The strongest soldier

Chapter 1055 Conflict among the coalition forces

In the back mountain, Lan Xue hid in a hidden place and kept sniping at targets. There were already five enemies lying under the muzzle of Lan Xue's gun. Five people could be ignored for a large-scale battle, but for a well-trained person For an elite team, five people is equivalent to losing more than half, which is an unbearable price. You must know that each person is trained at a huge cost and time.

The mountain eagle and Lan Xue were in the shape of horns. The two of them worked together to kill the enemy. Three people were killed by the mountain eagle's gun. The ghost hand took the lead, rushing to the front line with a Type 95 assault rifle, and constantly commanding the front line troops to counterattack. The active Performance naturally becomes the number one target for hunting by the enemy, but those who try to attack Ghost Hand are preempted by Lan Xue and Mountain Eagle. Invisibly, Ghost Hand becomes a bait to attract the enemy's exposure.

Hook's tribal armed forces knew the stakes of life and death and were not timid. Coupled with the command of Ghost Hands, their combat effectiveness was greatly increased and they fought very tenaciously. Facing an attack at the level of fifty elite soldiers, they were as steady as a mountain and blocked the enemy to death. , red-eyed.

The two sides strangled for a while, and the attacking coalition forces suddenly retreated. The speed was very fast and sudden. Everyone was stunned and couldn't react for a while. Lan Xue also looked at the retreating coalition forces in surprise, unable to understand the true purpose of these people. The situation was immediately reported to Luo Zheng through the headset.

When Luo Zheng learned that the enemy had retreated, he was also startled. Even a tentative attack shouldn't end so hastily, right? Let everyone strengthen the battlefield and prepare for the war. The reserve team withdrew to rest and looked at the foot of the mountain warily. Some did not understand what the coalition army was singing.

The forest quickly returned to calm. Hook's men were reinforcing the defense line. Luo Zheng's men spread out to conduct reconnaissance to prevent the enemy from sneaking up on them. Luo Zheng was still observing the enemies at the foot of the mountain on the front battlefield. Unfortunately, the woods were too dense and they couldn't see them at all. There was no sign of the enemy, but a few wolf howls could be heard from time to time.

Not long after, Lan Xue came over with a solemn expression and whispered to Luo Zheng: "In the battle just now, thirty-two of Hook's men were killed and eighteen were injured, but eight of the enemy were also killed and not many were injured. It’s clear what they are up to. Judging from the situation at the time, as long as the attack is more determined, they can break through the defense line and charge forward.”

"Because they can't afford to lose." Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea and had some understanding. He said coldly: "If I guessed correctly, they wanted to break our defense through the back mountain attack. As a result, the other three parties of us They didn't dare to gamble without moving their troops. In addition, they lost eight people in less than five minutes of attack. This was a heavy loss in their eyes and they couldn't bear it. Don't forget that they were a coalition army with internal instability and were fighting for their own interests. There is no grievance or enmity in the union, who is willing to bear such a huge loss? Unless the blood leeches or the wild wolf mercenary group."

"It doesn't look like them. What you said makes sense. It seems that they are indeed unstable internally. This can be exploited. What are you going to do next?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice.

"It is difficult to deploy at dawn. When it gets dark, all the reserves will be dispersed and a large number of traps will be deployed within three hundred meters in front of the defense line. Even if they cannot kill the enemy, they will delay the enemy's attack. In addition, there are also gaps between the defense lines. To set up traps, the density must be high." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Okay." Lan Xue thought for a while and agreed. She glanced at the foot of the mountain, suddenly her face darkened, and continued: "We still have some button bombs, do you want to take them out? In addition, how about we two tonight? Touch it and find a way to kill the White Wolf King. Once the Wolf King dies, the wolves will disperse and they may even attack the enemy."

"It's a good idea. You can give it a try. As for the button bombs, they can be used together with traps. We can arrange this ourselves." Luo Zheng replied in a low voice, looking towards the foot of the mountain while thinking deeply.

The sky gradually darkened, and the night in the primeval forest came quickly. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain. Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows, a worried look flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "If there is any exposure tonight, The situation will be complicated, but I hope it won’t delay everyone in setting up traps.”

"Do your best and obey fate. You stay here and I'll go find Hook to make arrangements." Lan Xue said and left.

The deployment plan spread through Hook, and everyone took action. Lan Xue asked Mountain Eagle and others to assist, and everyone cut down trees to make spears. All the dozen engineer shovels brought by Luo Zheng and others were put to use to strengthen the fortifications. , without tools, they used tree trunks to pry big rocks, and then rolled the rocks to the defense line.

Except for the vigilant team, everyone else was busy. At the critical moment of life and death, no one dared to be lazy. The efficiency was very high. In order to boil the feces and refine the poisonous water, Luo Zheng and others donated their helmets. A dozen helmets were placed on the bonfire. It was filled with the feces excreted by everyone and the poisonous insects and weeds collected. The stench spread far and wide. Fortunately, everyone was smart and put it down on the top of the mountain to cook it. The stench was blown away by the wind, otherwise no one would be able to stop it. I can't stand the smell.

Luo Zheng quietly hid in a tall tree and acted as a sentinel. He calmly watched the situation at the foot of the mountain. He couldn't figure out why there was no movement from the coalition forces. His face became solemn, his eyes widened, and he did not dare to be careless at all. I'm afraid that if I miss something, the consequences will be disastrous.

What Luo Zheng didn't know was that representatives of all the coalition forces were gathering around a campfire and arguing fiercely. The reason for the argument was very simple. Piero was injured and was no longer suitable to be a coalition representative. Regarding the new coalition commander, , all forces refused to give in.

Piero glanced at the captain of the Snow Bear Special Forces with a complicated expression. As an agent of the Sam Country, Piero came to represent the interests of the country, but no one knew that Piero had another identity, that is, a spy of the Polar Bear Country. In other words By the way, Piero was a double agent. Otherwise, the Polar Bear Country would never agree to let Piero serve as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. At this time, Blood Leech said with an indifferent expression: "I don't care which of you will be the commander-in-chief. I just ask In a word, do you want to have a sneak attack tonight?"

Piero glanced at the blood leech coldly, and then his eyes fell on Tang Tian. Tang Tian did not dare to offend Sam Guo for the time being, and nodded to himself knowingly: "No matter how you fight tonight, you can do it, but someone must be the unified command. Otherwise it will be chaos, I will continue to support Mr. Piero, except for Piero, I will not accept anyone else."

"I support it too." Three representatives immediately responded.

As a result, four people supported Piero. The representative of the Polar Bear Country pretended to be helpless and said: "It's not a big problem to support Mr. Piero, but we must attack tonight and win the game, otherwise don't blame us for not supporting it." ."

Five votes in favor, plus Piero's own vote, accounted for more than half of the votes. Representatives from other parties who raised objections looked at each other and chose to remain silent.

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