The strongest soldier

Chapter 1063 Accidentally bombing the camp

In the dark night, in the dark woods, the coalition forces were on high alert, and their attention was highly focused on the battle on the mountainside ahead. The battle ahead was not going very well. Everyone did not expect that the counterattack on the top of the mountain would actually use volley tactics. In this way, not only did they make up for the The disadvantage of inaccurate marksmanship also brings out the advantage of firepower in large numbers.

No one is afraid of anything in a chaotic battle. Bullets fly randomly and shots are fired erratically. For well-trained people, they can take advantage of fleeting opportunities to fight back or even attack. However, when encountering an orderly volley of guns, the Rows of bullets attack, densely packed and very neat, like an invisible wave covering them, there is no way to avoid them. What's more terrible is that the intervals between these volleys of bullets are irregular, and they often sound when everyone is preparing to charge. Everyone had to retreat, and they were hit by volleys of guns because they were slow to react. They were either killed or maimed.

Nervous and repressed emotions occupied the minds of the coalition forces, and the strings in everyone's minds were tightened. Even Captain Snow Bear, who claimed to be invincible, had a serious expression on his face, waiting for an opportunity, behind the front-line attacking Snow Bear. The coalition forces have a deeper understanding of the power of volley tactics.

In fact, the volley gun is not accurate, it just shoots in front, but as long as you rush up, it is equivalent to actively hitting the bullets. This feeling of seeking death makes the Snow Bear team members feel aggrieved to death, and makes the Snow Bear team members even more afraid. What's more, the snipers mixed in the platoon, with precise marksmanship and keen judgment, beat the snow bear to the point where it didn't dare to show its head.

However, at this time, the sudden sound of gunshots from behind the team and the shouts of killing from the opponent suddenly broke the string in the minds of the coalition forces. The will to fight collapsed. Everyone turned around in panic and watched vigilantly. People around them didn't know who was the enemy and who was one of their own. In addition, there was already internal discord, which made the suspicion even worse.

When Luo Zheng, Gui Shou and Shan Diao saw that no one was stopping them, they were startled and immediately overjoyed. They shot and killed people when they saw them, shouting "Someone has sneaked in, kill him" and other words, and fired bullets at the enemy. The people around him thought the person who was being killed was an enemy, so they aimed their guns at him.

In the dark night, the chaotic scene, the threat of enemies lurking around them, and the depressing feeling of the war not going well, the coalition's nerves began to break down, and everyone began to distrust each other. If it was daytime, if they were not wearing night vision goggles, if they were With exclusive identification marks, everyone may be able to identify each other, but there is no such thing on the battlefield, there are only too many accidents and accidents.

The coalition forces began to shoot at each other. Some were suspicious of self-protection, some took advantage of the opportunity to shoot black guns, and some were frightened. At this moment, the camp was exploded within the coalition forces. There were gunshots, curses, and orders to gather the troops. And enough.

Luo Zheng, Gui Shou and Shan Diao took the opportunity to hide and looked at this scene in surprise. They did not expect such an effect. Luo Zheng looked at the coalition forces fighting each other and suddenly became excited. He gave Gui Shou and Shan Diao a look. The three of them rushed to one side and started fighting.

You must not go up the mountain at this time. Although the coalition forces bombed the camp, their tactical literacy was very high. They did not completely mess up their position. Instead, they retreated to both sides or the way they came. Rushing up the mountain means being exposed and will be attacked. Luo Zheng The three of them opened fire when they saw people, rushing and beating them. They didn't know how many people they killed. Gradually, they found that there was no one around. Luo Zheng immediately made a gesture, and the ghost hands and mountain eagles behind him quickly stopped. Take cover in place.

Luo Zheng hid behind a big tree and observed the surroundings. He saw more people evacuating the scene and secretly felt regretful. If he had brought Zhou Gang and others over, the result would have been even greater. However, it was not bad to have the current result. Luo Zheng estimated that the three men killed no less than thirty people, and the coalition forces killed no less than twenty people among themselves. In other words, the enemy lost a quarter of its troops.

The three of them squatted quietly behind the big tree, waiting for the opportunity to evacuate. Seeing that the coalition forces were far away, Luo Zheng did not move and continued to wait. After waiting for five minutes, there was still no enemy passing by. After retreating, they took Guishou and Mountain Eagle towards the top of the mountain.

After walking about two or three hundred meters, he suddenly saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and soon disappeared behind a big tree. Luo Zheng was shocked, thinking that he had been blinded, and quickly hid himself. The ghost behind him Hand and Mountain Eagle didn't know why, but out of their absolute trust in Luo Zheng, they quietly hid themselves and observed.

Luo Zheng looked for a while and saw no one. He thought he had indeed driven the wrong way. He blinked and confirmed again that there was still no one. He was about to move on when he suddenly saw another black shadow in front of him heading towards the top of the mountain, like a civet cat running fast in the dark night. , swift and fast.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng saw clearly this time and was sure that there was still someone up there. He couldn't help being shocked. He clenched the M4 in his hand and stared sharply ahead. He touched the headset lightly and sent out a message to Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle. At the signal of danger, Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle tapped the earphones to respond.

Luo Zheng looked up towards the top of the mountain. It was quiet. Even the torches were gone. Hook's men were still ambushing at the defense line. Zhou Gang and others were probably still scouting ahead, right? The coalition's attack was unexpectedly repelled, but some enemies chose to stay. It seemed that these people wanted to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng saw several people groping towards the top of the mountain one after another. They cooperated very closely and moved very fast. They were tall but with nimble footwork. Could it be a snow bear? But no matter who it is, they must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible. Once this group of people quietly breaks through the defense line, the consequences will be disastrous.

Seeing that this group of people was still about 200 meters away from the first line of defense, Luo Zheng calculated the distance and found that the opponent was also about 200 meters away from him. As long as the sound was low enough, the enemy would never hear it, so he lowered his voice and turned to the headset. Shouted: "Xue'er, an enemy has penetrated up, two hundred meters away from the first line of defense."

"Ah?" Lan Xue, who was taking command, didn't notice the enemy infiltration. He couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at the mountainside vigilantly and lowered his voice and asked quickly: "Exact location, do you have a plan? Are you okay?"

"It's okay. We are two hundred meters to the left of the position. Don't make any noise. Quickly notify everyone to get ready. Prepare the reserve team. Everyone waits for my order. When the gunfire rings, the reserve team will press forward."

"Understood." Lan Xue lowered her voice and agreed. Luo Zheng was using a public channel. Zhou Gang and others could also hear the call. They lowered their voices and agreed one by one. They quickly communicated with the Huk tribe armed forces around them and prepared for battle. .

An invisible murderous aura spread over the battlefield. Luo Zheng hid in the woods, calmly watching the enemies in front of him who were still slowly infiltrating forward. He sneered, put on the magazine, and slowly touched the front, with ghost hands. He Shandiao also followed closely behind, carefully changing the magazine, his eyes sharp, shining like a blade in the night.

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