The strongest soldier

Chapter 1326 Facing death

It is very dangerous to take risks and retreat from the steep mountainside. Once the enemy notices that they are rushing up, everyone will become a living target. Once the stable dragon tooth sword is loose, it is entirely possible to fall and die. Fortunately, it takes fifteen minutes. No enemy was seen after that, but everyone had climbed to 500 meters, and the world was filled with wind and snow. In such bad weather, the enemy would not attack again, right?

Luo Zheng thought for a while, not daring to put his life on the enemy's slackness. There was no rope any further up. Everyone gathered together and hugged each other to avoid being blown away by the cold wind, which could blow their eardrums. Dazed and feeling extremely uncomfortable, Luo Zheng looked up and saw that it was about three hundred meters away from the top of the mountain. He gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Fix it with a rope and keep climbing."

Everyone quickly tied ropes around their waists, joined them together, and lined up in a long line to continue climbing up. In the wind and snow, everyone was swaying and might be blown away by the wind at any time. If someone fell, the people in front immediately stabilized themselves. Without moving, the people behind me went to help them, and the cold wind hit them with snowflakes, making them all look like snowmen.

After climbing about a hundred meters, the slope slowed down and the snow layer thickened. It gradually reached the waist, making it impossible to continue walking. The wind and snow became even stronger, making me staggered and giving me a splitting headache. The eardrums swell.

The snow leopard was the strongest among the five. It was wading in front like a wolf. The snow quickly submerged most of its body and it was impossible to lift its feet. The snow leopard used its body to squeeze through the thick snow layer and squeezed out. There is a path, and everyone follows this path forward.

This way of walking is very energy-consuming, and the wind and snow are too strong, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. Luo Zheng yelled for everyone to stop and squat down. In this way, the wind blew across the surface of the snow layer, and everyone was Crouching under the snow ditch, with the wind blowing over his head, Luo Zheng made a gesture, knowingly untied the rope tied to his body with his ghost hands, stepped forward and picked up the engineer shovel to clear the way.

The snow layer was about one meter and a half thick, and it was thankless to walk by the body. Everyone understood Luo Zheng's intention, and squatted on the ground one by one to wait. When the mountain eagle saw the ghost hand slowing down, he untied the rope and went up to take over. The ghost hand retreated. Come back and tie your waist with a rope, just in case.

The speed of the engineers shoveling the road is not slow. It only needs to be wide enough for one person to pass, and the depth does not need to be too particular, as long as it can move its legs. When the mountain eagle is tired, Lan Xue climbs up, and when Lan Xue is tired, the snow leopard who has rested enough continues to climb up. Don't let Luo Zheng make a move to avoid aggravating the injury.

Ten minutes later, everyone finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Not daring to stop, they descended the mountain along the leeward side. The night was getting darker and the visibility was very low. Considering the danger, Luo Zheng asked everyone to find a sheltered place to stop and dig a snow cave. Besides hiding, the nearly 1,000-meter snow-climbing climb almost exhausted everyone’s energy and endurance.

Faced with the hope of survival, everyone unleashed their unprecedented potential. The technical work of digging a snow cave was no problem for everyone. Ghost Hands, Mountain Eagles and Snow Leopards worked together, and the efficiency was very high. Lan Xue and Luo Zheng hugged each other to keep warm. , to avoid being blown away by the cold wind. It doesn’t take too many people to dig a snow cave, and there are too many people to do it.

Not long after, Lan Xue suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted in surprise: "Look, what is that?"

Everyone was attracted by Lan Xue's shout. They stopped what they were doing and looked up. Their expressions changed drastically. Luo Zheng also saw it. His face darkened, his eyebrows furrowed, and he shouted loudly: "No, yes. missile."

Everyone naturally recognized the missile. The roaring momentum was overwhelming. They dropped their engineering shovels one by one and looked at the flying missile resignedly. In front of the missile, human life is like an ant and it is impossible to survive. Luo Zheng was also full of satisfaction. With a bitter look on his face, he managed to escape here, but he didn't expect the enemy to use missiles, or long-range ballistic missiles.

"It's a tactical missile, not a strategic missile carrying a nuclear warhead." Lan Xue shouted.

"What's the matter?" Luo Zheng said with a weak smile. Whether it was a tactical missile or a strategic missile, it was enough to kill everyone. He couldn't help but hug Lan Xue tightly. It would be nice to die together. He looked at Guishou and others apologetically. , shouted loudly: "Brothers, I'm sorry for not being able to take you home alive. Go down below and continue to be brothers, and continue to kill Asan."

"Be brothers, kill Ah San." Everyone shouted loudly as they looked at the missiles getting closer and closer. One by one, they risked their lives. When death came, everyone found that there was nothing to be afraid of. Maybe they had seen too many life and death experiences, right? Who knows, who cares.

Ghost Hand, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard looked at each other, calmly looked at the ballistic missiles flying over, closed their eyes, just die, it was worth it to kill so many Ah Sans, each of them puffed up their chests, even if they died, We must also be upright, stand calmly and face the situation calmly, and never kneel down to survive.

"Brothers, the national sword is sharp. You can only die in battle, not live on your knees. Let's hit the road." Luo Zheng shouted loudly, with endless tragedy and helplessness, hugging Lan Xue tightly, for fear of losing, Lan Xue also hugged tightly He hugged Luo Zheng and pressed his face against Luo Zheng's chest. They could not become a real couple in this life, but it was worth it to die together.

"We're on our way." Guishou and the others shouted loudly, and soared into the sky with an aura of contempt for everything.

Everyone closed their eyes and faced the arrival of death calmly. The sound of the biting cold wind howled in their ears, and something buzzed past their heads. The terrifying sonic boom was deafening. Everyone opened their eyes in surprise. , found that the ballistic missile was missing, they were shocked and looked at each other in confusion.

"Boom!" There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the whole world seemed to be shaken and trembled. Everyone could even feel the snow on the mountainside beginning to loosen and slide down. Everyone was stunned. The ballistic missile was obviously flying towards everyone. , why did it pass from the top of the mountain and explode in the valley on the other side? Missed?

Everyone exchanged confused glances, and immediately realized that the impact of the missile explosion was blocked by the nearly 1,000-meter-high mountain peak. A kind of surprise of survival came to their hearts. No matter what, everyone survived, and they suddenly shouted excitedly. , venting the tension in his heart, Luo Zheng let go of Lan Xue and quickly climbed up towards the top of the mountain. The others also reacted, picked up the engineering shovel on the ground and climbed towards the top of the mountain, using their hands and feet at a very fast speed.

Not long after, everyone climbed up to the top of the mountain and rushed to the other side. They were shocked when they saw countless snow on the mountainside began to slide down, like thousands of horses galloping. The previous Death Valley was already filled with snow, and there was a terrifying explosion shock wave. The surrounding peaks were blasted into pieces, but unfortunately the sky was gray and covered with wind and snow, so we could only see a rough outline.

Luo Zheng, who was rushing in front of everyone, felt the howling sound caused by the avalanche, and the strong air flow made people stagger. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, shouting: "Run quickly."

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