But after knocking for a long time, no one responded to him. Miyamoto sat down by the bed again, lit a cigarette and asked Ye Feng, "brother, to be honest, do you also like her?"

Ye Feng directly a word back to the past, "I have no interest in her, this you can rest assured!"

Miyamoto asked Ye Feng, "why did you see her alone? And I know that she usually doesn't meet the men in prison. Bullfighting terrier and Martians once fought for her, but she didn't even see them. Why did she meet you? "

Ye Feng then said to Miyamoto, "brother, if you really treat me as a friend, don't ask more. In a word, I have no idea about her! I advise you not to have any idea! "

Miyamoto immediately said, "do you mean she has no idea of prisoners like us?" Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "I'm different from other prisoners. I don't have a life lawsuit in my hand!"

Ye Feng then Dynasty Palace this way, "and you hand have no human life lawsuit, no lawsuit, I ask you, do you know her?"? You don't know anything about her except her beauty. What's her name, where she came from, and why she came in? You know nothing about the background! "

Miyamoto smoked his cigarette for a while. After a long time, he sighed, "yes, I don't even know her name, let alone anything else. It seems that it's my wishful thinking."

Ye Feng hears that Miyamoto's tone is full of a sense of loss, and his heart suddenly moves. He also expects Miyamoto to take Monica out of Angola prison. After binima says this, Miyamoto gives up his plan to take Monica out after he has completely given up on her.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "but no one can say for sure about love. I just want to remind you, but I know you won't give up if you don't fight for it. Maybe if you save her, she will love you with gratitude."

Miyamoto said, "even so, he is just because he is grateful to me and repays my kindness, not because he really likes me!"

Ye Feng then said to Miyamoto, "sometimes love is illusory. As far as I know, it is the feeling of his heart beating at the first sight. After that time, it will gradually fade away. It will change from love to what it should be, and then to kinship. So no matter what she falls in love with you for, she is sincere at that moment, as for what it is For example, she likes you because you are handsome, or because you are good-natured, or because you are talented or rich. In fact, that's just a starting point! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng sighed, "why fight for this reason? On the contrary, why do you like her? You are just attracted by her appearance. If she is ugly, will you like her? You say if she quarrels, do you love her or don't love her? "

Miyamoto listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but heart next move a way, "what you say seems to be very reasonable!"

Ye Feng sighed, "love is such a thing. In fact, no matter it's love or anything else, it can't escape the natural law of natural selection. Many men complain that women will only find men who are rich and powerful, but they don't think about it. In fact, these are the natural conditions for women to choose men. On the contrary, it's the same. If the other person is not beautiful enough, men won't either Like, and beautiful is a woman's natural conditions, in fact, and men's wealth and power is not much difference! "

Speaking of this, after a pause, Ye Feng continued to say, "in fact, it's the same with animals. The competition between animals is more cruel. At least human beings can try their best to change the status quo, but the advantages and disadvantages of many animals are born from the beginning to the end, which can't change anything at all! Even if she doesn't like you in the future, you can let her see your efforts and changes through your own efforts

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "even if your efforts and changes don't get the desired results in her end, you have been promoted, which is also good for you!"

Miyamoto heard the speech knocked on the wall, and then a cigarette came from the hole and said, "man, I really admire you. Before you went to prison, you should not be a psychological counselor or a love counselor, right?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, I just experienced more and despised the separation and separation of life! So I feel more than you do! "

Miyamoto heard Ye Feng say so, can't help saying, "man, I'm suddenly very interested in you, who are you? What have you been through? "

Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "sometimes my experience is like a dream when I think of it."

Miyamoto lay on the bed and said, "man, tell me about it!"

Ye Feng at this time also lay down, stretched a lazy way, "before all I experienced, virtual, in the end what is reality, what is illusory, sometimes, it is difficult to make clear!"

Miyamoto heard Ye Feng say so, a burst of sigh, he heard completely confused, but also heard that Ye Feng didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more, after all, he and he haven't seen each other so far, just chatting for a period of time.Ye Feng at this time and stretched a stretch way, "rest for a while, waiting for the prison bar!"

Miyamoto nodded and didn't speak. At this time, he heard a burst of laughter outside the window. Miyamoto immediately got up from the bed, stood outside the window and looked at the female prisoners. However, he saw a group of female prisoners playing in the leisure place. After looking around, he saw Monika in the back of the crowd. She was still sitting alone in the corner, with nothing around her Mody, just quietly looking at those playful female prisoners, completely out of place with the female prisoners over there.

The more Miyamoto looks at it, the more he likes it. He always stands at the window and stares at Monica. After seeing that the wind is over, Miyamoto goes back to bed.

Three days later, less than an hour after Ye Feng finished his lunch, the iron door was opened. The prison guard said to Ye Feng, "it's time to go back!"

Miyamoto in the next room immediately said, "see you later, man!"

Ye Feng should be a, followed by the guards out of the confinement room, and then left the confinement building, at this time the male prisoner there is also the wind.

Seeing Ye Feng brought back by the prison guards, many people on the playground stopped their movements and looked at Ye Feng.

Many of the holes that Ye Feng had never seen were on the edge of the barbed wire, and their eyes were staring at Ye Feng like King Kong.

But Ye Feng did not enter the playground, but was brought back to the prison by the prison guards, let Ye Feng go to the original cell to clean up his things, said to give him a change of cell.

In fact, Ye Feng just came in and had no daily necessities to clean up. Then the prison guard took Ye Feng to a cell on the first floor and designated a innermost bed for Ye Feng. Then he said to Ye Feng, "you still have time to go to the playground now!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I'll have a rest here!"

The guard looked at Ye Feng and sneered, "haven't you had enough rest in the cell these days?"

See Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately turned to go, Ye Feng is to go to the iron railing of the cell, toward the prison guard way, "Palace this is the time to come?"

After looking back at Ye Feng, the guard said he didn't know and left.

After returning to his bed, Ye Feng took a look at the situation nearby. It's all cement floors and walls. It's not easy to dig them.

After a circle of observation, Ye Feng lay on the bed, resting and thinking about the following plan.

The people staring at themselves at the edge of the playground just now are obviously the people on the bullfighting Terrier side. I guess they will start to figure out how to hurt themselves when they see themselves coming out?

After half an hour, Ye Feng heard a sound of walking, and then saw a prisoner passing by at the door, obviously a prisoner in other cells.

After a while, a group of prisoners came to the door. After a prison guard opened the iron door of the cell, the prisoners came in one after another.

Walking in the first few, Ye Feng is a little familiar. After fixing his eyes, his heart suddenly moves. Isn't this the prisoner who just stared at him?

Ye Fengxin next a Lin, is the warden intentionally arrange himself in the bull terrier's sphere of influence?

Just thinking about it, I saw several people coming in. One of them was Planck, whom ye Feng knew. After Planck came in, he looked at Ye Feng with a smile and went to his bed.

The others came in and took a look at Ye Feng. Then they went back to their beds. The cell was very quiet.

Ye Feng took a look and found that there were two empty beds, one for Miyamoto, and who was the other?

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