The strongest soldier

Chapter 1075 Chasing the Remnants

"The coalition troops withdrew too quickly. The troops had not had time to encircle them, so they dispersed and broke out. They were preparing to split up their forces to pursue them. Are you okay?" Lan Xue's angry voice sounded in the headset, followed by intensive gunshots.

"Let Zhou Gang and the others lead the hunt. Each one will bring about a hundred people. Don't let anyone go. Blue Star, can you hear me? Provide satellite help to Zhou Gang and the others. Be sure to lock in the evacuated enemies. Also, tell Hook. , these are all prisoners who can be exchanged for good things in the future." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes." Everyone's answer sounded almost simultaneously in the headset.

Luo Zheng heard the intensive gunshots that sounded from time to time in the headset, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the two captured people. The two people looked cold and lowered their heads in thought. Luo Zheng's eyes passed over the two people and looked at the vast forest in the distance. There was no joy at repelling the enemy. On the contrary, there was more worry. The coalition represented the country. Even if they were captured and defeated, it did not mean that the country behind them had admitted defeat. I believe that various counterattacks and revenge would follow, right?

Without the armed forces of the Huk tribe, Luo Zheng would not be afraid of any country's retaliation at all. No one can bear the anger of the Huaxia Kingdom, but Huk contributed a lot this time. Luo Zheng could not leave Huk alone. He had to think of something The best of both worlds will work. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng said through the headset: "Squadron leader, special passage."

"Here, wait a moment." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

After a while, Hong Meihua signaled that the call had been transferred to a special channel, which meant that only two people could hear the call. Luo Zheng said thoughtfully: "The coalition forces have retreated, and Hook has helped a lot. We can't leave Hook behind." Regardless, the coalition's revenge is not something the Huk tribe can bear. Is it possible to get a batch of weapons, such as heavy machine guns and grenades?"

"Understood, I'll report it as soon as possible." Hong Meihua said knowingly. When weapons were involved, Hong Meihua couldn't agree directly. She could only go through the procedures and report it. As for whether to approve or not, the higher ups needed various political considerations, and Hong Meihua couldn't control it. Luo Zheng couldn't control it either.

Luo Zheng said understandingly: "I understand, let me know immediately if there is any news."

The two briefly chatted for a few words, and then the call was transferred to the public channel. Luo Zheng heard the intensive gunfire from time to time, and knew that it was Lan Xue and others who were chasing the evacuating coalition forces. In the battle just now, the coalition forces suffered a lot of losses, with only three soldiers. Forty people broke out and broke out, and more than a dozen others were shot to death.

There were eight or nine hundred people in the Huk tribe's armed forces, and they were all furious. They finally had this opportunity to pursue and take revenge, so they naturally would not miss it. Eight or nine hundred people chased and killed thirty or forty people, and they even broke out in separate groups. In groups of three and five, Luo Zheng asked Zhou Gang and others to lead a hundred people each to chase them. The problem should not be too big.

The pursuit continued, and Luo Zheng did not dare to be idle. He let Ghost Hands and Mountain Eagles lurk around, and beware of the enemy's resurgence. The two hostages captured were an example. Lei Jian, Zhang Fan and other injured brothers were in the cave. Inside, he was also ready for battle. Luo Zheng stood guard at the entrance of the cave, hiding under a stone, leaning against the stone, staring at the surroundings with cold eyes, while thinking about how to deal with the counterattack of the coalition countries next.

More than an hour later, Lang Sen came over with more than a dozen people escorting two prisoners. Luo Zheng signaled Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle to stay still. He went up to check and found that the prisoners were actually of oriental race. His face darkened and he shouted: : "Which country are you from?"

The two of them were silent, looking at Luo Zheng's eyes filled with ferocious light. Luo Zheng pointed at the two prisoners over there angrily and made a binding gesture. Lang Sen nodded knowingly, took off the two prisoners, They tore their clothes apart and trapped their hands and feet. They also asked people to find tough vines from the surroundings and tie them into rice dumplings.

Luo Zheng looked at the two people who were tied into rice dumplings, and felt a little better. He sneered: "For the sake of soldiers, I didn't intend to embarrass you. Since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being rude." As he spoke, he made a few gestures to Lang Sen, instructing him to take care of the prisoners on the spot.

Lang Sen was a little unwilling and wanted to continue chasing the prisoners, but seeing that there was no one else near the cave, and respecting Luo Zheng, he nodded and agreed, and had people bring vines and tie the first two prisoners into rice dumplings.

After coming over for a while, people came over one after another, escorting the prisoners, in twos and threes. Seeing that Luo Zheng was in a much better mood, all the prisoners were tied into rice dumplings. The people in Langsen were very experienced, and the trees and vines were very tough, even if they were The wild boar was tied up like this, and it was impossible for him to escape. Luo Zheng was very relieved.

Another two hours passed, and more prisoners were brought up. Luo Zheng remembered that many of the wounded had left early, and they had already offended all the coalition countries. He didn't care if he did it more ruthlessly, so he immediately informed everyone through the headset to continue the pursuit, letting Lan Xing sent Lan Xue, Zhou Gang and others the location of the enemy who had already evacuated.

Time gradually passed, and unknowingly at dusk, there were more than 20 prisoners. Some of the returning team stayed behind, and more people went out again to join the pursuit of the coalition forces. Langsen led the people to continue. The prisoners were left behind to take care of them and failed to participate in the pursuit. Lang Sen was furious and would kick any prisoner he didn't like. As long as he didn't kill him, Luo Zhengquan pretended that he didn't see him and continued to think about the plan for the aftermath.

After dark, the team pursuing the coalition forces had not returned yet. Luo Zheng contacted everyone and knew that the progress was good, so he waited with peace of mind. Until the next morning, teams came back one after another with prisoners, and the chasing team also There were varying degrees of casualties, which was to be expected. After all, the coalition forces were not vegetarians.

At noon, Lan Xue and Hook came back with more than a dozen captives. Hook looked excited, Lan Xue had a cold face, and her pretty eyebrows were slightly knitted. She didn't know what she was thinking about. Luo Zheng glanced at the captives and didn't know. After knowing each other, he looked at Lan Xue with concern and asked, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. These are the coalition forces that evacuated before and were overtaken by us. However, victory on the battlefield does not mean winning the war. The coalition countries will definitely counterattack. What do you think of this?" Lan Xue lowered her voice and spoke in Chinese Mandarin. said.

"I have also thought about this issue. Let's discuss it later." Luo Zheng whispered, signaling Lan Xue to calm down. He turned to Hook and said in international lingua franca: "Old friends, we won the battle. , I have to thank you for your help, count the casualties, and evacuate here as soon as possible."

"Okay." When Hook heard the word casualties, his expression suddenly became sad and angry. He agreed and commanded his team. Although the battle was won, the Huk tribe's armed losses were not small. As the tribe leader, Hook felt very uncomfortable, and his eyes turned evil when he looked at the prisoner.

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