The strongest soldier

Chapter 1370 Sad Failure

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the entire five-story building collapsed instantly. The huge explosion exploded, sending people outside flying backwards. No one expected that the explosion was so powerful. Jackson Looking at the collapsed house with a cold face, he knew that he still underestimated the power of the explosion and the decisiveness of his opponent's killing. Under such a big explosion, absolutely nothing would be left, whether it was the national teacher or Mohand.

A national master, a spiritual leader, a symbol of the royal family, respected by thousands of people, was humiliated to this point before his death, and nothing was left in the end. Such a way of death, Jackson didn't know what the consequences would be, but there was a faint feeling of uneasiness. Emotions came up, and a sense of awe that he had never experienced before came up. The awe of the enemy, both admiration and fear, this feeling drove Jackson crazy.

"Boss, what should we do?" The vice-captain came over and said in a low voice. The national teacher is dead. The next attitude of the Indian country will determine many things. Should he leave or stay? Jackson was unsure. He glanced at the deputy captain and said tiredly: "Let the brothers return to the headquarters. I want to be alone."

The death of the national master deeply touched Jackson. For a long time, Jackson believed that his loss to Luo Zheng was unjust. It was not that he was not capable enough, but that his collaborators were not strong enough. His cooperation with Mohande was very good, but The Imperial Master still died, tragically, with nothing left. Jackson was deeply aware of his own shortcomings.

As a person who is good at learning and thinking, Jackson was not discouraged. Instead, he locked himself in the car and sorted out the whole thing, summarizing his shortcomings and looking for Luo Zheng's flaws. Gradually, Jackson understood something. Enlightenment, I realized that I was still too rigid in doing things and lacked the imagination and courage to make things happen again.

Thinking of this, Jackson drove away, went straight to the palace, and found the president in the chamber. The president did not expect that Jackson would come to ask for an audience. He looked at Jackson with a cold expression, controlled his anger and said slowly: "Mr. Jackson, Are you anxious to see me?"

"According to reliable information, the murderer is in the wealthy area. I request the president's approval to investigate the wealthy area." Jackson's face became solemn and he suggested seriously.

"Do you know what it costs to investigate wealthy areas?" the president reminded with some embarrassment.

"This?" Jackson looked at the president with some confusion. What price would the government have to pay for investigation? It's enough to coordinate well. I couldn't understand it, but I saw the president's dissatisfaction and continued unwillingly: "Mr. Mohand asked me one thing before he died. He asked me to kill the murderer. I will definitely fulfill my obligation." Those who took the oath, please think again, President.”

"It's time to think again, Mr. Jackson. Please give your father a message when you go back. What benefits has our country of Great India gained from cooperating with your country so far? Without benefits, I can't convince my country to continue to cooperate with your country." The cooperation has continued, especially after the national teacher died for the country." The president said seriously and unsentimentally, if Jackson did not represent the Sam Country and did not have a powerful father standing behind him, the president would not treat Jackson at all.

"Profits?" Jackson pondered for a moment and then said quickly: "Finding the murderer, I think, my country will be happy to take the opportunity to put pressure on China. Are you afraid that there will be no benefits?"

"What if he can't find it? What if he blows up the rich area again? Can you bear this risk? Or can I bear it?" The president said dissatisfiedly, his tone was a little cold. He looked at Jackson and saw that Jack Sen wanted to continue to defend, but interrupted rudely: "Mr. Jackson, I think you should understand one thing."

"What's going on?" Jackson asked in surprise.

"The national teacher died for his country and suffered great humiliation before his death. If he had just died and the people of the whole country had shared the same hatred of the enemy, let alone investigating the rich areas, there would be no problem even declaring war with the Huaxia Kingdom immediately. Everyone's hatred and anger would be unanimously expressed to the outside world, but now The situation is completely different. The national teacher was humiliated before his death. Why is this happening?" The president said coldly, looking at Jackson with a colder look.

Jackson thought that the president was saying that he was not protective enough, so he lowered his head in shame. At this time, the president continued to say coldly: "Mr. Jackson, I am not blaming you, but telling you the fact that the national teacher was humiliated before his death. , the people began to question the government's ability. How can a government that cannot even protect the national army have the ability to declare war? The peace faction and the neutral faction have united like never before to put pressure on me, do you understand?"

"This?" Jackson couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he realized that he had overlooked an issue, which was politics.

The president looked at Jackson and continued in a lowered voice: "If you want to say something inappropriate, the Imperial Guard can die, but he cannot be humiliated to death. You should not take him out of the palace. If he dies in the palace, I will have enough." The excuse is to characterize the incident as a war provoked by the Huaxia Kingdom, but he died outside and was humiliated. Why was a generation of eminent monks humiliated before his death? Have you ever thought about it? Ten minutes ago, major websites were speculating on this issue. You Three minutes before he arrived at my place, someone made a mistake and let the Imperial Guard raise venomous snakes to assassinate political figures from various countries. The Imperial Guard's image collapsed, and he was humiliated to death and it was his own fault. You still want me to investigate the rich area?"

"What?" Jackson didn't expect the situation to turn out like this. He couldn't help being shocked. He suddenly realized that he had underestimated his opponent. He said to himself with a cold face: "What a ruthless method, what a careful arrangement, what a lifetime." Encountering such an enemy is my blessing and my nightmare."

"I don't care whether it's a blessing or a nightmare. Someone has found out what happened to the National Master before. Although most people don't believe it, some people still believe it, especially in the face of the evidence. The temple was destroyed and the classics that had been treasured for hundreds of years were destroyed. Once the sect points its contradictions and hatred at the government, the royal family also takes the opportunity to ask the government for an explanation. I have too many things to deal with. If there is nothing else, just go back and say hello to me." The president said a little tiredly. .

"Thank you, Mr. President." Jackson exited the chamber with a gloomy expression. Without the support of the president, there was no need for him to stay. This time, he lost. The loss was not unfair at all. At least he saw himself clearly. shortcomings.

On the way back to the palace headquarters, Jackson found that many guards and soldiers looked at him unkindly, with resentment, contempt, and anger. If he hadn't deliberately controlled them, they would have had to shoot and attack. Jackson knew about the death of the national master. I have to bear the main responsibility. I didn't blame these people for speeding up.

Returning to the headquarters, Jackson saw his team waiting at the door, holding their own equipment. The deputy captain came up to him with a cold face and whispered: "Boss, we were kicked out, and they put the blame on me." head."

"Forget it, we lost this time. We lost completely. Don't be angry. Please prepare. We will return to China. There will be many opportunities in the future. This debt will have to be settled sooner or later. Today's humiliation will be repaid in one day." Jackson quickly adjusted his attitude and looked at everyone to comfort him.

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