Ye Feng listen to the warden said so straightforward, also can't help but ask the warden, "since you know he will escape, why still promise me can let him and I a prison?"

The warden said to Ye Feng, "let me tell you, Miyamoto's escape is impossible. The reason why we didn't punish him is to see how many loopholes and opportunities there are in Angola's prison. We've heard about Miyamoto's name for a long time. We all know how many times he has successfully escaped before! I don't know what the structure of those prisons is, but I can tell you clearly that in Angola, if you want to escape successfully, there is only one possibility, that is, you can fly! "

After hearing what the warden said, Ye Feng immediately thought that this was similar to what he had said with Miyamoto before. Sure enough, now all the major prisons hope that Miyamoto, a successful escape model, can find out the prevention loopholes of his prison, so that they can strengthen.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng shrugged to the warden and said, "since you are so confident, warden, there is nothing to worry about. Just say how much it is!"

The warden frowned and lit a cigar. After several puffs, he put up two fingers to Ye Feng, "two million!"

But Ye Feng frowned at the warden and said, "two million? It's too expensive. Just one person! "

The warden said with a smile to Ye Feng, "but the people you want to transfer are not ordinary people!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't you say that he can never escape? Since he can't escape, he is an ordinary prisoner!"

But the warden stared at Ye Feng and said, "I just said it's impossible, but I didn't say it's absolute. If I want you to spend two million, it's to prevent this kind of accident! Not at all! "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng nodded to the warden and said, "OK, two million is two million!"

The warden immediately asked Ye Feng, "is there anything else?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng shook his head to the warden and said, "not for the moment. I want to talk to you again, but I want to see Monica today!"

Warden Wen Yan stares at Ye Feng for a moment and says, "I can only say that I will arrange for you, but Monica is willing to see you. I can't guarantee it!"

Then he said to Ye Feng, "if you see Monika's one million yuan, you can exchange a prison on the first floor for 500000 yuan. In addition, let Miyamoto and you be in the same prison for 2 million yuan, a total of 3.5 million yuan. I can give you a discount of 3 million yuan, or 3.5 million yuan. I'll arrange a two person suite for you and Miyamoto?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned slightly. If it was a double room, it would make it easier for the prison to monitor them. Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the warden, "three million!"

The warden laughed, then picked up a mobile phone and threw it in front of Ye Feng. He said to Ye Feng, "you call!"

Ye Feng picked up the mobile phone, then dialed Virgil's phone, "last account, remit another three million!"

Virgil said to Yefeng, "what are you doing? It's only one day since you went in. Five million last time and three million this time. Did you print it with my money printing press? "

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "it doesn't matter if you don't give it. Anyway, I'm not worried about it!"

As soon as Virgil heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'll just remit another 5 million yuan, a total of 10 million yuan, and 22 million yuan will be stored in his account. You don't have to call me any more and continue to ask for money with me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng covers the phone and says to the warden, "I'll save five million for you, and the other two million will be saved in advance."

The warden was the first time to see such a generous customer. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in disbelief. Then he nodded and said, "OK, no problem!"

Ye Feng then released his hand and said, "wait for your remittance!" Then, without waiting for Virgil to say anything, he immediately hung up and returned the cell phone to the warden.

The warden picked up his cell phone and looked at Ye Feng. "I can't see that you are a rich man!"

But Ye Feng shrugged to the warden and said, "only this 10 million. If this 10 million is used up, there will be no money!"

But the warden said with a smile, "well, you two million yuan, you need to save some money!"

Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to the warden, "look at my deposit. Don't handcuff me if you have nothing to do?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the warden immediately nodded and said, "no problem. For the requirements of VVIP customers, I always respond to every request!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I'm waiting for Monica in the cell!"

Finish saying leaf Feng head also don't return of walk toward the door, don't want to just walk to the door, warden but called a, "Jet Li!"

Ye Feng smell speech look back to warden, but listen to warden toward Ye Feng way, "you are so willing to spend money, you come to Angola is purposeful!"

After listening to the warden's words, Ye Feng didn't speak. He continued, "I don't care what the purpose of your coming in is. I only advise you. You should have heard that in Angola prison, except for the prison authorities, any prisoner can only enter and leave, and the only possibility is that the body can leave! So I don't want you to do anything to hurt yourself. After all, you are my VVIP customer! "Ye Feng nodded to the warden, and then opened the door. The prison guard at the door immediately took out the handcuffs to handcuff Ye Feng.

Seeing this, the warden immediately said to the prison guard, "don't torture him. He won't need that anywhere he goes, as long as he doesn't leave the Angolan prison!"

Ye Feng turned back and said thank you to the warden. Then he went to the front. The prison guard immediately followed him and sent Ye Feng back to the cell.

As soon as he was shut in, he heard a beating on one side of the wall. After Ye Feng sat by the bed, he heard Miyamoto ask, "brother, are you back? How was the conversation? "

Ye Feng and other guards lock the iron door and walk far away, then he says to Miyamoto, "I have already agreed with him that we will arrange a prison on the first floor, and we will be together!"

Miyamoto a listen to this can not help but ask Ye Feng way, "spent a lot of money?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "not much, just two million!"

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, his face suddenly moved, "two million? This guy is really greedy

Ye Feng said, "if you can really leave here, the flowers are worth it!"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "thank you, man. I'll pay you back as I owe you."

Ye Feng but toward Palace this way, "need not, regard as is the money that I buy ticket!"

On hearing this, Miyamoto couldn't help but be surprised. Then he said with a smile, "I haven't thought about this problem yet. It's a way to get rich!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, you can charge for Martians and bullfighting terriers!"

But Miyamoto said with a smile, "that's what I said. Is it really a charge?" Then he said to Ye Feng, "what else did he say to you?"

Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "as we think, the prison authorities know that you are a prison break expert and also know your previous experience. I'd like to advise you to give up the idea of helping me escape with you."

Miyamoto frowned and said, "do you know if you want me to share a cell with you? How dare you put us on the first floor? "

Ye Feng said, "he thinks you can't succeed. The only prisoners who can leave in Angola are corpses!"

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately snorted, "do you look down on me so much? I'm going to be the first to leave the Angolan prison alive

Ye Fengxin next smile, this boy seems to be angered, then easy to do, but said, "according to your ability!"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "what? You look down on me, too? "

Ye Fenglian said, "no, if I look down on you and don't believe you, I won't spend the two million!"

Miyamoto listen to Ye Feng said so, can't help nodding, "is also such a reason! I won't say anything else. I'll promise you that I won't let you spend the two million yuan! "

Ye Feng hum a, immediately close eyes a way, "rest for a while!"

Miyamoto sighed, but he didn't speak. He thought about how to take Monica with him at that time!

After about an hour or so, Ye Feng's cell door was opened again. The prison guard stood at the door and said to Ye Feng, "come out!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately sit up, next door Palace this surprised way, "isn't just been to?"? Where are you going again? "

Ye Feng didn't say a word, followed the guard to leave the cell, and then went to another single cell cell, but there was a table and two stools inside, let Ye Feng go in and say, "you wait here!"

With that, the guard closed the iron door and left. Ye Feng sat inside and waited for about half an hour. The iron door rang again.

After a while, the iron door was opened, but Ye Feng saw that after the prison guard came in, she was followed by a very important symbol of a female prisoner. It was Monica.

Monica looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "who are you? Do we know each other? "

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