The strongest soldier

Chapter 1113. There are mistakes.

Luo Zheng's risk-taking charge was more effective, disrupting the enemy's rhythm and attracting more people's firepower. After the coalition forces learned that Luo Zheng had come in person, more people surrounded and attacked the people on the mountain. Slowly, it weakened by half. As a result, Luo Zheng's pressure increased sharply. Fortunately, it was night, the visibility was very low, and the movement speed was fast enough, the coalition forces could only roughly judge Luo Zheng's position.

After charging for a while, Luo Zheng felt that the gunshots around him were getting denser and more intimidating, and he did not dare to stay any longer. He estimated that everyone had almost dug the trenches, so he fired at the enemies who were rushing towards them, killing them. After suppressing the offensive, he shouted through the headset: "Hook, your people will withdraw immediately."

"No, you retreat first." Hook shouted without hesitation.

"Obey orders on the battlefield." Luo Zheng shouted, while firing at the enemies around him, his expression was as serious as iron, and his fighting spirit was burning like a god of war.

Hook did not insist, and led his team to retreat while fighting. Luo Zheng followed closely, guarding the rear for everyone, constantly changing positions, relying on the surrounding terrain and trees to hide, so as not to be targeted by enemy snipers. When the coalition forces saw that they were about to withdraw, how could they agree? , regardless of concealment, rushed forward and fired fiercely.

Everyone had to find a place to hide and fight back. Hook shouted something in dialect. After a while, a large number of armed men came roaring in. They were not afraid of death. They fired dense bullets at the chasing enemies. The Hook tribe suddenly launched an attack. The coalition was frightened and the offensive was put down.

"Quickly retreat." Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this situation. Any movement of the team meant that the defense line was loose, and the coalition forces might attack from other places. Luo Zheng fought and retreated while shouting through the headset: "Scholar, brother A few of them, give these bastards a good beating and cover their retreat."

"Yes!" The scholar and others had basically dug the trench. After receiving Luo Zheng's order, they quickly threw down their engineer shovels, picked up their weapons and went into battle. Everyone's guns were equipped with infrared macro sights, and the dark In the woods, the outlines of people could still be distinguished within 200 meters. Everyone saw the enemy taking the opportunity to charge and opened fire one after another.

It has to be said that opportunities on the battlefield change rapidly. It depends on whether you can seize it and grasp it well. Seeing that the coalition forces were encircling them, Hook was worried about Luo Zheng's safety and asked other people under his command to come over to help. Although the siege was solved, It caught the enemy off guard, but also made other lines of defense loose.

The coalition forces seized the opportunity and rushed up. Naturally, they had to come out of the bunker. After running a few meters, the scholar and others began to fight back. They happened to see the exposed coalition forces. They were not armed with the Huk tribe. Each of them had excellent marksmanship. Less than two people There was almost no pressure on Baimi. He roared and fired one after another, knocking down the enemies who were rushing up. One guy killed more than thirty of them.

The sudden sound of gunfire startled the coalition forces and they all took cover. At this time, Luo Zheng shouted for everyone to retreat. Hook led the people and ran up the mountain. At this time, the coalition forces were beaten by the scholar and others. After getting up, everyone took the opportunity to rush up the mountain for more than ten meters. Luo Zheng fell behind the team, and the sound of sniper rifles kept ringing in his ears. The enemy's firepower that was just exposed was instantly destroyed. He knew that the mountain eagle and his people were providing sniper cover for him, otherwise, The reckless rush just now was enough to kill him a few times.

What is fought for on the battlefield is individual combat ability, and what is even more important is team combat ability. It is precisely because of the powerful brothers like the mountain eagles watching behind that Luo Zheng dares to lead the team to rush into battle. Everyone strives to climb up the mountain, and soon, The enemy also reacted, and the sound of intensive bullet counterattacks sounded again.

Luo Zheng suddenly felt the pressure doubled and had to find a place to hide. At this time, the scholar and others turned their guns and aimed at the enemy behind Luo Zheng and fired. In the dark forest, the fire points were particularly eye-catching. Everyone just aimed at the exposed fire points and shot them. , even if it cannot hit the enemy, it can still form a powerful deterrent.

Accurate shooting suppressed the coalition's attack again. Everyone took the opportunity to climb up the mountain. Luo Zheng followed closely behind, using his hands and feet together. It was easy to go down the mountain, just jump down. It was difficult to go up the mountain, the road was steep and difficult, and it was difficult to walk up the mountain. It was dark, but luckily I was wearing night vision goggles. There were many trees around, so I just climbed up by climbing on them.

Under the cover of the scholar and others, everyone rushed upwards and soon reached the trench. They jumped into the trench to hide and felt much safer. Luo Zheng asked Hook to command the team to spread out along the trench to build a defense line. Hook After agreeing to command the team, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief with the trench as a defense line. He sat in the trench and took a deep breath. The charge just now almost exhausted all Luo Zheng's energy. When he retreated, he used up his last bit of energy. Squeeze dry.

"Scholar, take command." Luo Zheng finally took a breath and shouted loudly.

The scholar did not pretend, he agreed, took over the command, and deployed his own people according to the enemy's attack force deployment. Shandiao led the people over, hunched over and squatted in front of Luo Zheng, looked over with concern, and confirmed that Luo Zheng He breathed a sigh of relief after he was fine. As for the injuries, who wouldn't be injured on the battlefield?

"Take your men and go to the other side immediately for support. There are trenches here and the enemy can't attack." Luo Zheng breathed heavily and warned, his chest heaving up and down and the pain was unstoppable. Luo Zheng knew that his internal injuries were getting worse, so he frowned and endured. Don't dare to show it, which affects the morale of the army.

The mountain eagle agreed and led the men forward quickly along the trench. Each of them hunched over, like the god of death stalking in the dark night, and quickly disappeared. Luo Zheng took a big breath to calm down his fast-beating heartbeat, and then shouted through the headset Said: "Xue'er, what's going on over there?"

"There aren't many enemies. We can stop them. Are you okay?" Lan Xue asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry, you must hold on until dawn. The mountain eagle has brought people over to help you. The trench on my side has been repaired, don't worry." Luo Zheng said seriously, stood up, lay down on the trench, and looked at Looking forward coldly, he found that the enemy had begun to attack.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't figure out why the enemy was so eager to attack. It was so dark that it was detrimental to both sides. At this time, the scholar's words rang in the headset: "Brothers, the snipers are using incendiary bombs." Attack, the commando controls the heavy machine gun, and the others will beat these bastards hard and kill them."

"Kill!" Everyone in the trenches roared. Everyone did not participate in the battle just now and were busy building trenches. Everyone was holding their breath. Especially Luo Zheng, in order to buy everyone time, he did not hesitate to charge into the enemy's position and almost almost There was no way he could come back, which made everyone even more angry. They were all screaming with murderous intent.

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