The strongest soldier

Chapter 1121 Withdrawal of position

"Bang-bang!" The terrifying lightning illuminated the rainy night and competed with the dark night in the sky. Just when the night was about to completely swallow up the lightning, a thunder exploded, as if lightning was challenging the night. Likewise, the roar shook the whole sky and made people collapse.

The wind was getting stronger, the rain was getting heavier, and the visibility was getting lower and lower. Under such harsh conditions, it became difficult to walk. The powerful natural power made Luo Zheng frown and had to think seriously. , finally decided to stop first. It was difficult to walk on such a dark and stormy day. How could we kill the enemy?

The order was passed on, and everyone reminded each other at the top of their lungs. They even ran up to grab their companions and yelled a few words with gestures, otherwise they would not be heard clearly. The team stopped in a dense forest, and everyone hid on the ground under the dense canopy to take shelter from the rain. , all of them were wet. Fortunately, the weather was sultry and they didn't feel cold, otherwise they would have caught a cold.

The heavy rain seemed to vent the dissatisfaction in his heart, hitting the virgin forest with all its strength. Luo Zheng calmly looked at the heavy rain world in front of him, and his heart became heavy. In such bad weather, where it was difficult to move, it was impossible to sneak attack on the enemy. What just happened A sneak attack will definitely be discovered by the enemy. Once the rain stops, everyone will definitely be encircled and suppressed. They must evacuate as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately found Hook and spoke out his worries loudly. Hook nodded knowingly. He found the man with a keen sense of smell and said something loudly. The other man nodded and got into the rainstorm. Luo Zheng He looked at Hook who was talking to his people with some confusion, wondering what the other party was doing?

After a while, the man with a keen sense of smell ran back, holding a lot of canes in his hands. Everyone separated and joined together. Hook ran over and told Luo Zheng that the man with a keen sense of smell was leading the way. Everyone grabbed the canes. Follow along to avoid getting separated. When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but smile. In this bad weather with extremely low visibility, I'm afraid I won't be able to find anyone if I leave even a little bit. There's no point in shouting. The rain is too loud, and there's no need for a cane. Much easier to handle.

Everyone grabbed the cane and started to move. Luo Zheng was at the end of the team, coughing a few times from time to time. Being wet by the heavy rain, his injuries were aggravated. Everyone followed the steps in front and walked slowly, holding on tightly. They live on canes to avoid getting separated, and shout a few times from time to time to remind each other.

An hour later, everyone arrived at the foot of the mountain. The heavy rain actually subsided a lot, and the visibility improved. A bright light appeared on the horizon, and it was going to be dawn soon. Everyone dropped the canes and climbed up the mountain, shouting one day to avoid being killed by themselves. Brother accidentally injured.

When Lan Xue learned that the team was back, she quickly rushed out of the trench. When she saw Luo Zheng coming back, who was all wet, her face turned a little paler. She felt anxious, so she went up to him with concern and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue was not asking about the battle situation, but about his own body, so he comforted him: "Isn't this okay? Don't worry, you can handle it."

The team dispersed and hid on the reverse slope of the trench to take shelter from the rain. Luo Zheng, led by Lan Xue, also came to a reverse slope and sat down. He saw that Lan Xue actually burned a small bonfire here with a There was something mushy inside the helmet. Lan Xue handed it to Luo Zheng and said, "Drink it."

Luo Zheng smiled gratefully, took a small sip, and found that it was made from compressed biscuits, so he drank it in large gulps. He immediately felt a little better and said affectionately: "I'm sorry for you." It's still possible on such a rainy day. It's really not easy to boil some hot water.

At this time, Hook, the scholar and others came over. Everyone squatted next to them and looked at Luo Zheng. Hook asked: "Old friend, it will be dawn soon. I learned about it and the trenches above have been dug. What to do next?”

"The button bombs have also been arranged." Lan Xue added.

"Wait." Luo Zheng looked serious and said seriously. Seeing that everyone was a little confused, he explained: "We have wiped out a force of the enemy. They will definitely not be able to figure out who did it. They won't be able to do it for a while. If they launch an attack on us, we will wait and take the opportunity to recharge our batteries. With trenches and traps, I want to see how they attack."

The traps include those used by hunters to catch wild beasts, and button bombs, which can be detonated by pressure or remote control. The combination of the two is very powerful. If the enemy wants to attack, they must pay the price. Everyone nodded in understanding. , seeing Luo Zheng looking a little tired, they all exchanged glances and left.

After Luo Zheng waited for everyone to leave, he simply took off his wet coat, leaned on his backpack and fell asleep for a while. He was really tired, and his injuries worsened, and his body urgently needed rest. Lan Xue looked at the sleeping Luo Zheng and felt sorry for him. He continued, gently smoothing Luo Zheng's frown, like a kind mother looking at her child.

A smart woman often plays three roles in front of her man: a coquettish daughter, a caring elder sister, and a caring mother. At this moment, Lan Xue exuded the light of care, and her eyes when she looked at Luo Zheng were full of distress and care. Worried, but also aware of the situation at hand, there are some words that cannot be said, lest they affect the morale of the military.

Soldiers have a bounden duty to complete their missions. There should be no talk of love between men and women on the battlefield, nor should these affect their judgment and morale. Lan Xue endured the pain silently, gently picked up Luo Zheng's sniper rifle, and attached the equipment to it. After dismantling, maintenance began.

The sky gradually grew brighter, and everyone took out the last bit of dry food and ate it among themselves. There was no news about Lang Sen who was sent out to get food, and he didn't know what happened to him. Everyone ate the dry food in silence, looking at the bottom of the mountain with calm eyes, thinking own thoughts.

Soon, the sun climbed up, bringing some vitality to the virgin forest. After a night of heavy rain, the woods were green and green all day long. The ground also looked brand new and clean. Some birds came out of their nests and chirped happily. , as if celebrating the beginning of a beautiful day, the occasional roar of wild beasts came from the distance, adding a bit of mystery to this peaceful primeval forest.

Everyone silently checked the weapons in their hands and made preparations for the battle. A faint fighting spirit emanated from their bodies, and soon they gathered together and floated over the woods. A few frightened birds hurried away. Nothing happened to everyone. The trenches were reinforced, waiting for the war to come.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly several gunshots rang out. Luo Zheng, who was still sleeping soundly, stood up suddenly and almost hit the soil on the top of the trench's reverse slope. His face instantly became solemn, his eyes flashed, and he quickly climbed to the ground. Observing from the trench, he shouted and asked: "Where is the shooting? What's the situation?"

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