The strongest soldier

Chapter 1317 Danger suddenly appears

After finally parachuting down, according to the original plan, we were familiar with the surrounding environment. If we encountered wild wolves or other ferocious beasts, we could ignore them, but mastiffs are very special and have some connection with the Lamaist national teacher we are chasing. It seems It seems that they were raised, so they had to think about the worst. Luo Zheng recalled the surrounding terrain map and said in a deep voice: "Everyone has seen the aerial photos of the surrounding terrain. It can be said that there are snow-capped mountains within a radius of 200 kilometers. The climate is harsh. There are people after all, that’s why we chose to land here.”

"But the situation is different when a mastiff is found here. It may be wild or raised. We don't dare to bet. To be conservative, it is best to think long term." Lan Xue reminded seriously.

"I suggest that you bury the supplies on the spot, grow lightly, and follow the direction of the mastiff to see if you can find anything." Guishou suggested with a solemn expression.

Luo Zheng did not express his opinion immediately, but calmly checked the surrounding terrain. Unfortunately, it was too dark and he could not see too far, so he had to give up. He calculated the time silently in his heart, and finally said: "Assuming that the mastiff is artificially raised, No matter how fast we go, it will still take us half a day to run out of the snow-capped mountains, which is enough time for us to prepare. Assuming that the enemy is nearby, we don’t have time to bury the equipment.”

"What do you mean?" Lan Xue asked with a heavy face.

"The headset failed and we temporarily lost contact with the outside world. There was no way to obtain satellite intelligence. We didn't know if there were enemies around, so we could only prepare on the assumption that there were enemies. There was a valley below the mountainside, which looked like Death Valley. It was sheltered from the wind and snow. It is still an effective defensive terrain. Drag the supplies and equipment down and wait until dawn. If there is no enemy attack after dawn, it means there are no enemies around." Luo Zheng analyzed seriously.

Everyone was shocked by Luo Zheng's analysis. Their expressions became solemn. They thought it made sense and started to act one after another. Mastiffs raised in captivity cannot be too far away from people, so they had to be on guard. The supplies and equipment were heavy, but Going downhill is not a big problem, just wrap it with a parachute and drag it down.

Ten minutes later, everyone came down the hillside. Luo Zheng observed the terrain. It was indeed a death valley. It was surrounded by mountains on three sides, all of which were towering snow-capped mountains. The valley was not deep, but the terrain was dangerous and the entrance to the valley was narrow. As long as there was enough firepower, It was sealed off and invincible. Everyone had good eyesight and recognized this place.

"Get ready to fight." Luo Zheng said.

"Yes." Everyone agreed, opened one of the boxes, took out their weapons, pressed bullets into the clips, each of them looked solemn. After the weapons were ready, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with a gun in hand, full of courage. , and then put the field survival supplies on your back in the military bag.

The supplies in the box were cleared by everyone, and the other box was a spare. The enemy did not come. Everyone hid in a sheltered place to rest and waited calmly. Time gradually passed, and a red light appeared on the horizon. It was dawn. Luo Zheng raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was a few minutes to six o'clock. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Find a place to bury the supplies."

"Yes." Everyone took out their folding engineering shovels and found a place to dig. There was thick snow underground and frozen soil under the snow. It was impossible to dig. Luo Zheng pulled out his dragon tooth knife and stabbed a Come to a small hole, put the button bomb into it, and then detonate it to make a big hole, then continue to dig out the small hole and put the bomb.

After repeating this for several times, a big pit was formed. Everyone put the box in, put frozen soil and snow on it, stepped on it, and then put some snow on it to disguise it. After confirming that there was no problem, everyone cleaned up. On the ground, take away another useless box to avoid arousing the enemy's suspicion. Snowflakes are flying in the valley. In less than an hour, the traces of everyone's stay will be covered by the snowflakes, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

At this time, the sun had become angry and no place as expected appeared. This made everyone relieved. The team left the valley and walked in the direction in which the mastiffs had evacuated. After walking for about an hour, they came to a hillside. The team was leeward. We stopped for a rest and did a little reconnaissance. We had a wide view around and no one could be seen at all. Everyone chopped up the boxes they brought with them and used them as firewood. They lit a bonfire and filled their helmets with snow and cooked them on the bonfire. .

Not long after, the snow turned into water and gradually heated up. Everyone drank some hot water and felt a lot more comfortable. Although they had made sufficient preparations before coming, including specially selected clothes, weapons, and food, they still underestimated it. In the harsh environment here, having a sip of hot water is very important for everyone to adapt to the surrounding environment.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they dug a hole and buried the ashes. They looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng had been thinking about a question. Is the mastiff wild or raised? If it was wild, it wouldn't be a problem. So how to explain his lack of fear of people? Could it be said that the other party is not naturally afraid of any danger? If it was artificially raised, why were there no enemies chasing it? Could it be that it was waiting in front?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng thought carefully about the surrounding terrain. If he continued to move forward, he would still be in the snow-capped mountains. If he followed the ridge, the target would be too big and would be easily exposed. If he followed the canyon, he would be less likely to be discovered and he would be protected from the wind, but it would be troublesome if he was ambushed. Lan Xue reminded him: "It's getting late, we must make a decision as soon as possible."

"Let's walk along the mountainside." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone was a smart person, and they knew what Luo Zheng was worried about when they heard it, so they didn't object. The ridge was easily exposed, and the canyon was easy to be ambushed. Although walking on the mountainside was tiring and the road was very difficult, it was relatively safe. Fortunately, it was on the mountainside. There is not a lot of snow, and there is less snow on the Dangyang side. If you choose the right path, there will be no problem walking.

After determining the general policy, the team took action. Luo Zheng took the lead and led everyone forward, like a wolf on the road. Half an hour later, the ghost hand came to replace him. Luo Zheng went to the end of the team to rest and recover. The physical strength is gone. This way of marching comes from wild wolves.

The snow is thick, so spreading out means that everyone has to face the thick snow. If you walk in a line, you only need the leading wolf in front to walk. The others follow the footprints, which saves effort and can help you get through the snow. Wolves have their own way of surviving in the harsh nature. As a former hunter, Luo Zheng also knows the benefits of this way.

The team walked forward repeatedly in this way. Unknowingly, it was noon. The team found a place to rest on the mountainside and ate dry food. Luo Zheng looked around calmly. In addition to snow-capped mountains, there were still snow-capped mountains, a vast expanse of undulating mountains. , boundless, the cold wind howled, getting into the neck. Fortunately, everyone wrapped towels to block the snow and cold wind. Something was faintly moving in the distance. Luo Zheng was startled and quickly raised the telescope. Looking at it, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted anxiously: "No, there are enemies."

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