The strongest soldier

Chapter 1295 Strange Arrangement

Half an hour later, news came from Shi Feng that the chairman of Impression Group had not been found. A large number of police forces had been mobilized to investigate. However, Luo Zheng knew that the other party was probably no longer in the country. Only he knew where he had gone. Whether he could catch Shi Feng Without any hope, we carefully studied the itinerary for this summit.

Time passed unknowingly, but the chairman of Impression Group who ran away was like a huge stone pressing on Luo Zheng's heart. Luo Zheng even guessed that the other party might have followed him. Knowing that the assassination on the plane failed, he must still be there. Will launch an attack. This method of controlling a venomous snake to assassinate is extremely difficult to guard against, so don't be careless.

In the early morning of the next day, the plane landed safely at the airport. As the host, this country sent a large number of security personnel to block the airport and police escort. The president of this country also personally came to greet him. Luo Zheng was not interested in political things. Things on the scene There was no need to deal with it, and he pretended to look around casually, but secretly he was highly vigilant, just in case.

The two heads of state spoke for a while and then introduced the high-level officials who came to greet them, laid flowers, shook hands with the Chinese representatives, and played music by the honor guard. After a series of tedious etiquette, the chairman delivered a live speech at the airport, expressing his desire for peace. Looking forward to the development of science and technology, and finally hoping that this summit will end successfully.

Luo Zheng stood not far from the chairman, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Guards were arranged to be scattered nearby. Fortunately, everything went smoothly. After the speech, everyone was invited to board the special car and walked towards the destination. Luo Zheng did not talk to the chairman. One car, the host was responsible for the security work along the way, and one car with others. Along the way, Luo Zheng carefully looked around, taking note of the terrain and environment as much as possible.

The journey went very smoothly. Everyone arrived at the Presidential Palace unknowingly and were arranged to stay in several villas. The company representatives also arranged to stay in a hotel. The only people who could stay with the President were the accompanying officials, Luo Zheng and others. People arranged to stay in the name of the chairman's personal staff.

The escort made arrangements to check in and left. Everyone entered the villa, washed and rested, while Luo Zheng and others checked the room, just in case. Although they knew that there was no possibility of monitoring and surveillance in such a place, they felt relieved after checking. Hong Meihua, in particular, was investigated very carefully. The assassination incident at the airport made Hong Meihua wary.

As you can imagine, there is no problem. The villa has three floors. The chairman lives on the middle floor. The upper floor is occupied by senior officials accompanying him, and the lower floor is for the staff. Luo Zheng and others are on the same floor as the chairman, just in case something unexpected happens. Outside is the country The guards look good, so don't worry too much about safety.

Luo Zheng carefully checked the room, then climbed up to the roof to check. The roof platform was clean and tidy, with some flowers and plants planted. Luo Zheng found that there were many similar villas around, and some people were staying there. They must be representatives of other countries. The summit was of high standard and was attended by heads of state from various countries. In addition to high-tech industry cooperation negotiations, there must be many private activities. Security issues gave Luo Zheng a headache.

Standing on the roof platform, enjoying the cool breeze, feeling refreshed and fresh in the air, Luo Zheng fell in love with this place all of a sudden. It was such a rare good weather. He looked at the blue sky and the long white clouds, wondering when the capital city in China could be restored. See such nice weather?

Just as she was sighing, Hong Meihua came over, looked at the surrounding situation, and whispered: "Normal security guards outside can handle it. No matter who it is, the possibility of doing something here is very low, but we have to guard against it. If the venomous snake If you really rely on smell to identify the target, then the chairman must already have this smell, and the murderer can kill him with a poisonous snake, what do you think?"

"I suggest the chairman wash his body well, from head to toe, and change into brand new clothes. Don't throw away the original clothes. You can make good use of them. Just arrange a room and see if it can attract venomous snakes. What I'm worried about is that there are still people around. You can leave a new scent on the Chairman at any time, making it difficult to guard against him." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"This is also what I'm worried about. I'm afraid I can't prevent it. It's probably not possible. I can only rely on everyone to be careful." Hong Meihua said with some annoyance. Her eyes wandered around the villa. Not long after, her face suddenly changed slightly and she whispered. : "The Sam Country is nearby. Whether it is political, economic or other aspects, the Sam Country may take action against us. Also, you see, the Indian Country is also nearby. It is only about a hundred meters away from us. From this distance, it is easy to sneak attack with poisonous snakes. ."

"If you take a closer look, we have actually been surrounded by the eight-nation coalition led by the Sam Country. Although most of them are small countries, they have very good relations with India, which makes it convenient for India to attack. It seems that the host did it on purpose. Otherwise, there is no reason for such a coincidence, and this summit may not be peaceful." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said in a low voice.

"Sure enough." Hong Meihua was reminded by Luo Zheng. After a closer look, she found that she was surrounded by eight countries. She couldn't help but look solemn and said coldly: "The country of Japan was beaten badly by us some time ago. Although there is no Leave evidence, but they must know that it was us who did it. It is not easy to do it openly, but they will definitely make small moves secretly. They have to guard against it. This situation must be reported to the chairman immediately." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"Go ahead, I'm taking a look, eh?" Luo Zheng suddenly said in surprise, his eyes widened as he stared at the other side, his face gradually becoming serious.

"What do you think?" Hong Meihua, who was about to leave, stopped and looked forward along with Luo Zheng's gaze. He found that a person also appeared on the roof not far away. It was his old rival Jackson. His face changed slightly, and his expression changed slightly. He looked solemnly at Luo Zheng and whispered: "This guy is here. It seems that, like you, he has become the actual person in charge of the security of Sam Country. With the relationship between Sam Country and India, he will definitely provide sneak attacks. It’s convenient, and it’s even possible to cooperate secretly, and we’re in trouble.”

"It's not possible, but it's certain." Luo Zheng said coldly, his eyes blazing as he continued to check what was going on around him. Although Jackson was very powerful and very familiar with him, Luo Zheng had the psychological advantage of defeating him several times. , not afraid of him, what he fears most is poisonous snakes.

If venomous snakes identify people by smell, then there should be more than one such snake in India. The surrounding gardens are dense and venomous snakes burrow into the grass and disappear without a trace, making them difficult to find. If everyone suddenly attacks when they are most careless, what to do? Luo Zheng's face was as serious as iron, and he began to think deeply.

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