Ye Feng immediately toward salina way, "you call the police, said here someone killed!"

On hearing this, salina and Brooke's face moved, killing people? Isn't it hurtful?

Before salina and Brooke can react, the gun in Ye Feng's hand suddenly makes another bang, and Brooke's skull blooms, his eyes are round, and he probably doesn't understand why.

Salina's whole person was hoodwinked. Brooke's men were also hoodwinked. They immediately reacted and rushed to Ye Feng.

"Bang Bang..." After a few shots, several of Brooke's men fell to the ground.

See so, salina can't help but want to scream, but just called a, immediately his weapon mouth to, open eyes to see in front of Ye Feng.

Salina had a good feeling for Ye Feng before. When she saw Ye Feng again, she suddenly felt that she really didn't know Ye Feng at all. This guy was just like a murderer.

At this time, a lot of people outside the private room heard the gunshot. The timid ones had already run away. They bravely hid to observe the direction of the gunshot.

Ye Feng at this time looked at the people on the ground, found that there is not dead, immediately went up and made up a shot, scared salinaton screamed, immediately ran towards the door of the compartment.

Ye Feng immediately grabbed salina and closed the door of the private room. Then she pushed her toward the sofa.

Salina sat on the sofa, looking at Ye Feng with a face full of horror. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She looked at Ye Feng with a pair of eyes, and felt that her brain was all misty.

At this time, Ye Feng went to her side and sat down, holding the wine glass on the table, found an empty glass, then poured a glass of wine, drank a mouthful, then looked at salina and said, "did you call the police?"

Then salina came back to herself and said, "and Also Not yet

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and took a puff. Then he said to salina faintly, "call the police now!"

But salina still looked at Ye Feng with trembling eyes and said, "newspaper Call the police. What do I say? "

Ye Feng said to salina, "just tell the truth, just say I killed someone!"

Salina picked up the phone tremblingly, but she couldn't say a word after calling the police. She just heard the voice of inquiry coming from the phone, "hello..."

Ye Feng see, had to reach out to salina, salina see quickly body instinct back, tears are almost down.

Ye Feng took a look at salina and didn't say much. Instead, she took her mobile phone and said to the phone, "I killed someone!"

The phone is a policewoman, a listen to this is also a Leng, immediately said, "where are you now? What happened? "

Ye Feng immediately said about the general location, also told the policewoman that he was in the basement of a private room, now he is not going anywhere, just waiting for the police here.

The policewoman began to explain the situation at the same time, while trying to stabilize Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry, you slowly say, why do you want to kill?"

Ye Feng said, "one or two sentences are not clear. You just come to catch me!" Then he hung up.

After putting down salina's phone, Ye Feng immediately takes another sip of wine from her glass, and then looks at salina, who has already been scared to one side.

At this time, salina saw Ye Feng looking at herself and felt afraid. She shivered and said to Ye Feng, "will you kill me?"

Ye Feng stares at salina for a long time and then says, "what? Are you afraid? "

Salina looked at Ye Feng with trembling eyes. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer Ye Feng's question.

Ye Feng then asked salina, "I asked you to leave here. Why did you come back?"

Salina said to Ye Feng, "I'm going to come back to get something. Just when I came back, I met the former manager and asked me to come up and dance for the last time. Because the manager is usually nice to me and never forces me to do what I don't want to do, so I agreed!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "after tonight, leave!"

"If I knew this was going to happen tonight, I wouldn't say anything," she said

Ye Feng did not say a word, continue to smoke cigarettes, silent looking at the door.

Then a man's voice came out of the door and said, "salina, are you ok?"

As soon as salina heard this, her face moved slightly, then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's the manager I said! Please don't shoot

Ye Feng said with a smile to salina, "it seems that she cares about you very much. In this case, she even dares to come and ask about your safety. It's not easy!"

Salina blushed and said to Ye Feng, "he's really after me, just me I... "

Ye Feng understood salina's meaning, then said to him, "you let him in!"As soon as salina heard this, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "no, I beg you, he's a good man!"

Ye Feng then looked at salina and said, "if he doesn't come in, I'll go out to find him. Don't blame me for being impolite at that time!"

After hearing this, salina moved her face and said, "you Can you come in for a second? "

When the man outside heard this, he was immediately excited and said, "salina, are you still alive?"

Said immediately push the door into, but just push the door, see Ye Feng's muzzle is facing the door, toward him a nuzui way, "shut the door!"

The man was a young man in his thirties. He looked a bit like a Eurasian. He had a lot of eyes.

At this time, seeing that there were corpses everywhere in the private room, my heart was suddenly shocked. After closing the door, I immediately raised my hands.

Ye Feng then moved the gun in the hand, toward that man way, "come over, sit beside her!"

The man immediately went to salina's side and sat next to her. Then he looked around at her and said, "aren't you hurt?"

Salina shook her head and said it was OK. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "it has nothing to do with him. Don't hurt him!"

Ye Feng stares at the man and looks at him for a long time before asking him, "what's your name?"

The man immediately said to Ye Feng, "George!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at George and salina, took a deep breath and said, "you two, today I only kill one, the other can live!"

On hearing this, George and salina's face changed and they looked at Ye Feng. They didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, salina regained her mind and immediately said to Ye Feng, "I understand. You are going to Angola, so Virgil arranged for me to go to you and let you kill me? Is that right? "

Ye Feng shrugged at salina and said, "you finally understand what's going on!" 0

salina immediately said, "then this matter has nothing to do with George. You have let me go once, and I found it myself. It's me. Damn it, you killed me, let George go!"

Ye Feng smell speech no longer and salina say what, but look to George way, "then you go!"

George smell speech but sit in the original position, motionless looking at Ye Feng way, "you let salina go, I stay!"

Ye Feng stares at George and doesn't speak. Salina immediately says to George, "George, you've helped me a lot. I can't implicate you. You go quickly!"

George took salina's hand and said, "you know what I think of you. When you die, I'm meaningless to live. I know you don't like me, but if I do something for you, I'll be very satisfied!"

After listening to what George said, salina looked at George with red eyes. For so many years, George has been taking care of himself, but he didn't really feel like a man or a woman before, but George is still so kind to himself.

Ye Feng looks in the eye, at this time toward salina and George said, "you two discussed, in the end is who stay, who go?"

George and salina said at the same time, "I'll stay He (she) is going

After two people smell speech, can't help looking at each other, immediately and at the same time toward Ye Feng way, "you let him (her)!"

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