The strongest soldier

Chapter 1109 Blow the Bloody Path

Holding on to the danger can block the enemy with the help of favorable terrain. In the absence of external aid, this is the best choice when facing a strong enemy. Hook was beside him and immediately said: "Yes, there is, but the distance is too far. It should be in It's outside the encirclement, that's over there, about ten kilometers away, with steep sides on three sides and a cliff on one side. Below the cliff is a river, and the mountain is about 200 meters high." Hook quickly pointed to one side and said.

It was dark in front and nothing could be seen. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said: "It's right there. Everyone, spread out, prepare for battle, and meet our people."

Everyone spread out, looking for a place to hide, and looked at the place where the gunshots were fired with cold eyes. Judging from the intensive gunshots, there should be more than 200 enemies. This is just the exposed firepower point. Who knows if there are more Are the enemies coming up in covert search? Everyone did not dare to be careless and waited as if facing a formidable enemy.

Not long after, the mountain eagle hurried over with his team, followed by the gardener, who led people to meet him. Behind the gardener was the enemy, about two hundred meters away. From time to time, someone fired, and the light of the shooting exposed the pursuers. Position, there are people on both sides who have also withdrawn, carrying RPGs one by one. It is the scholar and the farmer who are going to meet the ghost hand. The two are also followed by pursuers, not far apart.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly, knowing that the enemy was determined to fight to the death this time. Behind him were pursuers and surrounded by powerful enemies. No matter how he looked at the situation, the situation was not good for him. If he wanted to break the situation and reverse it, the best The way is to control the rhythm of the battle yourself and let the enemy follow his own rhythm, instead of passively defending and counterattacking.

"Hook, arrange for people to lead the way, gardeners, scholars, farmers, and monks. Charge in steps. If you encounter the enemy, just bombard me with RPGs and fight a bloody path as quickly as possible. Mountain Eagle, take your People mix in the team, sniper to cover the charge, others stay behind, everyone retreats." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, with murderous intent.

"Yes!" Everyone roared in low voices, their fighting spirit was like fire, and their morale soared to the sky, as if they were going to pierce the dark night.

The team began to retreat in an orderly manner. Scholars, monks, farmers, and gardeners rushed forward with their people. Huk tribe armed forces carrying ammunition were also among them. Like a huge rushing wave, with the momentum of sweeping everything, they quickly disappeared into the woods. Inside, the mountain eagle and his men were mixed in with the team, providing sniper cover for everyone at any time. Hook led the remaining team to protect Luo Zheng and others and began to retreat.

Everyone retreated quickly and resolutely. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue took out the button bombs from their backpacks and gave some to the ghost hands who had run out. The three of them quickly laid mines on the way back and detonated them at regular intervals to see if they could directly kill the enemy. It's not important, it can only play a role in slowing down the enemy's pursuit speed.

Along the way, nearly twenty button bombs were planted on the retreat road at regular intervals. Everyone quickly retreated, and soon heard the explosion behind them. Everyone ran without looking back. No one dared to be careless when it came to life and death. , for fear of falling behind and becoming the prey of the enemy.

The scholar who rushed in front ran wildly with his brothers in his team. Soon, the mountain eagle and his men caught up. The two exchanged a tacit look. Without any nonsense, they continued running, following the guide arranged by Hook. Rushing, the rapidly marching team carried a violent murderous aura, like a volcano erupting at any time. The dignified special forces soldiers were chased and beaten by the enemy. Although the enemy was very strong, everyone held a fire in their hearts and was eager to vent it.

Not long after, an enemy situation appeared in front. The mountain eagle waved its big hand, suddenly accelerated, and led the two people to rush forward. They didn't even look for a place to hide. They used their speed to avoid the lock of the enemy in front, and quickly fired back. The three The people opened fire at the same time, sniping down the enemy at the front.

The scholar and others have long known that the mountain eagle is very powerful, but they have never seen it. The sudden acceleration and use of combat sniper skills just now made everyone stunned and fascinated, and their morale increased greatly. The scholar shouted: "Brother, good tactics, be careful There’s more ahead.”

The mountain eagle hunting a target did not relax, but continued to run wildly, like a cheetah in the woods, darting left and right, making it difficult for the naked eye to lock on. Zhou Gang and Wu Yuan, who were following closely behind the mountain eagle, also scattered left and right. Always maintain a triangular attack formation with the mountain eagle, and constantly fire on the surrounding woods.

The scholar and others didn't know whether the three of them had hit the target. It was too dark to see clearly, but seeing the burst of speed and excellent shooting of the three of them, every time the bullets fired secretly missed, they knew that the three of them must have hit the target. A lot of achievements were made. It was a pity to waste rockets on a single enemy. The scholar knew that Luo Zheng's purpose of arranging mountain eagle sniper cover was to hunt down these single enemies. He did not fire immediately, but shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, did you see that? The speed that I was once proud of is just rubbish in front of them, speed it up for me, don't let others look down on you, follow me and kill."

"Kill!" The special forces all had their own pride. At this moment, everyone was stimulated by the performance of the mountain eagle and others. They all burst out at an unprecedented speed, screaming and rushing forward. Their morale was like a rainbow, and their sharp eyes were fixed. Stare ahead and be on high alert.

Soon, the counterattacks in front became intensive. Shandiao and others quickly found a place to hide and signaled to the scholar. The scholar nodded knowingly, stopped with a flying shovel, and roared: "Brothers, it's our turn to perform. , give me a good shot and kill—"

"Kill -" everyone shouted, hiding one after another, aiming forward, and quickly pulled the trigger.

The rockets roared and rushed forward, bringing everyone's endless anger and fighting spirit, drawing terrifying lines of fire in the night. In an instant, countless explosions sounded, and terrifying red lights flashed, swallowing up the night sky. Everything, fragments flew randomly, and the explosion shock waves superimposed, like a storm, destroying everything around it.

"It's our turn, brothers, go up and do the fucking thing." Just when the explosion sounded, the gardener roared and rushed forward for more than 20 meters. At this time, the explosion stopped and the smoke had not dispersed. , the gardener quickly squatted down, not trying to hide at all, carrying the RPG and aiming at the place in front where the gunshots were heard, and without hesitation pulled the trigger. The gardener's troops were not to be left behind, and opened fire one after another.

Another round roared away, blowing up the woods in front of them beyond recognition. It was so terrifying that the entire night sky seemed to collapse. After the monk's people fired the rockets, they, like the scholar's people, did not move immediately. It was a signal to the people of the Huk tribe who were carrying the shells to reload immediately.

At this time, the farmer and the gardener took turns rushing forward, blasting with rockets, like huge waves, launching wave after wave of attacks on the enemies in front. Luo Zheng's order was to use the fastest speed. The speed created a bloody path. Everyone knew the helplessness and urgency behind this order, and they carried it out resolutely without hesitation.

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