The strongest soldier

Chapter 1051: Hold on to the mountain

At dusk, the sunset glows over the vast primeval forest, as if nature has been covered with a colorful cloud. Several eagles are hovering in the sky, screaming from time to time, frightening the birds flying and playing in the canopy. They got into the bushes in panic and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Some little monkeys also became alert, raised their ears and looked around, and soon found a large group of people rushing over. They screamed and ran away and hid.

This team hurriedly rushed to the top of the mountain. They were all bare-chested, carrying bows on their backs, holding guns, and barefoot. They were running very fast. They were all dark and looked like savages, but their firm expressions were a bit cold. With murderous intent, his running seemed chaotic, but he was running in an orderly manner. No one was blocking anyone, and his speed was very fast.

The towering peaks seemed to be unable to stop the group of people. They ran with their bare feet as if they were walking on flat ground, and quickly rushed up the mountainside. More people caught up behind them, and they ran to the top of the mountain with a huff and puffs. About ten minutes later , a team fully armed and equipped to the teeth appeared, and next to it was a team with bare upper body, it was the troops led by Luo Zheng and Hu Ke.

Luo Zheng took a look at the mountain peak. Not only it was tall and straight, but there was a cloud of mist halfway up the mountain. The top of the mountain could only be vaguely visible. It was mysterious and daunting. More importantly, the mountain seemed to be pulled up from the ground and was not connected to any surrounding peaks. , the foot of the mountain is surrounded by a large dense forest.

"It's a dead place, a Jedi, but it's suitable for our current situation." Lan Xue said softly.

"The only problem is food." Luo Zheng agreed.

"I see that everyone is carrying packages, which should be food. It is enough for a week. In other words, we still have a week." Lanxing nodded and looked at the people who were struggling to climb to the top of the mountain, their calm faces A little more worried.

"This mountain is very big, and there are dense woods on the mountain. There should be wild animals, wild vegetables and the like. As long as it is controlled properly, it won't be a big problem for ten days." Guishou whispered beside him.

"Hook, take the people up first. After arriving at the cave, the team will disperse immediately. There will be a ring of warning three hundred meters below the entrance of the cave. Half the guard and the other half will clean the cave and collect dry firewood." Luo Zheng warned with a cold face, and the powerful enemy followed. Killing or escaping will only give your back to the enemy, and the losses will be unbearable. Since there is no way to escape, then rely on this mountain to garrison and act according to the opportunity.

Thinking of the powerful enemies following, the fierce blood leeches, as well as the elite troops and wild wolf mercenary groups sent by various countries, no one is easy to mess with. The total force is expected to be around two hundred, or even more. Such a powerful force The enemy would definitely not be able to stop the enemy with only a dozen of them, and even if they added nearly a thousand Huk troops, they would not have much confidence. Luo Zheng frowned and looked around carefully. There were only woods and woods. He sighed helplessly and said: "Brothers, let's go up the mountain too."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed and went up the mountain one after another.

An hour later, everyone climbed two-thirds of the way up the mountain. Sure enough, they saw a cave. The entrance of the cave was as big as a big truck. The inside was full of rocks. It was bottomless. The top of the mountain was covered with bushes. There were so many people there. It is high, there are no tall trees, and the field of view is much wider. The cave is densely packed with trees. Although it is not as tall as the ones at the foot of the mountain, it is not small.

The terrain around the foot of the mountain is flat, with towering ancient trees, the mountainside is steep, and there are many trees, but the top of the mountain has only bushes and no big trees. It is a very strange geographical environment. The wonders of nature are really incomprehensible. Luo Zheng looked at the hard rocks in the cave and loosened them. At least there is no need to worry about problems such as collapse. As for what kind of geological reasons cause the strange phenomena of this mountain, Luo Zheng is not interested and has no time to study.

Hook's men had already set up defenses 300 meters down. Luo Zheng was worried and asked the mountain eagle to take the uninjured people to help. By the way, he gave everyone tips on covert investigation methods to improve everyone's combat effectiveness. In times of crisis, everyone can only unite. Get up to have a chance of survival.

Lan Xue suddenly pointed at the flock of birds flying in the dense forest in front and said, "Here we come."

Luo Zheng was sitting high up, and when he looked up, he saw a wide field of view in front of him. Green waves were rippling in the low woods, and the tree crowns were undulating with the wind. A large number of birds were flying in a dense forest ten kilometers away in a straight line. It was obvious that someone was coming, and his face changed. Shen said, "It seems that Tang Tian is coming here with a pack of wild wolves. The others don't have such a large array, and they won't scare wild birds away. Judging from the distance, it should take an hour to arrive."

Standing high and looking far away, looking at the frightened wild birds, Luo Zheng suddenly realized that this mountain peak was not bad. No matter where the enemy came from, he could find it. Unless the wild birds were not alarmed for small-scale infiltration, it seemed that the defenses had to be deployed. After adjusting, Luo Zheng quickly said to Lan Xue and Guishou: "Deploy the defense in echelons. Our people will be arranged on the first line of defense, and Hook's people will be arranged on the next three lines of defense. Our people will observe and warn. Mainly, the defense line formed by Hook's men is more of a blocking position, and each line of defense is a hundred meters apart, how about it?"

"Okay, it's best to make a lot of traps." Guishou agreed.

Lan Xue thought about it and felt that it was feasible. The enemy was very powerful. It was meaningless for Hook's people to defend the first line of defense. They couldn't hold it at all. They could only let their own people come. If they found the enemy, they would immediately give a warning and then evacuate to the second line of defense. It was theoretically possible to block the attack and delay the enemy. He nodded in agreement and asked, "How to deploy the troops?"

"Divided into three, one class is deployed, one class is resting, and the other class is a reserve team, and the logistics are done well. There are about 300 people in each class. It is not enough to guard the entire mountain in a ring. We need to rely on the terrain to focus on defense. This task Leave it to you two?" Luo Zheng said and looked at Gui Shou and Lan Xue.

"No problem." Lan Xue and Gui Shou agreed.

Seeing that the two of them had no objections, Luo Zheng immediately called Hook and briefly explained his idea. Hook immediately agreed and called his confidants to give instructions. Lan Xue and Gui Shou followed these people to arrange the deployment of defense. Shan Diao led the people We also went down the mountainside to set up defenses. It was a matter of life and death for everyone. No one dared to be careless, so we acted very quickly.

Ten minutes later, a large number of teams left, each performing their duties and getting busy. Luo Zheng took Hu Ke aside, looked at the busy people and said: "Old friend, this battle is very crucial and there is no room for failure. I need your help." Big support and absolute trust, okay?”

"No problem, old rules, you have full command, I will listen to you." Hook naturally understood the consequences of failure in this battle. If all one thousand armed forces died on this mountain, the tribe would be doomed, and he also knew that he was not like this. As a high-level war commander, he simply gave up the command.

"Good brother." Luo Zheng gratefully gave Hook a hug and patted him on the shoulder to express his gratitude. He secretly made up his mind that he must win this battle, even if he died, and his eyes became sharp.

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