to eliminate TSL, all the actions are true, including the American killer who went to the island with you. They really invited to kill you, but they don't know the truth!"

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