The strongest soldier

Chapter 1268 Talking while fighting

Ninjas are very powerful, but they are more powerful in close combat. For Koga ninjas, this kind of positional sneak attack battle is very unfamiliar. There is no fire cover, no alternating charges, and no offensive tactics. They charge forward purely with speed and courage. , the impact was very fast, but it was undoubtedly fatal in front of everyone who had been prepared. Long-range sniping, medium-range bombardment, and close-range burst shooting, three-pronged approach, no one could be spared.

If the attack was on a position defended by others, they might be able to succeed with their speed and bravery, but in front of the twenty snipers under the leadership of Luo Zheng, there was almost no chance. They were all accurately shot, and the entire army was wiped out. It came suddenly, and the acceptance was also sudden. Within a few minutes, all seven or eight ninjas were wiped out.

Luo Zheng looked at the corpses on the ground and there were no wounded. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly: "Well done, they are all good marksmen. Mountain Eagle, what's going on over there?"

"The battle is over. You are still good. We were blocked by Ishii Sora. All the enemies were killed three hundred meters away. I'm not sure if anyone escaped. It was too dark to see clearly." Shandiao explained. .

"Just kill the enemy. How about Ishii Sora's casualties?" Luo Zheng asked.

"That guy fought very fiercely and was very desperate. He suffered a lot. The opponent had a master. Eight of his men were injured and thirteen died. Both sides were desperate when they came up. They fought in a melee and the fire support was very inconvenient." Shandiao explained.

"I got it." Luo Zheng agreed. Luo Zheng didn't care how many people Ishii Sora killed. The most important thing was to repel the enemies. After listening to the mountain eagle's report, he smiled with satisfaction and arranged for a few people to go out to clean the battlefield for sneak attacks. The ninja replenished his gun to prevent anything from slipping through the net, and he also got the weapons and ammunition back. He didn't know what would happen next, so it was always a good thing to worry about being well prepared.

When he came to the living room, Luo Zheng took a look at the bewildered hostages. He walked outside the gate and saw that the police and military police confronting each other in the distance did not launch an attack. This time he was completely relieved. Lan Xue walked up quickly and whispered. Said: "The enemy has been silent from beginning to end. It seems that he is not involved in this rescue. There is something weird in this."

"Judging from Sora Ishii's words, it seems that the Prime Minister's Office gave Sarutobi Saru a chance. It succeeded, and the credit belongs to the Prime Minister's Office. But it failed, and Sarutobi Saru became the scapegoat. In the battle just now, Sarutobi Saru's backbone was completely Once they are wiped out, our mission is completed, and the next step is how to escape." Luo Zheng said seriously, looked into the distance, then looked at his watch, and said: "We can carry out the next step of the plan."

"Okay." Lan Xue nodded and said: "Sarutobi Saru will definitely be pushed out by the Prime Minister's Office as a scapegoat. After we accept Ishii Sora's grandson, it's time to reap benefits for Hook. I think we can let Ishii Sora appear in public. , increase the authenticity of Hook’s previous public remarks, let the Japanese people know that Ishii Sora is the scapegoat, and the real culprit is Sarutobi Saru, forcing the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office to express its position as soon as possible.”

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements. You keep an eye on the hall and call Hook for me." Luo Zheng explained, while shouting through the headset: "Guishou, please do your best and ask Sora Ishii to come over."

Not long after, Hook came from the monitoring room and learned that Luo Zheng was going to ask for benefits from himself. He was very excited. What the Hook tribe lacked most was funds. With funds, they could purchase various materials and grow stronger. At this time, Sora Ishii came over, looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and said, "I still underestimated your strength. In fact, you can block Sarutobi Saru's attack without us."

"Of course, we don't have much time. The next step is to rescue your grandson and get compensation for Hook. You have done what you should do, and it is my turn." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Thank you, what do you need from me?" Sora Ishii said gratefully.

"You appeared with Hook, faced the media, and attributed the attack on the Hook tribe to Sarutobi Saru. Just say that he ordered it. As for whether he was ordered by the emperor or the prime minister, don't mention it. Let them do it themselves. Let's go fight, what's the problem?" Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"No." Ishii Sora was originally an old fox, good at calculations. He knew Luo Zheng's thoughts as soon as he heard it. He did not object and seriously agreed. As long as he rescued his grandson, everything else was not a problem.

Luo Zheng looked at Hook. Hook thought for a while and shook his head to express that there was no problem. Luo Zheng relaxed deeply and said, "Then go and get what belongs to you."

The two of them left hand in hand. Luo Zheng waited for the two of them to go away and whispered through the headset: "The status of the nuclear submarine?"

"Already in position, rescue at any time." Blue Star's words rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Hook and Sora Ishii who were walking away and smiled. Everything was going according to plan. When things got to this point, it was time to prepare for evacuation. He quickly said through the headset: "Everyone, get ready to evacuate." , Snow Leopard, report the situation?"

"The ten planes are full of fuel and have parachutes on their backs. Don't worry." Snow Leopard's voice sounded in the headset.

"Brothers, cheer up and do the last thing well." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Yes." Everyone whispered, and began to eliminate the traces left behind in a targeted manner. When evacuating, they must not leave any clues at the airport. Some people even secretly brought aviation fuel in, and then set fire to the airport. , destroy the last traces and cover the retreat.

Hook and Ishii Sora came to the Ghost Hand defense position and called the waiting TV anchor Mako. When Mako saw the sudden appearance of Ishii Sora, he was shocked and ran up excitedly, shouting: "You are Ishii Sora Your Excellency? Can you take off your hood for everyone to see?"

"Miss Mako, I didn't expect that we would meet in this way." Ishii Sora recognized the female anchor and said coldly, taking off his hood. Ishii Sora, who was at the end of his rope, risked everything for the sake of family inheritance. He looked at Mako The police director who walked up not far behind said coldly: "Your Excellency, you didn't expect that, did you? I'm not dead. Now, isn't it time for you to hand over my grandson?"

The Police Director's face darkened, and he did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned around and left to contact his superiors. The appearance of Sora Ishii completely disrupted everyone's plans and unknowingly confirmed many things. The matter was of great importance. Police Director Dare not make any remarks.

Mako said excitedly: "Mr. Hook said that you were ordered by Mr. Sarutobi to attack his tribe. Is this true? Please confirm it. Also, who is Mr. Sarutobi?" Identity? Do you hold any position in the government department?"

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