The strongest soldier

Chapter 1331 Discovering the Enemy Situation

It was getting late, and it was hard to say whether the target would evacuate the temple overnight. After all, everyone had been exposed, and it was reasonable to evacuate. Luo Zheng did not dare to gamble, so he could only prepare for the worst and take everyone out of the forest. If the target If you want to evacuate, you can only go to the plains outside the forest. The view is wide and the road is easy to walk.

Luo Zheng had carefully observed before that there were no helicopters or mechanized transportation in the valley where the temple was located, only horses, which should be used for transportation, so the plain was the only way. Wearing night vision goggles, everyone ran all the way for about an hour before finally reaching the edge of the plain and hiding in a forest.

Luo Zheng raised the telescope and observed. The plain was quiet and gray. The visibility was not high. He couldn't see anything. His face darkened and he looked at everyone. They were all panting from exhaustion and exhausted. There was no way to continue marching, so I couldn't help but lower my head and think deeply.

Lan Xue took the telescope and observed it for a while, then whispered: "Maybe we arrived too late and the target has already left, or maybe the target didn't come at all and is still in the temple. There is always a lot of luck in this kind of thing. In any case, keep it up Good condition is very important, I think, just rest where you are."

"Okay, no pursuers were found along the way. They are probably withdrawn. The straight-line distance from here to the temple is about thirty kilometers, which is beyond the scope of their investigation. It is already dark now, and the forest is very dangerous. It is impossible for the enemy to pursue them anymore. Digging I made a fire in the cave to get something to eat, but I haven’t had anything to eat in a few days." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"I'll do it." Ghost Shou answered from the side. He put down his backpack, picked up the folding engineer shovel and looked around. He found a leeward hillside and dug. The mountain eagle and snow leopard went around to collect smokeless dry firewood that could be burned. The fire is not easy to detect inside the cave, and the smokeless dry wood will not smoke out, and it cannot be seen from a distance.

"Do you feel strange?" Lan Xue continued to say softly.

"What?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"This is the border of India. It is unreasonable to install surveillance in the forest. They must have expected that we would come and had made preparations in advance. They were surrounded and suppressed not long after the parachute jump. The number of troops was quite large, which also shows this. I am worried What's more, there are more traps waiting for us." Lan Xue whispered.

"Your worries are reasonable, but we have no choice. The enemy is heavily guarded. It seems that we can only find a way to penetrate into the valley, find opportunities to kill the target and then evacuate. The problem now is that we are not sure that the target is in the temple. , If all of this is a trap and there is no target at all, wouldn't we just be moths flying into the flame?" Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Yes." Lan Xue also said with a sigh: "Now that we have been exposed, the enemy does not need to hide the target in the temple. Even if it is hidden in the temple, now that we are exposed, the target will not show up easily, and there is no need to infiltrate into the valley. If you can't find the target, you will undoubtedly die, so it's better to be cautious."

"It makes sense. It seems that the top priority is to determine whether the target is in the temple. However, we cannot contact the outside world and cannot get any intelligence support." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"If it doesn't work, we will retreat to a place with people first and try to contact the outside world. Anyway, we already know the location. It will only take a few days. We would rather be safe than take risks easily. Thousands of enemy troops are stationed in the temple and around the forest. There are also landmines and poisonous snakes, which are too dangerous." Lan Xue suggested softly.

"Well, I'll think about it." Luo Zheng agreed.

The two chatted for a while. The ghost hands had already dug the cave and opened a ventilation hole in it. The mountain eagle and snow leopard brought the dry firewood over. The three of them quickly lit a fire in the cave and were about to follow the enemy. The two hunted hares were taken out, disembowelled and skinned, and roasted over the fire.

Ten minutes later, the hare was roasted. Everyone took out some salt from their backpacks and sprinkled it on, and ate it among themselves while discussing the situation of the enemy. After a while, the hare was completely eaten, and everyone was still unsatisfied. Unfortunately, it was too dark. , unable to go out to hunt, they cleaned up the area around the cave entrance, and everyone sat back-to-back to rest.

Luo Zheng looked up at the cold stars in the sky, and his heart became heavy. There were too many variables in this mission, and he had a narrow escape. He didn't even know where the target was. This feeling was depressing. He couldn't sleep, so he asked everyone to rest. He stood up on the first shift, thinking about Lan Xue's proposal to temporarily evacuate.

Time passed by minute by second, and it was midnight before he knew it. Luo Zheng added some dry firewood to the bonfire in the cave. When Ghost Hand woke up, he handed over the sentry duty to Ghost Hand, leaning against Lan Xueguan with his back. He closed his eyes to rest and fell asleep unconsciously. When he woke up, it was already dawn.

The morning sun was warm and warm, the sky was clear, and there was no wind or cloud. This made Luo Zheng feel much better. He finally didn't have to go through the snowstorm. Although the weather was still very cold, it was much more comfortable than the snowstorm. Everyone got up one after another. Since he was not in a hurry anyway, Luo Zheng went to check around, hoping to find something to eat.

The dense forest was noisy again. Early birds and lively squirrels were all chirping. Luo Zheng looked carefully at the ground, hoping to find some clues of wild beasts. Unfortunately, there was nothing. Unknowingly, he came to a hillside. .

The view on the hillside is wide and the air is fresh and refreshing. Luo Zheng stood next to a fir tree and raised his telescope. Suddenly, a team appeared in the field of vision. It was a bit far away, but he could see clearly through the telescope. , an enemy army, nearly a hundred in number on horseback, was slowly walking along the plain.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately lost his mood of looking for prey and rushed back to the camp, gesturing to everyone to be careful. Everyone was shocked when they saw Luo Zheng's nervous expression, and they all picked up their weapons and entered into battle. Watching the surroundings vigilantly, Lan Xue asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

"An enemy army is coming." Luo Zheng whispered. He looked around and saw that there was no terrain to use. He said without hesitation: "Put your backpack on the ground and climb up the tree."

"Understood." Everyone threw their equipment on the ground and each found a tall fir tree to climb up. The fir tree was about thirty meters high, with straight trunks and dense crowns. It made great use of concealment. After a while, everyone dexterously climbed up the big tree. The tree was well hidden, and weapons were set up to observe.

Luo Zheng raised his binoculars and saw that the enemy army was less than a kilometer away from him. There were more than a dozen horses, and a man dressed as a lama was riding on the horse. His face was wrapped in a scarf. He was escorted by a team, loaded with guns and ammunition, with extraordinary momentum. Luo Zheng Becoming suspicious, I observed the lama carefully and found that he was not young, but his face was wrapped in a scarf and could not be seen clearly. I couldn't help but be surprised, what is the enemy doing?

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