The strongest soldier

Chapter 1201 Infiltration Plan

Luo Zheng handed the binoculars to Lan Xue. Lan Xue quickly looked over and pricked up his ears to listen. Luo Zheng glanced at the anxious scholar and said with a smile, "I noticed that the patrol team did not patrol for as long as before. Halfway through, other patrol teams are immediately replaced, and every patrol team that appears is full of new faces. Normally, patrol teams are fixed, don’t you think it’s strange?”

"Huh?" The scholar raised the sniper scope in surprise, but quickly put it down. It took Luo Zheng a long time to come to this conclusion. It was impossible for him to see it all at once. He said with admiration: "This shows that What? Is it related to the virus you injected?"

"Of course, based on past experience, this virus can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and make people collapse, without any combat effectiveness. Judging from the constant replacement of new faces in the patrol team, it should be a virus attack. However, further observation is needed, so , I am going to infiltrate tonight." Luo Zheng explained with confidence.

"If that's the case, that would be great. If we wait half a day and touch them in the middle of the night, they will hit a larger area. This will be beneficial to us. In my opinion, we can mobilize all the troops to attack directly." The scholar suggested excitedly.

"I have thought about this problem. The success rate is higher with more people, but I have to consider the issue of retreat. With fewer people, it is easier to maneuver. With everyone on the periphery to contain us, the enemy will not be able to dispatch more troops to pursue us. Once we have enough troops If they are all mobilized, even if the base is destroyed, the tens of thousands of troops from the outside without anyone to restrain them will be able to surround them? There will be no place to hide by then." Luo Zheng explained.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we can complete the mission, we can rush out as much as we can. I believe all brothers will understand. It will be too difficult for just the few of us to complete the mission. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, personal life and death can be ignored." Scholar He said immediately, his eyes flashing with fanatical aura.

"No, don't discuss this matter anymore." Luo Zheng refused without hesitation.

The scholar curled his lips and said nothing more. Soldiers have the duty to complete their missions, but as an officer, if you don't consider the life and death of your brothers, you will not be recognized and followed by everyone. The scholar understands the powerful relationship here, and also understands Luo Zheng's However, if the task cannot be completed, what will happen if everyone is saved?

There were too many enemies and the defense was tight. From the scholar's point of view, it was not that difficult to infiltrate and complete the mission. Luo Zheng understood the scholar's good intentions, patted the scholar on the shoulder and said, "Are you worried that we can't complete the mission?" , so I would rather deploy more manpower to ensure the completion of the task."

"Yes, if we venture in and fail to accomplish anything in the end, such a good opportunity will never come again." The scholar honestly expressed his worries.

"Don't worry about this. We are just destroying the base. Having more people may not be useful." Luo Zheng comforted, while pondering the plan in his heart. It is easy to infiltrate with only thirty people. I'm afraid it will be difficult to infiltrate. If you want to complete it, The mission is even more difficult. It has nothing to do with the large number of people and the small number of people. The key depends on the response measures of the enemies in the base.

Dark night gradually came and shrouded the vast wilderness. Birds and beasts returned to their nests, and everything was silent. Luo Zheng continued to hold up the binoculars to observe the enemy situation in the base. The three ghost hands led their respective teams up and stood quietly in the woods behind, waiting. Doing preparations before the war.

After a while, Luo Zheng also sat down to inspect and maintain the weapons while continuing to deduce the plan in his mind. The scholar, Gui Shou and others next to him were waiting anxiously, but everyone knew Luo Zheng's habits and did not disturb him lest he It disrupted Luo Zheng's thoughts.

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng maintained the weapon and loaded the empty magazine with bullets. Then he whispered to Guishou and others: "Ask the brothers to gather around and let's discuss the plan."

The three ghost hands gestured to their team behind them. Everyone gathered around and looked at Luo Zheng quietly. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged a look and said, "One thing is for sure. The enemy has been infected by the virus we dropped. The specifics are The situation is unknown, I plan to infiltrate and take a look tonight."

"Give me the order." Snow Leopard said excitedly.

"Don't make any noise, just listen first." The mountain eagle reminded him dissatisfiedly.

Luo Zheng smiled kindly and continued: "You don't need too many people to infiltrate. It's enough for me, Xue'er and the scholar. Just get three sets of clothes. I just took a look and the garrison in the position looks like Something is wrong. Guishou, you are responsible for the west. Snow Leopard, you are responsible for the north. Find a way to infiltrate. After mastering the howitzer, Guishou, you are responsible for bombarding the radar array in the valley. Snow Leopard, you are responsible for bombarding the vicinity of the cave. Let’s make some noise at the heavy machine gun position to see how the enemy responds and blow up their plot. Then the three of us can take the opportunity to infiltrate and look for opportunities.”

"What about me?" Mountain Eagle quickly asked.

"Let me scatter your people around, take cover, snipe and kill the senior generals who come out of the cave, and disrupt their chain of command. When the time comes, we won't be questioned when we pretend to be officers and go in." Luo Zheng continued.

"I understand." Shandiao quickly agreed.

"I'll give you three hours to prepare. You can climb to the position quietly even if you crawl in three hours. Take action after three hours. Once your life is threatened, evacuate immediately. Don't worry about other teams. Meet here after dawn. Details. You take care of it yourself, what's the problem?" Luo Zheng continued to warn.

"No problem." Guishou and others agreed in unison. Everyone has experience in sneak attack positions. Climbing up at night, using turtle tactics. Who would notice a turtle approaching the battlefield in the dark night? Unless it's at your feet.

"Don't worry too much. I estimate that there will be heavy rain in two hours. I observed the enemy base for a day today and checked the weather. The rain will not be too heavy, but it may be a bit long. Everyone just takes advantage of the black and rain cover. , touch it quietly, and now look at the watch, it’s thirteen minutes past nine o’clock in the evening." Luo Zheng continued.

Everyone knows that Luo Zheng is a hunter and knows how to look at the weather before heading out. Checking the weather is a method that every special forces soldier must master. Everyone has also discovered this situation, but they are not sure how long it will take for the heavy rain to fall. Everyone believes in what Luo Zheng said. No doubt, two hours later, everyone happened to crawl close to the enemy. Under the cover of heavy rain, the concealment was very high, and the chance of being discovered was greatly reduced. They all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have any questions?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"No more." Everyone shouted in unison.

"Brothers, tonight's battle is no small matter. You all go well. Don't let me look down on you. Go ahead." Luo Zheng looked serious and shouted seriously.

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison. Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle took a serious look at Luo Zheng, then looked at Lan Xue. After a while, Dashou hurried away with their respective teams with murderous intent, and soon disappeared in Under night.

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