The strongest soldier

Chapter 1115 Everyone makes preparations

Surrounded by powerful enemies, there was no food on the mountain. Faced with this situation, even Luo Zheng and others had no choice. However, after hearing Hook's method, their eyes lit up and they smiled. Hook's method was very simple. The people left from the back mountain, quietly infiltrated back into the valley, and organized people to quietly deliver food. Everyone brought special ropes, which were enough to be two hundred meters long. When the time came, they could just use the ropes to hoist the food up.

The back mountain is a cliff. You can go down with a rope. There is a river under the cliff, which cannot stop people who know how to swim across it. When the food arrives, no one needs to bring it up. You can just pull it up with a rope. There are dense forests and rivers under the cliff, so it is very hidden. Strong, just deliver food without worrying about being discovered and blocked by the enemy.

This plan was approved by everyone, and the person responsible for executing it was Lang Sen, the best at camouflage in the Hook tribe. Hook explained the situation to Lang Sen seriously, and Lang Sen agreed. Luo Zheng asked Ghost Hands to help, and put the things in everyone's backpacks. He took out some special ropes and went to the back mountain with Lang Sen.

The problem of food was solved. Facing powerful enemies with trenches and traps set by button bombs, Luo Zheng suddenly felt much more relaxed. Next was the problem of water. This was even more difficult for the Huk tribe who had been living in the virgin forest for generations. The indigenous people cut down trees and hollowed out the heart of the trees to make containers to catch the rain falling from the sky at any time.

It rains at any time in the virgin forest, the air is humid, and the water problem is not a problem. In this way, all survival problems have basically been solved. The rest depends on the specific implementation effect. After thinking about it for a while, we decided to dig an extra trench. , the same goes for the mountain on the other side. This task was given to the people of the Huk tribe. They had ready-made trenches to imitate, and the dug trenches were not too bad.

The people from the Huk tribe were responsible for digging trenches. Luo Zheng divided the scholars, farmers, gardeners and monks into two parts. One part went to lay mines, the other part was responsible for guarding, and the wounded were responsible for collecting dry firewood and other supplies. Everyone took action. Time is running out and the enemy may attack at any time, so preparations must be made as soon as possible.

Everyone began to get busy, but Luo Zheng was lying in the trench to rest, using the breathing method passed down from his family to regulate his internal injuries. The successive battles made the injuries a lot worse. Luo Zheng felt that he was getting weaker. If this continues, his body may bear the burden. No, Lan Xue worriedly stood guard next to him.

In a forest five kilometers away from Luo Zheng and others, a bonfire was lit on the ground. A group of people were sitting quietly by the bonfire, thinking silently. One of them was none other than Jackson, a heavily armed man. The soldier trotted up to Jackson, whispered a few words and then left. A flash of light flashed in Jackson's calm eyes, his face became serious, he coughed lightly, attracted everyone's attention and said: "Everyone, I just received the news that our opponent has not stopped and is probably setting a trap."

When everyone heard the word trap, they thought of the last battle. Jackson did not participate in the last battle, so he probably didn’t understand traps well enough, but he had also heard everyone describe them. His cold eyes passed over everyone present. He continued coldly: "In tonight's battle, both the enemy and us will have their own victory or defeat. I have to say that we have all underestimated the enemy's strength and do not know enough about the enemy. What should we do next? Let's talk about it."

"In my opinion, it's better to turn around and go back. As long as we can control the people in the valley, force Hook to hand over his weapons and the people we are looking for, and even force Hook to switch sides, why bother fighting them here." One person said angrily. suggested.

Everyone just listened indifferently, neither objecting nor approving, as if the matter had nothing to do with them, but the eyes looking at the bonfire were disdainful, sarcastic, and also intended to move. Jackson looked at each other coldly and remained motionless. He said seductively: "Let's talk about dealing with civilians later. Our mission is to capture the target. No matter life or death, the target is on the mountain. Do you want to think about how to attack?"

"If the enemy is preparing a trap, it will become more difficult to attack. We have only two options. First, take advantage of the enemy's unsteady footing and launch a strong attack before the trap is set up. If you are afraid, my people can take the lead. Second, Second, besiege them and trap them to death on the mountain." A strong man said coldly.

Jackson glanced at the opponent and found out that he was the captain of the Snow Bear Special Forces. In the last battle, a captain of the Snow Bear Special Forces was captured alive. The Snow Bears were ridiculed, which was the greatest shame. This time, another team was sent to avenge the shame. , it is said that the combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the last team, but no one has seen it.

Soldiers respect the strong, and their fists speak for themselves, but soldiers will not give in easily. Everyone does not know enough about the strength of this Snow Bear special team, so naturally they will not give enough respect. The same goes for Jackson, who just maintains enough etiquette and said lightly : "The attacking troops discovered the trenches. Attacking them will only cause us heavy losses. I gave the order to retreat. Are you doubting my command ability?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his words.

The Polar Bear Country and the Sam Country had never dealt with each other. They had had hatred for generations. The Snow Bear Captain glanced at Jackson with disdain. Considering that the war was about to begin, it would be detrimental to him to make too many enemies. He did not attack, but said coldly. Said: "Your command ability has been proven by facts. After a planned siege, you still lost your opponent and suffered heavy losses. I believe you are ready to explain this result to other countries, right?"

"Of course, whether it's wrong or right, you don't have the final say. The battle plan is jointly discussed by everyone and reported to all countries for approval. Even if there is a mistake, it is a joint decision-making mistake. Besides, I don't think we lost. Battle loss ratio? Everyone is about the same, what is the battle situation? The enemy is surrounded by us on the mountain, where do you think we lost?" Jackson said unhurriedly, a look of cruelty flashed in his cold eyes.

If we really want to talk about winning or losing, Captain Snow Bear can't find fault. At most, he failed to achieve the purpose of the battle, but who can tell clearly what happens on the battlefield? Seeing that the other party had stopped talking, Jackson glanced at everyone with a cold gaze and continued: "Everyone, we are a coalition. I hope that everyone will not have any selfish intentions, unite sincerely, and work together to complete the task. Otherwise, you and I Just like last time, we will swallow the bitter fruit of defeat, become a sinner of the country, and go back in despair."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Jackson. As a proud soldier, no one was willing to bear the bitter consequences of failure. One of them shouted: "It's useless to talk too much nonsense. Let's discuss the next battle."

"That's right." Everyone agreed.

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