The strongest soldier

Chapter 1005 Ethereal Shot

The vast primeval forest was shrouded in moonlight and was covered in gray. The wind blew gently, making the leaves rustle. Strangely, there was no noise in the dark woods like the past. The crickets did not sing, the night birds did not fly, and the trees All the monkeys living on the mountain have disappeared, and there is an unsettling and chilling atmosphere in the air. A figure sneaks quietly in the woods, moving quickly, rushing from behind a big tree to another. From behind, it was definitely just a blink of an eye. You could only see the figure shaking, but you couldn't see the specific figure.

What’s even weirder is that the sneaking sound is inaudible, just like a ghost walking silently, flashing in the woods. Occasionally, it stops and waits for a while, as if observing something. When it rushes forward again, the speed suddenly increases a bit. While running, the black shadow suddenly fell to the ground deftly, landed silently, and crawled forward.

The crawling speed is not slow at night, like a giant python looking for food. Sometimes it raises its head to observe, eyes slightly closed, without leaking a trace of murderous aura, and then continues to twist its body and crawl forward, which looks particularly weird in the dim forest. , and after a while, the black shadow put his hands on the ground and swooped forward, like an arrow from the string, disappearing behind a big tree in the blink of an eye.

About ten meters away, Luo Zheng did not see the black shadow approaching, but he felt the danger approaching. This was a kind of awareness of danger tempered by countless lives and deaths on the battlefield. Luo Zheng did not move and put away his sniper rifle. He stood up, held him in his arms, and pulled out the Type 92 pistol tied to his thigh. He concentrated on alert, relaxed his whole body, and imagined that he was part of the tree roots and integrated with the surroundings.

Gradually, Luo Zhen's breathing became longer and slower, and his whole person entered an ethereal state, as if he had really become a tree root and integrated with the surrounding nature. The body and ground not far away were so slight that they were almost inaudible. The friction sound also became clearer.

Luo Zhen had no surprises, no tension, and did not even move his body. It was as if the other party had nothing to do with him. He continued to maintain an ethereal state, and his five senses and six consciousnesses became more acute. After waiting for a few minutes, Luo Zhen felt that the danger was getting closer. It's only five or six meters away from me, and the position is very clear.

"It's now." Luo Zhen was overjoyed. His stiff body suddenly rose up and turned over. The Type 92 pistol in his hand seemed to have become spiritual, and he quickly found the location of the danger source, as fast as lightning.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Three bullets roared out of the chamber. Although most of the sounds were silenced, the slight sound was particularly clear in the silent woods and under the moonlight. The three bullets rushed past in a Z-shaped pattern. With Luo Zheng's endless murderous intent and fighting spirit, it looked like the sneer of death under the moonlight, cold and indifferent.

Under the moonlight, the black shadow's body visibly froze, as if he didn't expect someone to sneak up on him at this time. He twisted his body strangely, trying to avoid the sudden attack, but he was still half a beat too late, and a bullet hit him. A blood arrow spattered from the opponent's shoulder, which was particularly strange under the hazy moonlight.

The black shadow staggered and fell to the ground, but quickly rolled twice, got up and ran towards the back. Luo Zheng did not expect that the other party actually avoided the fatal attack. Fortunately, it was a hit. He immediately aimed at it, only to find that The opponent's retreat speed was very fast, and he was able to make full use of the surrounding trees for cover. He had no chance to shoot again. Knowing that he was an extremely strong master, the shot just now had a lot of luck.

Luo Zhen quickly ducked and hid behind a big tree not far away. He calmed down his body and mind, and continued to observe his surroundings. There was no sign of any enemies. Luo Zheng tried to enter the ethereal state just now, but it was no longer possible. , had to give up, and said through the headset: "Information of the situation, I beat one person away."

"Nothing was found." Lan Xue whispered.

"A suspected target was found, but the other party seems to have evacuated." Guishou also whispered in surprise.

"Boom!" Suddenly, two sniper rifles rang out, a little far away, at three o'clock. The sound cut through the night sky and spread far away. It was particularly strange in the deathly silent woods.

Luo Zheng looked at the direction of the gunfire in surprise, and his heart became heavy. Everyone was fighting, so he couldn't ask too many questions, so as not to disturb everyone. He had to endure his curiosity and continue to wait, while guarding his surroundings. After a while, The voice of the mountain eagle rang in the headset: "I found the target, but the opponent still ran away. He is a master. He is very fast and difficult to aim. Do you want to pursue me?"

"What o'clock is the direction? Chase after us, we will be there soon." Luo Zheng said without hesitation. It was dark and the situation was unknown. It was not good for him to pursue rashly, but it was also bad for the enemy. Everyone's appearance disrupted the enemy's plan. The original rhythm is, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is best to bite and figure out the situation.

"Five o'clock direction." Shandiao said quickly.

"They want to rendezvous. There must be someone else at the six o'clock direction. Everyone, move up towards the six o'clock direction and be careful to stay hidden. The other party is a master." Luo Zheng said decisively, put on the night vision goggles, confirmed the direction and then frantically As he chased after him, his eyes were as cold as a sword, and his murderous intent was restrained, like a ghost seeking life in the dark night.

Lan Xue and Gui Shou were accustomed to obeying Luo Zheng's orders when it came to combat command. Naturally, they did not object. They both put on night vision goggles and rushed forward. The three of them quickly joined together and advanced in a triangular attack formation. Luo Zheng acted as the commander. Arrow, very fast.

The three people were like three cheetahs running in the woods at night. Their agile speed, erratic movement, firm fighting spirit, and cold muzzles were all shocking. A few minutes later, everyone came to a canyon, where Luo Zheng was startled by the faint sound of footsteps coming from the side. He quickly stopped his progress, flew to the ground, lay down, raised his sniper rifle, and aimed in the direction of the sound.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw a black shadow rushing down a slope. The speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to lock on. Luo Zheng observed it for a few seconds, and after confirming that the opponent was not one of his own, he quickly lowered his voice and said: "Brother Ghost Hands" , fire attack, Xueer, look for opportunities to snipe.

"Understood." Guishou and Lan Xue replied quickly.

Fire attack relies on intensive firepower to suppress and defeat the target. In order to ensure the intensity and continuity of firepower, the person responsible for the firepower attack means the danger of exposure. Guishou naturally understands these principles and rushes forward quickly. Relying on the trees to cover himself, the gun in his hand aimed at the target and rang out.

"Bang bang bang!" Ghost Hand's Type 95 assault rifle kept ringing. The bullets were like ferocious wolves, swooping towards the target's back, pulling out streaks of fire in the night void, which was extremely terrifying.

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