The strongest soldier

Chapter 1338: Tired Enemy Tactics

"It's not a big problem to rest for a while. Compared with you, my physical strength really can't keep up. Xue'er is still better, but nothing happened at all." Hong Meihua said apologetically, breathing heavily, seeing that everyone was there Quickly press bullets into the empty magazine, and follow the same example. It feels like the cells in the whole body are active. This exciting feeling is intoxicating. Even if you die in the next moment, you will have no regrets.

"I am a combatant and you are an intelligence officer. We have different divisions of labor." Lan Xue said casually, looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes focused, and continued: "The enemy did not catch up, so the original plan had to be changed. It seems that the enemy You’re not stupid, you guessed that we would sneak attack the valley, what a pity, what should we do next?”

"No rush, each team will report the battle situation." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he whispered.

The battle situation was quickly calculated. There were no sacrifices on his side. A few soldiers were just bruised. The problem was not big. Bandaging it would not affect the battle. This result made Luo Zheng secretly relieved. Next, everyone discussed the enemy's casualties. According to the situation, each member counted the number of enemy kills and finally summarized them.

Luo Zheng didn't expect to kill more than a hundred enemies in the mountain col, and then dozens more were killed in the retreat, with even more wounded. In other words, excluding the enemies in the valley, he killed about 200 pursuers and injured the enemy. The number was over two hundred, and it was a big win. Although it was a calculated attack, it was a sneak attack, but after all, we won, and everyone laughed excitedly.

However, Luo Zheng frowned. This was the enemy's territory. Not to mention that there were still six or seven hundred people in the valley. They could send troops to support at any time, which would be equally detrimental to him. Moreover, reinforcements might be on the way. If If you cannot complete the task in a short time, you will be in trouble later.

Lan Xue also thought about the possibility of reinforcements and reminded in a low voice: "The enemy did not take the opportunity to pursue, but retreated to defend. This conservative tactic is very unreasonable. It is possible that the enemy's reinforcements are on the way."

"It is entirely possible. Therefore, we must fight quickly. If we wait until tomorrow, the enemy's reinforcements may arrive. We must complete the mission and evacuate as soon as possible. Let's go, everyone, follow me back." Luo Zheng shouted with murderous intent, his eyes twinkling. The light of confidence shines like the stars in the sky.

Everyone nodded knowingly and followed closely. The mountain eagle did not wait for orders and led his own people to clear the way in front in case there was an enemy ambush. The others also accelerated their march. Along the way, everyone found that the enemy had already cleaned up the battlefield. See No bodies or weapons were found, and they were all confiscated.

Luo Zheng originally thought about getting some weapons and ammunition to replenish it. Seeing this scene, his face became solemn, and he was thinking about the next countermeasures. Everyone arrived at the original top of the mountain unknowingly, and did not see any enemies along the way. , when looking towards the direction of the valley, everyone smiled excitedly.

I saw that the fire was still burning in the valley, and most of the tents were swallowed up by the fire. The troops were fetching water to put out the fire. Fortunately, the water was not far away, but the fire was very strong, and water rushing on it would have little effect. Luo Zheng raised his telescope and observed it for a while, and also smiled. , pointed forward and said: "The tent where they stacked food is also on fire. Who shot this? Beautiful."

It was a blind fire before, the distance was far, bullets would fly away when hit, no one knew who hit them, they all laughed, Hong Meihua next to her said excitedly: "Good job, now that there is no food, let's see what they eat, there are so many The wounded, what will they do next?"

"The enemy pursuers have two hundred wounded. There seem to be a lot of wounded in the valley, and morale is low. However, they are tightly guarded and can't get out, and we can't rush in. This battle is not easy to fight. What do you mean?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng and asked in a low voice.

"Use the tactics of exhausting the enemy, Mountain Eagle!" Luo Zheng shouted thoughtfully.

"Arrived!" The mountain eagle agreed quickly, its chest puffed up and its fighting spirit high. The members of the mountain eagle team also pricked up their ears while checking their equipment.

"Take your people and spread out, each look for opportunities to make a sneak attack. Don't let the enemy stop. Since they won't come out and we can't rush in, then give me a sneak attack and beat them until they are exhausted." Luo Zheng shouted.

"Yes." The mountain eagle immediately understood the meaning of Luo Zheng's fatigue tactics, smiled excitedly, waved his hand, and led his men to quickly disperse and disappear into the surrounding woods.

"Guishou, your men go to the original mountain col to ambush. Once the enemy sends troops to support us, block it for me. That is the only way the enemy can rush up to deal with us." Luo Zheng ordered, his cold eyes falling on Snow Leopard.

"Yes." Ghost Hand agreed firmly and hurried away with the people.

"What about us?" Snow Leopard looked at Luo Zheng and asked expectantly.

Luo Zheng did not immediately answer Snow Leopard's request. Instead, he went to the edge of the cliff to check. He found that there were piles of stones in front of the temple below. No one was cleaning them. No one came out of the temple. The army did not send anyone to guard the temple. It was as if the temple was occupied. As if abandoned, he couldn't help but be surprised and began to think deeply.

"Did the target get killed?" Lan Xue walked up and looked down and said in surprise.

"This is impossible. If he is really killed, the enemy cannot retreat and garrison. He should have gone to the army to protect him. This temple has been abandoned. The enemy has a lot of troops. We can't fight head-on. We can only attack from a distance. Wait for the opportunity. ." Luo Zheng whispered, turned around, and retreated to the top of the mountain.

"Brothers are still waiting for the mission." Snow Leopard reminded softly.

"We'll wait and see the enemy's reaction after Shan Diao and the others start the attack. You guys make maneuvers." Luo Zheng's face became solemn and he said seriously. He looked towards the direction of the valley. When he heard the report of Shan Diao and others being in place, he raised his hand. He looked through the telescope and said coldly into the headset: "Attack the war horses with incendiary bombs."

"Yes, attack the war horse with incendiary bombs." The mountain eagle repeated excitedly, knowing in his heart that the war horse can move. Once attacked, it will definitely rush around violently, and the incendiary agent can take advantage of the situation to kill the war horse. It ignites wherever it passes, forming a fire and creating chaos again.

"Maneuver?" Snow Leopard thought he had an important task entrusted to him, but he didn't expect it to be a manoeuvre. He said unwillingly: "Both of them have tasks. I am manoeuvre. How can I explain this to my brothers?"

"Mobile means there is an important mission, but it has to wait. Don't you know this truth? How about you go guard the mountain pass and let Guishou do the maneuver. I guarantee he will agree." Lan Xue scolded angrily.

"No, just do it if you can, but you have to make sure you let me come in at the critical moment." Snow Leopard immediately laughed.

"If you have the chance, do you dare to lead people down with me?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Dare, I didn't say anything." Snow Leopard's eyes lit up, and he excitedly patted his chest and agreed.

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