The strongest soldier

Chapter 1183 The drug dealer is strange

In an emergency period, border soldiers were pressing on the border. This time was not suitable for smuggling drugs at all, but a drug trafficking organization appeared bizarrely. Luo Zheng smelled a conspiracy and thought that if it was a bait, there must be more secrets hidden behind it. If you eat the bait and see clearly the secret behind it, you might gain a lot. If you let this team leave, you will never have the chance to know the secret behind it.

Lan Xue knew Luo Zheng's intention and had no objection. He immediately nodded and agreed, and determined the combat target. The next step was the action plan. Luo Zheng immediately found the ghost hand and took a few people to investigate. The others quickly entered the battle preparations. Check weapons and equipment, press bullets for later use.

A few minutes later, everyone spread out and waited around. Without specific information, it was difficult to formulate a targeted plan. Luo Zheng continued to sit on the ground and wait. After about half an hour, Guishou's voice sounded in the headset: "Target found. , thirty-three in number, all wearing AK series rifles, and five pack horses. They don’t look like soldiers in their marching posture. I’m afraid they are real drug dealers.”

"Let them come over and check behind them." Luo Zheng was startled and immediately ordered.

If he is a real drug dealer, it means that the other party urgently needs to send the drugs out. For the sake of profit, he can only take risks. If you encounter such a person, you cannot let him go, lest the drugs flow into the domestic market. Thirty-three people, with a little effort, Luo As long as Zheng doesn't mind killing the opponent, the packhorse is also a good dry food, just in case.

Ten minutes later, Guishou suddenly shouted in surprise: "It's so dangerous. There is really a team hanging behind these bastards. There are nearly a hundred people. They are spread out widely. They use the dense woods to cover them. No wonder they were not discovered by the satellite. Moreover, Mixed in among them are people who tolerate dressing up.”

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that it was really bait. However, the battle has been fought like this, why do you still go out to fish? Nearly a hundred people are armed and still holding back. Do they want to use bait to attract them? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but sneered, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, get ready, scholar, come here."

"Yes." The scholar hurried over.

Luo Zheng pointed to the hillside in front and said: "There is a canyon below, which is also where drug dealers must pass. Your people are hiding in the woods on the mountainside and waiting for the enemy's follow-up force to come over. Let the drug traffickers come, and I will take people to wait in the canyon below. , kill this team and attract the people behind, and then you can take action again."

"Understood." The scholar took one look at the terrain and immediately agreed. With a wave of his hand, he led his people there.

Luo Zheng looked at the mountain eagle and snow leopard and said, "Take everyone and follow me."

"Yes." The two agreed, and everyone headed down the canyon. On the way, Luo Zheng contacted Guishou again and confirmed that the team behind the drug dealer was following him. His face turned cold, and the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer. Since this If you want to help others fish, then swallow the hook first.

Ten minutes later, everyone rushed to the canyon and found a place to hide on both sides of the canyon. Not long after, they saw armed drug traffickers approaching, and several packhorses walking forward one by one as if facing a formidable enemy. Soon After passing the ambush point of the scholar and others, Luo Zheng calculated a few minutes later and found that the distance was only three hundred meters. The other party was not alert, so he signaled the team to continue waiting.

In the woods, everyone silently watched the approaching team, each with restrained murderous intent, their eyes slightly closed, and even the finger wiping the trigger was removed to avoid alerting the target. Everyone responded in silence, as if waiting for an opportunity. The ancient wild beasts can rise up at any time and deliver a fatal blow to the target.

Luo Zheng stared at the incoming enemy coldly, with a murderous look on his cold face. He asked through the headset: "Guishou, report the situation? Scholar, have you noticed the enemy's situation?"

The scholar's headset was remotely adjusted by Blue Star, and he could hear everyone's conversation. Ghost Hand said in a cold tone: "The enemy always keeps a distance, and does not rush or slow down."

"All the drug dealers have passed, and there are no subsequent enemies in sight." The scholar also said.

"If you don't want to speed up, then let's fight it out." Luo Zheng said coldly, staring at the front of the woods with cold eyes. He estimated in his mind that we could only meet one hundred meters away, but he still did not issue an order immediately. Instead, he continued to wait.

Seeing that the drug dealer was only fifty meters away, Luo Zheng suddenly shouted: "Come forward and fight quickly, Shandiao, your people will be responsible for perimeter security and sniper cover."

"Understood." Everyone roared in unison, aiming at the enemy in front and firing. After firing a rapid three-shot burst, everyone rushed forward, holding their rifles flat on their shoulders, and fired while running, each one moving very quickly. , like a tiger coming out of the gate, with unrivaled momentum.

"Kill!" everyone roared and kept firing.

This drug trafficker only has about thirty people in the armed attack. If Luo Zheng needs it, everyone can hide in the woods and kill them all without risking a charge. However, in order to attract more enemies behind the enemy to pursue them, Luo Zheng They chose a charge attack, which seemed a bit risky and unprofessional, but the effect was still very good. Someone quickly picked up the satellite phone and hid behind the packhorse to make a call and call for rescue.

Luo Zheng led everyone to swarm forward, and fired a few bursts at the resisting drug dealers. The drug dealers had limited fighting power, especially lack of cooperation, so they could not be blocked. Soon, most of the thirty drug dealers were killed and fell to the ground, leaving only half of them. Xiaoban hid behind the packhorse or in the woods to fight back, while getting in touch with others.

These people couldn't stop the charge of Luo Zheng and others. Everyone roared up and killed all those who dared to fight back. Others saw that their opponents were coming so fiercely and their fighting power was so terrifying. The situation was over, so they raised their guns and surrendered. However, this kind of surrender was ignored. Luo Zheng simply ignored him. Luo Zheng didn't say anything, so everyone carried out their tasks resolutely and thoroughly, killing the dozen or so people who surrendered with their guns raised.

The scene was firmly under control. Everyone rushed to the battlefield and shot the people who were not dead. Lan Xue ran to a pack horse, opened the frame on both sides, his face changed greatly, and he checked the others. Several people, all with the same things, quickly came to Luo Zheng and said in a low voice: "I found a lot of drugs. They are all real. It doesn't look like bait fishing, but it seems like they are really trying to smuggle out of the country."

"Huh? Drugs?" Luo Zheng was shocked and his face became serious. The situation was different from what he expected. It seemed that there was a conspiracy that he couldn't figure out. What was it? It's a pity that there is no one alive, so the trial cannot be carried out.

"The enemy is catching up behind you." Guishou reminded.

"Scholar, be ready for battle and listen to my order before shooting." Luo Zheng reminded quickly.

"Yes." The scholar promised solemnly, showing a strong fighting spirit.

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