The strongest soldier

Chapter 1099 Sniper Plane

All this time, Luo Zheng has been thinking about what the enemy's conspiracy might be. He never thought that it would be Apache. This is completely unreasonable. There are many countries around. How did the enemy's Apache avoid the radar of surrounding countries? Flying here? Aren’t you afraid of other countries’ condemnation and provoking a war?

After all calculations, Luo Zheng failed to calculate the enemy's determination, and actually risked triggering a war by secretly deploying Apaches to join the war. This move completely disrupted Luo Zheng's deployment and completely destroyed Luo Zheng's plans. Angry, he gave the order to countercharge. He also jumped out of the bunker and rushed forward. He was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, Lan Xue had given the order to fight with the enemy before, and most of them had already fought with the enemy. When they were fighting together, the Apaches were afraid of hurting their own people, so they only attacked those behind them, otherwise the losses would be even worse.

Everyone saw the miserable situation of their former companions being beaten to pieces by the Apache, and they were all angry. They rushed forward with howls and screams, completely disregarding the danger of their lives, and launched a desperate charge like hungry wolves, fighting with the enemy. The gardener and others also became angry and broke out with amazing fighting power. They fought two against one and fought with their lives against the enemy.

The enemy did not expect that the Apaches would not only break their courage and break the morale of the army, but instead charge like crazy. They were immediately panicked. The twenty or so enemies in the middle were swarmed by the gardener and others, and they were all injured and killed. , soon became unable to resist, and were defeated one after another. The gardener and others pulled out their pistols and shot them all, knocking them all to the ground.

The enemies on both sides were also panicked, especially the side that was being watched by the Eagle Squadron. They were also very wary of the snipers. Now the armed forces of the Huk tribe charged forward desperately, making it difficult for everyone to retreat. Retreating meant handing your back to a sniper, which would undoubtedly lead to death.

The mountain eagle and his men rushed forward, and the armed members of the Huk tribe also attacked frantically from the other side. As a result, the casualties of the two dozen enemies increased rapidly and the retreat speed was accelerated. At this time, the gardener led the People rushed over and cut off the team's retreat.

Encircled on three sides, they fought tenaciously in the face of an enemy whose strength was several times their own. They fought very resolutely. They were indeed a fierce force, but they only lasted two minutes before being defeated. Everyone swarmed up and killed all the troops. All the enemies were beaten into sieves by the angry people.

When Luo Zheng rushed up, no one in the team was spared. Luo Zheng was about to order the team to intercept the enemies entangled by the ghost hands. Suddenly, he heard Apache turning around and flying over. His face changed greatly and he quickly shouted: " Quickly, spread out, take cover, gardener, find a way to take your people back to the valley and find the anti-aircraft reserves."

"Understood." The gardener shouted loudly.

"I'll go with you." Hook shouted. The anti-aircraft reserve team was delayed in launching an attack. This made Hook very angry. He followed the gardener and ran towards the valley.

Everyone spread out, looking for a big tree to hide in. Everyone had seen an Apache attack once, and with experience, they knew what kind of big tree couldn't be penetrated. However, before everyone could take cover, the Apache struck. Flying over, the terrifying bullets flew over fiercely again. Many people's bodies were directly exploded, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng punched the tree hard, eyes wide open, staring at the flying Apache, gritting his steel teeth, seeing the corpses on the ground, he was so angry that he couldn't help but tighten his grip. The sniper rifle was aimed at the past, but he quickly put it down, replaced the incendiary bomb, and roared: "Mountain Eagle, armor-piercing incendiary bomb."

"Understood." The mountain eagle roared.

Armor-piercing explosive incendiary bombs can penetrate 10mm homogeneous steel plates at a distance of 800 meters and at an angle of 30 degrees. The enemy Apache's flight height is only 500 meters. It is really arrogant. The air defense reserve team has not come yet. After all, there is no formal system. The trained tribal armed forces could not be counted on. If they waited any longer, everyone would be dead. Luo Zheng decided to give it a try, but he also knew that he would not be able to do it alone, and more people would be needed to take action at the same time.

The Apache made a mighty U-turn, but did not fly towards everyone, but rushed towards the valley. Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly his face was horrified, his eyes widened with anger, almost ready to spit fire, and he watched the Apache launch it. The rockets were attacking in the valley, which was full of civilians.

"You bastard, fight it out." Luo Zheng was filled with rage, roared, and rushed forward.

"Fight it." The mountain eagle and others also roared angrily and rushed forward with cold faces.

The Huk tribe's armed forces fought for everyone and got involved in this war. The innocent tribe was attacked. As a soldier, everyone felt shame and guilt. What was left was only anger and hatred for the enemy. Luo Zheng rushed furiously Moving forward, he looked like a wounded Lion King, his eyes fixed on the Apache flying arrogantly in the sky.

"Whoops!" Another rocket flew out and headed straight for a densely populated area.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng's face became ferocious, and he rushed forward with long strides. Suddenly, a flying shovel stopped on one side of his body. The foot that flew forward even flattened the ground, and the soil splashed. Luo Zheng quickly He raised his gun and aimed at the Apache in the air while kneeling.

At this time, the mountain eagle and others also rushed up, fell to the ground with a flying shovel, stopped, and quickly knelt down to take aim, with a cold expression and murderous intent. A dozen people lined up almost in a row, all locked on the Apache. , it has been a few minutes since the Apache came here, and the ammunition is probably all gone. After firing the last two rockets, it is probably going to run away.

If Apache was let go, Luo Zheng would not be ashamed to see Hook. His face was cold, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he stared at Apache like a god of murder. A cold chill was exuding from his whole body, and the air around him seemed to be... Everyone was frozen by the cold air. Soon, Luo Zheng locked the direction of the nose of the plane and shouted coldly: "Everyone listen to my order and aim at the fuel tank or the tail of the plane as much as possible. Three, two, one, kill!"

"Kill!" Everyone roared angrily, as if a tiger was roaring. The murderous aura soaring into the sky pierced the sky, attracting the attention of everyone around. The strong fighting spirit even scared the falling night back. Generally, murderous intent, fighting spirit and hatred are merged into the armor-piercing incendiary bomb of the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Boom!" More than a dozen sniper rifles sounded almost at the same time. The furious sound of bullets coming out of the barrel was like the sound of nature. It gave everyone hope and the possibility of revenge. Everyone looked nervously at the Apache flying high in the sky.

A dozen rounds of armor-piercing incendiary bombs drew a dozen angry impact lines, carrying everyone's hope and anger, and slammed into the target. At the critical moment of life and death, stimulated by endless anger and fighting spirit, everyone burst out Achieved the highest level of sniping in his life.

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