If there were just a few more outstanding disciples like Ye Feng or Dante Emma, I would not have to go out in person today.

When he thought of this, dromus could not help but think of Hades and Dixie. These two disciples have potential, but Dixie is dedicated to Ye Feng. Hades has no ability and ambition, so he can't count on them.

Ye Feng and Dante Emma have been hiding behind the other two walls at this time. They can see each other. Ye Feng can see that Dante Emma is standing against the wall at this time. The injured leg is slanting and bleeding to the ground.

Ye Feng made a sign to Dante Emma and asked him how his injury was. He asked him to deal with the wound while he was now. He could cover him.

After receiving Ye Feng's message, Dante Emma immediately tore open her clothes, pulled out a piece of cloth and began to bandage her legs.

As soon as dromus heard the sound of tearing his clothes, he had expected that they were dressing the wound. Knowing that this was an opportunity, he was ready to attack immediately.

But as soon as dromus reached out of his head, he heard a bang. He immediately retracted his head. There was a bullet hole in the wall on one side of his head, and stones and powder flew about.

Dromus knew that one side must be covering the other side to bandage the wound. He immediately blew a breath at Jack on the other side.

Jack hears a sound from dromus, and immediately looks to dromus, but he sees dromus winking at himself, obviously wanting to go out first to attract fire.

Seeing this, Jack hesitated. After all, he was sitting in an electric wheelchair. Once he moved, the movement was too big. Let alone attracting fire, he was just going to be a live target.

Jack immediately made a gesture to dromus, saying that he still had trumps.

Zhuomus is dubious. He thinks that Jack is afraid of death, but he takes out his mobile phone and sends a short message. After going out, he says to Ye Feng, "Satan, I think you'd better surrender. Maybe I'll talk to Shifu. Shifu wants to be on your apprenticeship, so that's it!"

Dromus didn't know what Jack meant by that. If Satan would surrender at will, he would not be Satan.

Sure enough, Ye Feng sneered, "Jack, I'd better persuade you to surrender. Do you know there is a precondition for that experiment? That is, you must die to capture your brain waves, and there is no way to guarantee the success rate! Do you think dromus doesn't know? He needs to use you to continue the experiment! "

Dromus immediately said to Jack, "the experiment is finished. I don't need the test object!"

But Ye Feng said, "Cao Yihai's experiment is completed, but Cao Yihai is dead, and no one in the world will ever see this technology again..."

Zhuomus sneered, "Tom has found a replacement for Cao Yihai, Tacla. Although he is not as good as Cao Yihai technically, he doesn't need to continue to study. If he only needs to operate, there is no problem at all!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "so what? Tacla can operate, but it's still my question before. You have to die to capture your brain waves. Do you dare to take this risk? "

Jackton's heart moved, and he looked at dromus in a trance. Dromus is a cancer. If he didn't have this technology, he would die, so he absolutely dares to gamble.

But now I have no legs, and once the experiment fails, I will die. Although I didn't have legs, I still live and choose to die.

But dromus said to Jack, "don't think about it. He's disturbing your mind. Can't you hear that?"

Jack looked at dromus and immediately said, "yes, Satan, you should worry about another person rather than me."

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart immediately a Lin, suddenly thought of Scarlett, since everything is zhuomus trap, so Scarlett there will never be safe.

Sure enough, Jack sneered, "no matter whether this experiment can succeed or not, it's all between me and my master. Now I betrayed you, so you must die. At least that experiment still has a 50% chance. If I betrayed you, I won't have the chance to live again."

Jack's mobile phone rings as soon as the voice is over. When he takes it up, it's a video communication. After he turns it on, he sees that Scarlett has been tied to the stool by Hendry. Then he nods with satisfaction, throws the mobile phone to the ground and says to Ye Feng, "have a look!"

Ye Feng looks to the ground not far away, only to see that the person tied to the stool in the video of the mobile phone is Scarlett. She can't help but regret that she should not be left in the villa.

Jack then yelled, "Hendry, do you hear me?"

Hendry's voice was immediately heard in the mobile video

Jack said at once, "if anything happens to me, kill that woman at once!"Hendry said at once, "I see!"

Jack then a proud smile, which is equivalent to buying himself an insurance, at least Satan will not shoot himself.

Zhuomus saw this, but his heart was moved. Jack still had such a hand, but he didn't know it.

However, zhuomus said in secret that it would be better, and then he said to Jack, "now you're wearing a bulletproof jacket. You can go out recklessly!"

As soon as Jack heard this, his face moved slightly, and then he said to Ye Feng, "Satan, let's make a deal. As long as you promise me not to die, I can promise your woman not to die..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, zhuomus immediately scolded jack, "what did you say?"

Jack immediately said to dromus, "master, you are very clear. Don't blame me. I didn't sell you out. I just bought a double insurance for myself. I don't have much demand. I just hope you can push it out in the dispute among the three of you. Don't you have any opinions?"

As soon as dromus heard this, he immediately pointed to jack with a gun in his hand and snorted, "do you want to quit at this time? Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I'll kill you now! "

Jack shrugged and said, "master, if I were you, I would think it over before shooting!"

Dromus doesn't care so much. He's going to pull the trigger immediately. He's fed up with his incompetent subordinates. But when he's about to pull the trigger, it suddenly comes to his mind that Jack is talking about double insurance.

Suddenly dromus looked at Jack and said, "Angela?"

Jack immediately said with a smile, "there's no way, master. I'm such a loser. I don't have any other extravagant hopes. I know that once you kill each other, I will become cannon fodder. I just want to spend the rest of my life quietly, and I don't want to get involved in your disputes any more. Besides, I've done what I should do for you, and I've helped you a lot. It's not betrayal, master! ”

dromus snorted coldly, "do you want to quit at this time? Don't you want to stand up again? "

Jack shook his head and said, "I've been used to it for so many years. Besides, if you want me to enter other people's bodies, it's still not me? I can't guarantee that there are risks as Satan said. I'm a coward, so I'm not involved in them! "

Then Jack shouts to Ye Feng on the other side of the wall, "Satan, do you mind if I do this?"

What else can Ye Feng say now? He can only say to Jack, "no problem. It's the wisest choice for you to do so!"

However, dromus said to Jack, "I don't believe Angela is in your hands. She clearly..."

Before dromus finished, Jack immediately said, "yes, Angela is in the basement, but it's not the only way to the basement. She should be somewhere else at this time."

Zhuomus frowned and stared at Jack. He said angrily, "Jack, I really misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to be a waste!"

Jack immediately shrugged his shoulders and said to dromus, "I can't help it, master. I'm a waste. I've been a waste for so many years. Do you still care if people call me that?"

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