The strongest soldier

Chapter 1117 Ninja Reappears

On the battlefield, veterans who have been on the line of life and death all year round have an unimaginable intuition about danger. It is a bit mysterious, but it is real. Just like an ordinary person walking alone in the dark, he can feel someone following him without looking. Everyone feels it, this is intuition, and soldiers have a keener intuition, and can even sense the approaching danger in advance and make the instinct to save themselves.

Luo Zheng instinctively pulled Lan Xue and jumped into the trench. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng's solemn face, he cautiously put his head out to observe. Knowing and discovering, his heart tightened, he tightened the sniper rifle in his hand, and walked away quickly. After a few steps, he went to the other side and observed vigilantly, while asking in a low voice: "Did you notice the enemy situation?"

"Something doesn't feel right. I seem to have seen someone flash by. I couldn't see clearly. It was too dark and the other party was very fast." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said while quickly turning on the headset and seriously warned: "Brothers, start fighting. When you are energetic, it seems that someone has infiltrated us. Light a bonfire two hundred meters ahead and twenty meters apart. Hook, I’ll leave this to you.”

"Okay." Hook agreed and gathered people to prepare.

"Mountain Eagle, take your people to be alert and use incendiary bombs if you find the enemy." Luo Zheng continued to explain.

"Yes." The mountain eagle lowered his voice and agreed.

After taking appropriate measures, Luo Zheng continued to calmly observe the area where the enemy was found. It was so dark that nothing could be seen. Luo Zheng guided Hook through the headset and asked Hook to arrange for people to go to that area to light a fire first. It is better to alert the enemy than to be infiltrated and assassinated by the enemy.

Bonfires were lit in piles, illuminating the woods below the mountainside. Everyone continued to be busy, and were not disturbed by the enemies that appeared. They were secretly prepared to deal with it. After a while, everyone did not find any suspicious characters, and no one relaxed. This It is not easy to seep through time.

Luo Zheng looked around in surprise. The enemy did not appear, but Luo Zheng believed in his intuition. If it were before, Luo Zheng would definitely go out to search, but now his injury has not healed and he cannot fight with high intensity. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly He found a man wearing camouflage combat uniforms approaching with a gun, not far away from him.

Everyone was busy. This person came over as if nothing happened. This situation was a bit strange. Luo Zheng looked over in surprise. It was too dark and he could only see a rough outline. Plus, the other person was wearing camouflage combat uniforms and everyone's equipment. It's almost the same, the only difference is that the opponent doesn't have a military bag on his back.

There is only one kind of person on the mountain who is not surrounded by the army, and that is the armed forces of the Huk tribe, but these armed forces are not wearing camouflage. Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly became vigilant, staring at the opponent, and he could only see him a hundred meters away. Roughly speaking, Luo Zheng vaguely felt that the other person's aura was familiar, but it was definitely not familiar to him. He couldn't help but look stern, and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone listen to my order, someone has infiltrated, don't stop what you are doing. , so as not to arouse the other party’s suspicion, the enemy is in my one o’clock direction, about 120 meters away.”

The scholar and others heard Luo Zheng's warning through their headsets. Everyone pretended not to care and continued busy while observing secretly. They soon discovered the abnormal target. Everyone exchanged glances calmly and continued busy. Luo Zheng passed The sniper rifle scope continued to observe the opponent. When the opponent was about 80 meters away from him, he found that the opponent actually stopped and looked around, as if looking for a target.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was immediately furious. This bastard not only infiltrated openly, but also stopped to observe and treated everyone present as if they were nothing. This courage was admirable, but this behavior made Luo Zheng furious. He lowered his voice and shouted coldly, "Everyone, listen to my order. I will count to three. Those who are able to shoot will do it together. Use the gun to shoot the head. Listen to my command, one, two, three, kill!" As he said, Luo Zheng Also pulled the trigger.

If the opponent was carrying a military bag, Luo Zheng would not dare to shoot easily to avoid accidentally killing him, but the opponent did not. This was a fatal flaw. The military bag contained important materials for survival, second only to weapons, and no one would leave them behind. , even if he is charging or killing the enemy and the opponent is not, Luo Zheng can be sure that the opponent is the enemy based on this alone.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, countless gunshots rang out. Sniper bullets and rifle bullets were fired at the target almost simultaneously. The bullets flew, forming a terrifying death net, covering the target.

Then, everyone miscalculated. At the moment when the gunfire sounded, the opponent's agile tiger fell to the ground, rolled its body twice, and barely managed to dodge all the bullets fired at it. Just as everyone was retreating to distance themselves, they were ready to fight again. When he was shooting, he found that the opponent drew two long knives from his back and rushed down the mountain without saying a word. He was as fast as lightning and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Ninja?" Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted: "Everyone spread out. If you are too close, use a pistol. No one is allowed to get close."

Luo Zheng had learned about the strength of ninjas. Not everyone can stop them. The best way is to use guns. After hearing the order, everyone dispersed and kept firing. However, they found that the other party was waving a long knife, forming a big net, and Protected by his own body, the pistol bullets hitting the opponent would either be blocked by the knife net, causing sparks to fly everywhere, or sink into the sea, and it would have no effect at all.

Seeing this scene, the scholar and others were horrified. They heard that some people used a knife to block bullets, and they were irritated at that time. Who can react so quickly? Can your judgment be so strong? Seeing this scene, everyone knew that they were the frog in the well, and their competitiveness increased greatly. They aimed at each other's head and continued to shoot.

The other party retreated wholeheartedly and had no intention of entanglement. It was like a rainbow, and an afterimage stretched out in the night. It was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Everyone found that there was no way to lock on, so they had to give up the plan of shooting and chased after him. However, several of the opponents As soon as the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, it disappears into the woods without a trace.

"So fast." This thought came to everyone's mind and they were shocked.

Luo Zheng saw that the opponent had run away and was unable to pursue him. He punched the trench hard and gritted his teeth in anger. His heart ached a little more. Lan Xue walked up and said in a closed voice: "Don't Worry, he is indeed very powerful, mainly because he is fast enough and has good knife skills. He can actually block bullets. This precise judgment and reaction are unheard of. I am afraid that only the Tiger King can compete with the opponent. Fortunately, you discovered it. Recoiled in shock.”

"You mean, the other party may be the strongest soldier king of Japan?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. Seeing Lan Xue nodding with certainty, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and continued: "Originally, I thought he was only an elite soldier king at most. At the peak, if he is really the strongest military king, then he will be in trouble."

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