The strongest soldier

Chapter 1029 The mysterious team

After the order was given, everyone immediately jumped into the battle, looking for places to hide, and doing weapons inspections before the battle. In the dark woods, everyone was silent, as if they were beasts that chose the opportunity to move, and their whole bodies were exuding a radiant fragrance. If there was no murderous intent, the sound of bullets being loaded could be heard in the woods, which seemed particularly strange in the silent night sky.

Soon, news came from the front. I couldn't tell the true identity of the other party, but he looked tall and strong. They were all of the same race. They were not as complicated as the blood leech personnel. They might be the special forces of a certain country. , or maybe a mercenary, but definitely not a killer. The killer doesn't have the iron-blooded temperament of a soldier.

Luo Zheng's face became solemn when he heard the news from Shandiao. He had discussed with Hong Meihua the possibility of other countries participating in the war, but he didn't expect to encounter it so soon. To fight or not to fight? Luo Zheng hesitated and looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue thought for a while and said, "Let's take a look first and then let them fight with the blood leeches."

"It makes sense. The most powerful special forces team in the world like Jarhead has been beaten to death. This team is probably not much better. Let them take the lead." Luo Zheng thought about the reason and said in agreement, Just let the mountain eagle lead the person to stare at it from a distance, and don't get close to avoid being exposed.

The mountain eagle agreed, and Luo Zheng looked at Cheng He solemnly. If it hadn't been for him, so many things wouldn't have happened. There's no point in blaming him now. Guishou walked up and said softly: "Hook asked me to ask What happened and what do they need to do?”

"Tell him the truth. Just stay put and prepare for battle." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Guishou agreed and left. At this time, the mountain eagle sent a message that the other party had come over and seemed to be marching in the direction of the blood leech. Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng quickly exchanged glances with Lan Xue, and Lan Xue nodded knowingly. He and Luo Zheng ran towards the location of the mountain eagle.

Soon, the two people met with the mountain eagle, and under the guidance of the mountain eagle, they raised the sniper scope. Through the sniper scope, they found a team passing by in the dense forest in front of them, like a seducer sneaking in the night. Unfortunately, they were five hundred meters away. , the night vision function of the sniper scope cannot see that far, it can only see roughly.

Everyone held their breath and waited patiently. After the team left, Luo Zheng said in a low voice with a solemn face: "This team is not simple. It has a confident and powerful aura. This aura is violent and indifferent, and it feels a bit familiar. It seems like I’ve seen it somewhere.”

Different people have different auras, and the stronger ones are even more powerful. The aura of a killer is cold and ruthless, while the aura of a soldier is iron-blooded and tough. The auras of different armies are also different due to different combat styles. When everyone thought about it, they also felt Something is familiar, but unfortunately I can't think of it.

"Ignore this for now, what should we do next?" Lan Xue whispered.

"Follow them and check the situation before we talk." Luo Zheng whispered, looking at the mountain eagle, the mountain eagle nodded knowingly, and quickly pursued them with Zhou Gang and Meng Zhu.

Guishou returned to the stronghold and called all the others, and everyone followed. They contacted Shandiao from time to time to determine the route. At the key intersection, Shandiao asked Zhou Gang or Meng Zhu to stay and guide the way. This walk lasted an hour. , the mysterious team in front has no intention of stopping, everyone continues to follow.

Three hours later, the sky was about to get brighter. The mountain eagle came with news that the mysterious team in front stopped to rest. Everyone stopped too. Not long after, the sun jumped out of the skyline and illuminated the earth. Luo Zheng Instructing Guishou to stay and lead the team, he and Lan Xue hurried forward.

Soon, the two people met with the mountain eagles and lay down on a hillside to observe the front. The team was hidden on the mountainside. The choice of this location made Luo Zheng very curious. Generally speaking, everyone would choose to rest on the mountain ridge, condescending. If you can see far, it will be easier to find a solution if you have any problems, or you can hide in the canyon and not be easily discovered. The canyon is relatively flat and it is easier to travel on the road. What’s the point of choosing to go halfway up the mountain?

Everyone chooses to march on mountain ridges or canyons. Halfway up the mountain is generally not taken seriously by people, and there are no such things as occasional encounters. Don't they want to be discovered? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes became solemn as he looked forward. Considering that these people had keen intuition and did not dare to stare for a long time, he could only slightly close his eyes and use his peripheral vision to glance over, not daring to stay too long.

The visibility during the day is different from that at night. After a quick scan, I discovered a very strange phenomenon. The weapons used by the opponent were all SUV series. These weapons are produced in the polar bear country and are widely available in the international market. Many mercenaries and killers use them. I like it, but the whole team is so poorly equipped. Could it be that they were sent by the polar bear country?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the familiar feeling. The aura of these people was very similar to the Snow Bear Special Forces he had encountered. They were violent and ferocious, just like bears. Could it be that the Snow Bear Special Forces from the Polar Bear Country were coming? ? Luo Zheng's expression changed drastically. A pot jarhead came and a snow bear came, and the situation became complicated.

Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue and Shan Diao a look with a complicated expression. The two nodded knowingly. Everyone quietly retreated and quickly withdrew. After joining the large army, Luo Zheng immediately called the ghost hand over. No one was around. A field meeting was held somewhere.

"Did you find something?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"I feel like they are like the Snow Bear Special Forces." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

"Snow Bear?" Lan Xue, Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle's expressions changed greatly. The Snow Bear Special Forces is the most powerful force of the polar bears. Last time they participated in the World Special Forces Competition, only one person could be killed by everyone's joint efforts. Even now, everyone's strength has improved. There are many, but not just one snow bear comes. This battle is not easy to fight.

"Snow Bear and Jarhead are equally powerful. Let them fight with Blood Leeches first." Lan Xue suggested.

"Okay, let's check the situation first and then act accordingly." Luo Zheng said, immediately turning on the headset and saying: "Blue Star, are you there? The secret passage."

"Understood." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset: "That's it."

"I found a strange opponent, it may be the Snow Bear Special Forces." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Ah?" Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset: "I didn't expect that we just discussed it last night and it showed up today. What do we need to do?"

"Help me keep an eye on their every move." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know immediately if anything happens." Blue Star promised.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed, stood up, and said: "Assemble the team, I want to see how strong this snow bear special team is, can it be compared to Jarhead? Let's go, follow them, Mountain Eagle , you are responsible for exploring the path."

"Yes." Everyone stood up and agreed, their fighting spirit rising.

Note: Another month has begun. Please vote for me. Lao Lang needs support, and military literature also needs everyone’s support. We can’t lose too much to fantasy.

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