The strongest soldier

Chapter 1065 Coalition Response

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight jumped out of the skyline and fell on the vast virgin forest, the forest that had been quiet all night suddenly became lively. The birds and beasts seemed not to be affected by the battle last night, and they sang and played as usual. Flying back and forth in the dense tree canopy, high in the sky, an eagle spreads its wings and soars, making a sharp whistle from time to time, arrogant and domineering, like the king of the air.

Several langurs were playing on the treetops, stopping from time to time to look curiously at the people gathered in the dense forest. Their eyes were rolling. Perhaps they sensed the dangerous aura of these people. The langurs did not dare to leave the canopy. Come down and leave quickly under the roars of a few larger langurs.

In the woods, a group of people sat together, with gloomy faces. Piero, who had old wounds that were not healed and had new ones, the Snow Bear Captain who was silent, the Blood Leech who was indifferent and silent, and another who was bowing his head in thought. Tang Tian waited. After the battle last night, everyone dispersed. When they came to think of it, the general trend had become overwhelming. They had to find a place to rest and communicate with each other. After dawn, everyone gathered again to discuss countermeasures.

"Mr. Piero, you are the commander-in-chief. Tell me, how will we fight next?" A strong man with an indifferent expression said coldly, with a bit of teasing and ridicule. During the battle last night, Piero As the commander-in-chief, you must bear the responsibility for improper command.

"That's right, we listen to you." Others agreed.

"Let me think about it." Piero couldn't see what these people were thinking. They just wanted to put themselves on the fire, but strictly speaking, he did have to bear a certain responsibility for last night's battle. He didn't think about his opponent in advance. He would take the opportunity to infiltrate behind the team and make a sneak attack. He couldn't help but glance at the silent Captain Snow Bear.

Captain Snow Bear saw Piero's eyes, but was not in the mood to speak. Piero had to smile bitterly and said proactively: "You were in danger last night and stayed for a sneak attack. Although you were unsuccessful, your combat effectiveness was very strong. It is an undoubted fact, and I believe everyone recognizes this fact. In last night’s battle, you were the front-line team, and you are most familiar with the enemy’s combat effectiveness and combat deployment. Can you tell me what you think?”

"The enemy is very cunning. He is condescending and occupies a geographical advantage. He also uses volley tactics to exert his strength advantage. Even if we have strong combat effectiveness and high shooting accuracy, we can hide in the dark and hunt the enemy, but we will not be able to attack for a while. The enemy There are more than a dozen snipers. These snipers hide in the crowd and shoot them. We have no way of finding them. We can hunt the enemy, and the enemy snipers can also shoot us. If we continue to fight, it will be a lose-lose result for both sides. Therefore, I suggest not Hard attack." Captain Snow Bear said coldly.

"Are you afraid of being beaten?" Blood Leech said coldly.

"Are you looking for death?" Captain Snow Bear roared angrily, his eyes widened, and he locked on the blood leeches. In the battle last night, although Snow Bear persisted in holding on, he was exposed afterwards and four of them were left behind. You must know that Snow Bear The Bear Team originally had only ten people. When they first arrived, they attacked the Blood Leech Base and killed two of them. Four were lost in this sneak attack, leaving only four people left. One of them was still injured. With such a big loss, Xue Captain Bear couldn't accept it. He was holding a fire in his heart and had nowhere to vent it. When the blood leech hit him, Captain Snow Bear wouldn't be polite.

However, Xuelee is not a timid person. In the battle last night, Xuelee also lost six of his men. They were secretly killed by Luo Zheng, Gui Shou and Shandiao. This made Xuelee, who had already suffered heavy losses, He was very angry, and because he had a grudge against Snow Bear, he immediately jumped up and shouted: "Come on, let's get into a fight."

"Wait a minute, you two, don't be anxious, listen to me." Piero hurriedly came out to smooth things over, while winking at the Snow Bear Captain. There were only four Snow Bears, and one was injured. Even if he could fight, he wouldn't be able to do anything. There were nearly a hundred blood leech mercenaries. Piero held the two of them and blocked the middle to prevent them from fighting.

The two of them couldn't fight directly because of Piero's face, but the hatred in their hearts became even stronger. Piero smiled bitterly and said: "You two, if we fight among ourselves, wouldn't it be a joke to the enemy? In my opinion, , let’s sit down and discuss, learn from each other’s strengths, find ways to overcome our weaknesses, and get what we want is the right way, are you all willing to fail and return?”

As soon as everyone heard the word "failure", they immediately cheered up. As a soldier, you can die, but you must not fail. Piero's words resolved everyone's tension. Everyone pondered, what if they really failed? Gui, how can I go back and explain? And the only way to succeed is to cooperate.

Everyone present was a dragon among men. After figuring out the reason, they all looked at Piero. Piero breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: "That's right. What Captain Snow Bear just said makes sense. The enemy has maximized its advantage, but our advantage has not yet been fully utilized. I have a proposal, and everyone will see if it works."

"You said it." Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"Since the enemy is condescending, holding on to the mountain, and has laid many traps on the mountainside, and our attack is restricted, why not do the opposite. We don't take the initiative to attack, everyone spreads out, hides at the foot of the mountain, and surrounds the mountain. They live in and trap them to death. There are so many of them that they eat, drink, and eat a lot every day, which can take as little as three days or as long as five days. When they can no longer bear it, we will negotiate with the Huk tribe to instigate them to rebel. Even if we cannot instigate rebellion, We can defeat them too." Piero said confidently.

Everyone was a human being. They understood Piero's tactical core and advantages as soon as they heard it. They all began to think deeply. Captain Snow Bear pondered for a moment and then said: "We are at the foot of the mountain. This forest has inexhaustible resources." They are in the mountains with limited products and no food available. We hide in the dense forest at the foot of the mountain. As long as they come down from the mountain, we will shoot and kill them, and we will take advantage of our advantage. It is feasible."

Piero secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Captain Snow Bear agreed with his plan. In fact, the reason why Snow Bear agreed with this plan was because he did not have enough manpower. In this way, he could stabilize everyone and find opportunities to secretly Sneak up the mountain and steal things.

Blood Leech still wanted to take the initiative to attack, but with the approval of Tang Tian and others, there was nothing more to say. Even if the big strategy was decided, the next step was the issue of manpower deployment. The mountain was very big. How to deploy the troops and who would defend them. What areas must be demarcated in advance so that accountability can be facilitated if problems arise.

Piero turned on his mobile phone and called up a satellite aerial photo of the mountain. He divided the area into ten. Each force was stationed in an area. Everyone made their own choices. Tang Tian had already begun to think about retreating and was determined to preserve his combat effectiveness. They chose a place at random, and everyone else also made their choices. When Piero saw that the place chosen by Blood Leech was close to the snow bear, Piero couldn't help but feel nervous and worried, but he didn't express any doubts.

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