The strongest soldier

Chapter 1041 Snatching Device

There is no need to be pretentious about some things between men. They need to be told clearly. A decision is enough. Luo Zheng did not try to persuade him anymore. He just kept this friendship in his heart, gave Hook a sincere hug, and then met Lan Xue and Gui Shou. , Shandiao sat down to discuss the battle plan, but there were too many variables and the plan could not be finalized. After some discussion, the order of the people who went down was determined. After going down, they could only act according to the situation.

An hour later, everyone was ready, and the ropes were connected, ready to move at any time. Luo Zheng walked forward along the gap with a rope, and when he was approaching the exit, he tied one end to a raised piece. On the stone, after confirming that it was abnormally stable, he came to the exit of the gap and looked down carefully.

There were a lot less people under the cave. Several small caves still had lights on, and the wounded were still moaning. The man named Xue Lee and a few people were sitting around the stone slab discussing something. There was a metal box placed on the stone slab. , password lock, Luo Zheng was startled, quickly retreated, called Cheng He and said: "Go and confirm whether the box on the stone slab contains the activation device. Once confirmed, withdraw it immediately."

"Understood." Cheng He promised with a serious face and leaned forward along the gap. Luo Zheng was worried that Cheng He had different intentions and looked at him warily. If he dared to mess up at the critical moment, Luo Zheng would not mind killing him. Fortunately, Cheng He didn't mess around. He quickly turned back and said to Luo Zheng with certainty: "It's that metal box, I'm sure."

"Great." Luo Zheng said in surprise, suddenly remembering the conversation he heard before, his face became solemn, and he said decisively: "It looks like they are going to evacuate here, so they can only rob them. Come with me, everyone, rush in." Go down and make a surprise attack on them. After we go down, Guishou and I will be responsible for snatching the metal box. Mountain Eagle will lead your team to provide fire cover. Xueer, you will assist Hook and take care of the people who rush in from outside the cave entrance after they go down. "

"Understood." Everyone said in unison.

"Everyone, be careful and let's go." Luo Zheng whispered with a stern face. He glanced at everyone and walked along the gap without hesitation. Others followed closely, standing next to each other in order to get down as soon as possible. , everyone must follow closely together.

Luo Zheng came to the exit of the gap. After everyone tied up the ropes, he took a look under the cave. The situation was still the same. Several people near the stone slab seemed to have determined something. The blood leech reached for the metal box, and the others People dispersed one after another, as if preparing to go back to the small cave to rest.

"Now." Luo Zheng's face turned cold, he grabbed the rope with one hand and jumped down, descending straight down, quickly pulled out the pistol with the other hand, raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The sudden sound of gunfire broke the silence and startled the people in the cave. They didn't bother to observe where the shots were fired, and they all found places to hide. They were well-trained. If they were recruits, they would not hear the gunshots. Instead of hiding, you look for where to shoot, which means missing the best opportunity to hide.

The middle-aged man named Blood Leech heard the gunfire and instinctively placed himself under the stone slab. He didn't bother to pick up the metal box on the stone slab. The bullet hit the stone slab and sparks flew everywhere. This was the effect Luo Zheng wanted. The gun kept ringing, and the body was rappelling downwards at high speed.

Others also grabbed the rope and jumped down. They were in the air, pistols kept ringing, and the visible targets were beaten away and unable to fight back. In about three seconds, Luo Zhengsuo landed on the ground and rolled forward. , suddenly stood up and rushed towards Shi Banhu.

The Blood Leech members also reacted and fired back one after another. However, Luo Zheng had already rushed behind a stone pier five or six meters away from the stone slab. He quickly changed the magazine. When he looked around, he found that the middle-aged man named Blood Leech was also there. He leaned forward to get the metal box, fired decisively, and rushed forward ferociously, regardless of the danger.

The Blood Leech members who reacted quickly shot at Luo Zheng, but in a hurry, they only used ordinary pistols. The bullet penetrated the bulletproof vest, but could not penetrate the tight suit inside. Although it hurt when it hit the body, Even his ribs seemed to be broken, but Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted. His steps were not slow. Tiger rushed forward, and the gun in his hand kept ringing. The middle-aged man named Xuelee had to dodge away.

Luo Zheng's desperate fighting style stimulated the others to burst out with strong fighting power. They shot at the blood leech members one by one without fear of death, even exposing themselves. The blood leech hit with precise bursts was difficult to parry, and the ghost hands saw Luo Zheng got the metal box first and immediately rushed to cover the retreat.

Everyone made a sudden attack with blood leeches and temporarily gained the upper hand, but it did not mean victory. Luo Zheng did not dare to delay and immediately shouted: "Quickly retreat, Guishou, rush out and kill the machine gun positions outside."

"Understood." Guishou roared, turned around and ran outside.

Shandiao immediately organized a team to cover Luo Zheng's retreat. After everyone finished shooting their pistol bullets, they all showed off their sniper rifles. The guns were filled with incendiary bombs. This was specially arranged to increase the deterrent effect. Several gunshots were fired and they hid under the bunker. The blood leech members were stained by the incendiary agent and immediately let out a shrill scream. When the others saw it, they did not dare to show their heads and hurriedly took cover.

At this time, Lan Xue brought Hook and others down with the rope. Lan Xue was the last one to come down. Before coming down, he cut off the rope with a military dagger, leaving only the last rope for himself. After descending to the ground, someone had already obtained it. He ordered, quickly put away the rope, and others opened fire to suppress the blood leech members who tried to fight back.

Everyone retreated while fighting, not daring to fight. Luo Zheng quickly ran towards the entrance of the cave, and found that the ghost hands were exchanging fire with others in front, and could not get through. Apparently the blood leech members outside had reacted. Luo Zheng was furious and shouted anxiously : "Mountain Eagle, bring the team over to clear the way, and the others will fall behind."

"Yes." Shan Diao shouted, and led his team to turn their guns and charge forward. Once they are blocked on the road, they will be attacked by blood leeches from the front and back. They will definitely die. They must rush out first. Shan Diao understands this truth. The action team below also understood, and everyone yelled and rushed forward.

Ten snipers were moved to the front to be used as stormtroopers instead of hiding behind to snipe the enemy. This tactic was something only Luo Zheng dared to do, but the effect was very effective. His precise shooting skills and extraordinary reflexes made him a hit. The sound of gunfire outside was a little weaker, and Guishou shouted with a cold face: "Cover me." As he said that, he rushed outside regardless of the cover.

"Fire cover." Luo Zheng was shocked and roared angrily.

"Boom!" Everyone aimed forward and fired quickly when they found out. Whether it was the protruding head or the barrel of the gun, they all exploded directly. The scene was extremely hot.

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