The strongest soldier

Chapter 1031 Detour behind enemy lines

An hour later, there were mountains behind the Blood Leech stronghold.

Luo Zheng led his team up in a roundabout way and hid in a dense forest. Everyone was watching the front with vigilance, their guns raised straight, kneeling on the ground, their cold eyes showing solemn murderous intent, and everyone was silent. Like a ferocious beast waiting for an opportunity, a faint and chilling air floated over the dense forest.

Soon, a man rushed over from the woods ahead, holding a gun, with a stern expression, running like a cheetah. He quickly came to Luo Zheng, stopped with a flying shovel, squatted half-crouched and whispered: "We found a patrol ahead, should we?" This is the destination, no bunkers or machine gun positions have been found yet." It was the mountain eagle.

"I guess the machine gun position and bunker are at the rear, and the patrol team's patrol range is closer to the front. How many people are there?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice in surprise.

"A group of ten people, not thirty people, may be divided into three, and each group is responsible for a different area. After all, the area here is too large, and it is difficult to search together. However, the other two groups have not been seen. Do you want to add more Great search intensity and scope." Mountain Eagle whispered, a solemn look on his stern face.

"What are you worried about?" Luo Zheng keenly noticed the difference in the mountain eagle and couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not worried, I'm just thinking about a possibility. If we kill these two teams of around 60 people, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with the remaining 100 or so people? However, when gunshots are fired here, blood leeches will definitely reinforce them. , the battle is not easy to fight." Shan Diao truthfully stated his inner thoughts.

"We can't do it forcefully. We need to find out their heavy machine gun positions and bunkers first. If we need to attack from here in the future, it will be much easier. Come on, I'll follow you." Luo Zheng whispered, looking sharply at the dense forest ahead, and immediately He waved to Lan Xue, who was watching the surroundings not far behind him, and continued in a low voice: "Organize people to prepare for the response. I'll go over and take a look."

"Be careful." Lan Xue agreed.

Luo Zheng responded, and he and the mountain eagle rushed forward quickly, hunched at the waist, holding guns, like cheetahs galloping in the woods, and quickly rushed out for more than 200 meters. The mountain eagle made a gesture, and the two of them He quickly dodged and hid behind different big trees. With his back against the big tree, Luo Zheng looked at the mountain eagle.

The mountain eagle nodded and clucked its beak to imitate an owl. Soon, the forest in front responded twice. The mountain eagle made a gesture of rushing forward and led the way. Luo Zheng followed closely behind. Not long after, the mountain eagle came out of the forest in front. Two figures appeared, with stern expressions, guns pointed downwards, and their bodies lowered. They were Zhou Gang and Wu Yuan.

After everyone met, they quickly dispersed, back to back, each guarding one side, with their guns aimed forward and searching carefully. The mountain eagle lowered his voice and asked, "Have you found anything new?"

"The patrol has been in the past ten minutes and may come at any time. There is no new discovery." Zhou Gang said in a low voice.

"About a hundred meters ahead is the patrol route of the patrol. Do you want to go through it? If you pass there, you may encounter a bunker." Mountain Eagle said in a low voice.

"Pass it over, work in pairs, avoid the patrols, find the machine gun positions and bunkers, clear them out when you have the chance, and run away after the fight. Our people will take care of you from behind, don't worry about being exposed, create panic for the blood leeches, and distract them The terrain here is wider. The harder we fight, the more troops they will send later. Maybe we have a chance to attack from the front. Wu Yuan, follow me and set off." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice, turned around and left with serious expressions.

Luo Zheng took the lead and gave Wu Yuan, who was trying to rush forward, a signal to cover his back. Wu Yuan fell behind a certain distance knowingly and pushed forward about two hundred meters. The road ahead became slightly steeper. No wonder the patrol team would The route is placed here. Behind the route is a hillside, where a bunker must have been built. In front of it are gentle woods, and the view is relatively wide.

Everyone crossed the patrol line and walked further up the slope. The trees were not as tall anymore and there were more bushes on the ground. Luo Zheng walked very carefully, quietly came to a bush and squatted down, raising his ears. Listen, look around again, make sure there is no one, then push your foot hard, like an arrow leaving the string, swish forward more than ten meters, and quickly hide behind a big tree.

Wu Yuan followed closely and hid in the bushes about fifty meters behind Luo Zheng. He stared at Luo Zheng calmly. Seeing that Luo Zheng made a safe gesture, he continued to advance thirty meters quickly and set up fire cover. In preparation, Luo Zheng nodded and rushed forward again.

After the two men covered up and advanced for about fifty meters, Luo Zheng suddenly discovered that there was something abnormal about the mound under a tree 20 meters ahead. He immediately hid himself and observed carefully. According to normal conditions, this position was impossible. It should be formed into a mound. Luo Zheng immediately thought of something, signaled to Wu Yuan behind him, and quietly walked up to one side.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that there was a cave in that place. There was a tree at the entrance of the cave, which was a natural shield. There were bushes under the tree. However, the bushes looked man-made. The surrounding soil was covered with moss. How could there be bushes growing out of this place? Very unusual.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng sneered and immediately motioned for Wu Yuan to follow. After Wu Yuan came up, Luo Zheng pointed at the entrance of the cave and made an attack gesture, then pointed at himself, signaling Wu Yuan to provide fire cover. Wu Yuan nodded. , Luo Zheng quietly walked up from the side, tiptoeing, silently, like a ghost walking in the woods.

When he got closer, Luo Zheng lay down on the ground and climbed up on his hands and feet, like a giant python. The muzzle of the gun was pointed forward. The dark metal was like a letter spit out by the giant python, carrying a cold and terrifying breath of death. While crawling, Luo Zheng keenly noticed something was wrong in the other direction. He turned his head in surprise and saw someone higher up. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly lay on the ground without moving.

The digital ghillie suit on his body has a very good camouflage effect in this forest. It is difficult to detect without paying attention. Who would have thought that there is someone lurking near a bunker? Luo Zheng observed carefully for a while. It was a shift change. Two people crawled out from the ground, and the other two climbed in. The ones who climbed out patted the dirt on their bodies and walked to the top of the mountain.

"Huh!" Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately signaled Wu Yuan, who was also nervous, to come over. He crawled towards the bunker where he had just discovered the changing of the guard. Wu Yuan nodded knowingly and immediately climbed up from the side. , the movements were light and dexterous, without making any sound.

A few minutes later, both of them crawled to a place about ten meters away from the bunker and took cover. Luo Zheng took out the grenade and looked at Wu Yuan, holding up three fingers. Wu Yuan nodded knowingly, and Luo Zheng slowly put away his fingers. He raised his head and watched the entrance and exit of the bunker with cold eyes. After counting three times, his body suddenly surged and he rushed forward.

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