The strongest soldier

Chapter 1323 Kill again

"Swish, swish, swish!" Everyone threw the button bombs with all their strength. Each button bomb was like the god of death emerging from hell, roaring eerily, rushing towards the target with an all-devouring momentum, blooming with a terrifying red light. Covering and swallowing every life.

The button bomb that suddenly appeared blocked the enemy's attack. After paying the price of dozens of lives, the enemy did not stop the attack, but continued to charge forward fiercely. Apparently, he was also red-eyed and killed more enemies. Support came from behind, and intensive firepower once again suppressed everyone's attack.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his face was as cold as if there was an ice block in front of him that had not melted for hundreds of millions of years. He let out a cold murderous aura. After throwing out the last button bomb, he quickly set up his sniper rifle and aimed at a target. A man who looked like an officer was lying on the ground, waving a pistol and shouting something, directing the troops to charge.

"Whoops!" The incendiary bomb soared into the sky with Luo Zheng's endless anger and murderous intent, making a terrifying scream. The hot tail flame was even more devastating, tearing open the space barrier in an instant, and burning everything with the momentum. The target fell to the ground, and the incendiary agent exploded, splashing all over the target. The target's body was instantly ignited, and he let out a shrill scream, rolling all over the ground, which was extremely terrifying.

When Guishou and Shandiao saw Luo Zheng's stunning shot, they packed up their weapons and ammunition without hesitation, climbed out of the foxhole and retreated towards the back, running in a straight line. Under the enemy's intensive firepower attack, turning around would only endanger themselves. Sending bullets up, a straight line can shorten the running time. The two of them hunched their waists and walked like tigers running at high speeds to hunt for prey.

Luo Zheng did not move, but continued to shoot at the charging enemies. Seeing that Lan Xue and the mountain eagles on both sides of the valley began to retreat, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly emptied the bullets in the sniper rifle. He also climbed out of the foxhole and rushed towards the valley with all his strength.

Without the threat of button bombs, the enemy also reacted. When they saw Luo Zheng and others retreating, they all got up from the ground and opened fire violently. Bullets came like rain, and Luo Zheng felt a bullet hit him in the back. backpack, penetrated the backpack and shot into the body, but was blocked by the bulletproof vest and tight clothing.

The powerful impact of the bullet almost staggered Luo Zheng to the ground. He rushed forward a few steps, put his big hand on the ground, and ran forward for dozens of meters as if an arrow had left the string. After stabilizing his center, he felt another bullet coming. , hit the back, which was blocked by the bulletproof vest and tight clothing, embedded in the muscles, the pain was unstoppable, and he fell to the ground.

After Luo Zheng fell to the ground, he did not get up immediately. Instead, he glanced at the enemies who were catching up and found that they had entered the minefield within the 100-meter line area. His eyes suddenly exploded, and a murderous aura burst into the sky. He quickly pressed the button Holding the remote control tightly in the palm of his hand, he hugged his head with both hands and lay still on the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of big explosions sounded again. The ground shook and the mountains shook. The snow on the surrounding mountains loosened a lot and slid down a lot. The powerful explosion shock waves were superimposed, like a terrifying storm. All the enemies around him were knocked to the ground, vomiting blood and losing their vitality.

The enemies outside the explosion were like kites with broken strings. They were blown away by the shock wave. It was extremely terrifying and the smoke filled the air. At this moment, the explosion site became a life-threatening Shura hell. Countless lives were taken away. It was tragic and strange. , chilling.

After a while, the explosion disappeared. Luo Zheng slowly turned over and looked up at the explosion site. No one was standing, no one was shooting. There were only corpses on the ground. The power of a button bomb was equivalent to a high-explosive grenade. The power of nearly a hundred button bombs exploding was so terrifying that Luo Zheng even felt his scalp numb.

The enemy's attack was blocked again, and nearly a hundred lives were once again lost at the entrance of this desolate valley. Perhaps because he was afraid of being beaten, he did not launch another attack. Luo Zheng sat up, stared coldly ahead, and raised his hand. I picked up the binoculars and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as I didn't see any follow-up attacks.

We are at the end of our strength. If the enemy attacks at this time, we will definitely die. It seems that two consecutive big explosions have destroyed the enemy's morale and courage. There are more than 200 lives, and the enemy only has about 500. People, losing nearly half of their combat effectiveness in one fell swoop, any unit that has lost more than half of its combat effectiveness will find it difficult to rekindle combat morale in a short period of time.

"Are you injured?" Lan Xue rushed down from the mountainside and looked at Luo Zheng in shock and shouted.

"I got bitten twice. It's not a big problem. I'll just deal with it later." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly and continued to observe the enemy situation in front. The enemy did not retreat, which made Luo Zheng's relieved heart rise again.

Lan Xue rushed up, quickly untied Luo Zheng's backpack, opened the back and took a look, and found two bullets embedded in the muscles of his back. The body armor and tights had also penetrated into the muscles, and blood flowed out. , couldn't help but be shocked, and quickly took out the first aid kit, removed the bullet head from Luo Zheng, sprayed the hemostatic medicine on it, and then put a palm-sized gauze on it, with a look of worry on his face.

Luo Zheng understood Lan Xue's mood and did not move. He allowed Lan Xue to treat his wounds. His binoculars were always focused on the enemy situation ahead. Seeing that the enemy still did not launch an attack, he secretly felt relieved and couldn't help but look up at the sky. It would be dark soon. , looked at the watch again, it was already about six o'clock in the evening.

"How do you feel?" Lan Xue asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. It'll be fine in a few days." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly, looking at the surrounding terrain and thinking of a way to escape. Luo Zheng didn't want to give up until the last moment. He only has one life. As a soldier, he will do it for the country. You can face death calmly, but it is always better to live. As a commander, Luo Zheng has the responsibility and obligation to lead everyone out alive, instead of waiting to die here, unless there is no way out.

"Have the enemies withdrawn?" Mountain Eagle rushed over from the other side and asked Luo Zheng with a solemn expression.

"Not yet. The enemy has killed about 200 people, and there are still about 300 people. It is impossible to evacuate. Our button bombs have been used up and there is not much ammunition. The enemy only needs one charge to finish us off. Why don't they Launch an attack?" Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

"They don't know that we have run out of button bombs. If we set up another line of defense, they will not be able to bear such heavy losses and are afraid of being beaten by us." Lan Xue said with some pride. In this battle, five people versus five hundred people , if Luo Zheng hadn't used his tactics properly and used a large number of button bombs as traps, everyone would have died many times.

"Maybe they are waiting for something. They still have about 300 people and have enough capital to launch more than three strong attacks, but we can't stop them even once." Luo Zheng said worriedly.

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