The strongest soldier

Chapter 1024 Fierce fight in the canyon

At noon, with the sun in the sky, in the primeval forest, a team of about thirty people marched forward vigilantly. The surrounding ancient trees were towering, and various unknown insects were chirping, adding a bit of noise to the forest. Occasionally, there were Several big birds flew by, and from time to time the roars of wild beasts could be heard in the distance, making the whole forest lively.

The scouts advanced about 500 meters to ensure safety. The composition of the team was very strange. A dozen heavily armed soldiers and a dozen poorly dressed locals were none other than Luo Zheng and others. Luo Zheng was chatting quietly with Hook in the middle of the team. He had just swam across the river and landed on the bank. He was all wet. The place where he swam was still more than 20 kilometers away from where everyone retreated. There was no need to worry about being discovered.

After walking forward for about two hours, intensive gunfire suddenly came from the front. The team quickly stopped and hid on the spot. Luo Zheng observed the surroundings vigilantly. After a while, Liu Xun, who was exploring the way in front, hurriedly turned back. A flying shovel stopped in front of Luo Zheng, squatted down and whispered: "There are gunshots in the canyon at eight o'clock, about three thousand meters away. Do you want to go and investigate?"

"Reconnaissance ahead, be careful, the follow-up troops will follow." Luo Zheng said after thinking for a while.

"Yes." Liu Xun agreed, got up and left in a hurry.

Hook looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation and added: "Tell your people to be careful. It's best to stay behind the team. We are just to see the situation, not to fight. Don't get discovered."

"Understood." Hook agreed and murmured to the people around him.

The team continued to move forward. The gunshots in front were getting closer and closer, mixed with explosions. Everyone speeded up. Soon, everyone came to a hillside and looked forward warily. There was a canyon in front of them. The canyon was densely wooded, but It's not very high, and you can vaguely see the light of exploding grenades and the passing light of bullets in the woods. Two groups of people are fighting fiercely.

It seemed that one group of people was surrounded by another group of people. The surrounding party attacked very fiercely and seemed to be willing to do anything at all costs. Heavy machine guns and RPGs were used. The resistance of the attacked party was very determined. Unfortunately, the firepower of both sides was not enough. The battle fell into a stalemate, and no one could do anything for the moment.

At this time, Liu Xun, who was in charge of the investigation, quickly ran up, squatted in front of Luo Zheng and whispered: "It looks like blood leeches have surrounded Sam's Jarhead Special Forces. There are eight Jarheads, and five blood leeches." There are about ten people with strong firepower, and they have already formed a siege on Jarhead."

"Oh? Fifty people versus eight people. It seems that someone on Jarhead's side was injured. This is absolutely not allowed for the vengeful Sam Country. It seems that the Sam Country Jarhead special team and the blood leeches are The battle has been exhausted, and this battle has been fought. If the blood leeches do not increase the number of troops, it should be a lose-lose outcome. When the time comes, we will swarm up and be the oriole catching cicadas, just in time to replenish the ammunition and let the brothers hide it. Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Yes." Liu Xun agreed and left.

"What are your plans?" Hook asked in surprise.

Without waiting for Luo Zheng to answer, suddenly the roar of an engine came from the horizon. Everyone's expressions changed greatly when they heard the familiar sound. They all looked up and saw an Apache helicopter gunship appearing on the horizon with a chain gun installed on the nose. Two rockets were hung on the short wings of the fuselage, and they flew over fiercely.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng looked at Apache and his face changed drastically. The Sam Country's maneuverability was really strong. They actually dispatched armed helicopters to support them. You must know that this is not within the Sam Country. When armed helicopters enter the territory of other countries, they can be regarded as armed forces. Invading, Sam Country will definitely have to bear huge diplomatic and political pressure if it does this. It seems that Sam Country is going to do its best.

Armed helicopters are the nemesis of infantry, especially the Apache, which has the best comprehensive performance in the world. Its combat effectiveness is even more fierce. Two rockets are enough to destroy a solid bunker. The attack power of the chain gun is enough to make people collapse. The so-called chain gun is The chain gun is powered by an electric motor to complete the automatic cycle of shooting and supply of ammunition. The advantage is that the shooting will not be interrupted due to blind fire and the rate of fire is adjustable. If it hits a person, it will definitely become a sieve.

With such a fierce infantry nemesis, coupled with Sam's country's information combat capabilities, there is absolutely no possibility of accidental shooting. The life and death of the blood leech ambush is only a matter of time.

"Hoo ho ho!" Just as Luo Zheng was deep in thought, three RPGs suddenly emerged from different woods. Like three fierce gods of death, they roared and rushed towards the Apache, followed by three more RPGs. Launched it and rushed towards Apache with the same accuracy.

"Is this a trap?" Luo Zheng was shocked and looked steadily in the air.

The fierce Apache avoided four rocket launchers, but was still hit by one. Before he could show his claws, he was blown up. The two mounted rockets also exploded, leaving a rocket in the air. A huge red cloud lingered in the void for a long time, and the remains of the Apache splashed everywhere and fell into the woods.

The battle in the canyon stopped, and everyone stared at this scene in shock. Soon, gunshots rang out again, murderous, it was the blood leeches who launched a fierce attack, and Apache was knocked down. For Jarhead, it is undoubtedly the disappearance of the life-saving grass, but for the blood leeches, it is definitely a major event to boost morale.

Perhaps feeling the coming of death, the surrounded Jarhead did not give up resistance, but launched a ferocious attack. As the strongest mysterious force in the Sam Country, Jarhead could not surrender, let alone surrender, and exploded in the face of death. Astonishing combat potential.

The battle once again fell into a stalemate. Luo Zheng observed this scene calmly, his face became solemn. The fighting power of the blood leech shocked Luo Zheng again. If this fight continued like this, both sides would lose, but the blood leech would win. In fact, all he had to do was adjust the rpg Come over and clear out the firepower point of the pot lid head, and you will win without a doubt.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of bullets lingered in the dense forest of the canyon for a long time, and the fighting was extremely fierce. Luo Zheng quickly climbed up a big tree and hid on a branch. He raised the sniper scope to observe and found that the blood leech was heading towards They advanced a lot, and Jarhead began to shrink, forming a circular defensive position and resisting to the death.

Luo Zheng watched in the sniper scope that one of the Jarhead Special Forces was shot dead. Immediately one of his companions braved the rain of bullets to go up and confirm. After confirming the sacrifice, he roared and jumped forward, rolled and hid behind a big tree. Kneeling and pointing forward, his face was cold, his eyes were wide-eyed, and a horrifying murderous aura erupted from his whole body.

This is a force worthy of respect! Luo Zheng sighed secretly. As a soldier, Luo Zheng had some respect for this pot jar head, but as an enemy, Luo Zheng had no sympathy and chose to continue watching the battle.

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