The strongest soldier

Chapter 1379 Unpredictable intentions

The Song family, which had been silent for a while, suddenly made a move, which made Luo Zheng a little surprised. He pondered with a solemn face. Political Commissar Song was one of the important figures of the Song family, one of the three heroes of the Song family. Song Yan was in politics, and Song Tao was in business on the surface, but actually acted for the head of the family, Song. Haitian was in charge of the family, and both of them were defeated by Luo Zheng. Only Song Nan was left. The top brass of the army kept causing trouble for Luo Zheng. After Luo Zheng left the original army, they had no interaction with each other. Unexpectedly, he appeared again and wanted to do something. Well?

Guishou pondered for a moment and then signaled Wang Yong to leave. He closed the door and said to Luo Zheng with a heavy expression: "This is weird. You and the brothers from the Song family all know about it. Because of my family background, I can see some things more clearly than you. , The Song family has two possibilities for taking action this time, one is to suppress the Li family’s status in the military region, and the other is to infiltrate the national sword."

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng couldn't react to this and asked in surprise.

"There are also factions in the army. Captain Li can take the position of captain of the Special Forces Brigade, so he naturally has his own foundation. Political Commissar Song suppressed Captain Li and may want to replace him with one of his own. Of course, Captain Li's family background is very powerful. , is not easy to move, then there is only another possibility, infiltrating the national sword." Guishou analyzed.

"Infiltrating the National Blade? What do they want to do?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"No one from the Song family is in Guoyan. They came here after learning that we were here to select people. They must want to arrange for people to enter Guoyan. Firstly, they will have their own spies in Guofan in the future. Secondly, they may want to shoot you behind your back." , where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, it is the same everywhere. You did not grow up in a political family, and you do not understand these deeply enough. My brothers are all from such families. This matter is clearer than you. We must not let the Song family succeed. ." Guishou said seriously.

"What does our selection of people have to do with the Song family? Just don't do it." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly.

"Yes, in theory it can be said, but the Song family has an excuse to put pressure on Mr. Li, because we have an open selection and everyone has the power. Don't forget that they are in the same army. If we change the army, Song The family will have nothing to talk about. If things get serious, the Song family will say that we are pretending to serve the public good for personal gain and cultivating direct descendants. Anyway, all the dirty things in politics will come out." Gui Shou explained helplessly.

"So troublesome?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"You can't think of it, but they can't do it. The political commissar is in charge of politics. If he sticks to the personnel files and goes to court with the superiors, although he is not afraid and can win, time will be wasted. This is the most detrimental to us. A place." Guishou explained with a wry smile.

"Understood." Luo Zheng's face gradually turned cold. What everyone lacks most is time. They must form an army in a short period of time and form combat effectiveness, and then rush to the battlefield to support the shadows. Time cannot be wasted. If they really go against the Song family, Winning the lawsuit and losing time is still not advisable.

"We absolutely cannot allow the Song family to place cronies into our fourth squadron. This is a matter of principle. If it doesn't work, just cancel the selection temporarily." Guishou suggested.

"Yes, at worst, we will cooperate with other branches, and it's okay to second people. We can't ruin a good pot of soup. This bastard will make us stumbling and irritated at critical moments." Snow Leopard said angrily.

"Let's just go with the flow. Are we still afraid of a newcomer? Even if he arranges for someone to come in, it won't be enough, let alone the matter has not been finalized yet." Luo Zheng said and picked up the intercom phone on the table next to him. Called Captain Li's office number.

Captain Li quickly answered the call and shouted irritably: "Who is it?"

"It's me. Political Commissar Song is next to you, right? I know what happened. Let them participate." Luo Zheng said calmly. Without waiting for Captain Li to answer, he hung up the phone, looked at Gui Shou and the others and said, "Boring. The selection of people has become more fun, I want to see how capable the people arranged by the Song family are."

"What do you mean?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"Let's talk about it then." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully, thinking about how to deal with the Song family. Since the Song family doesn't give up and still wants to fight with themselves, let's do it. If he can kill Song Tao and Song Yan, Luo Zheng doesn't care about how many people there are. Song Nan, this psychological advantage made Luo Zheng's thinking clearer, and his whole body exuded a strong sense of confidence.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was full of confidence, everyone exchanged glances with each other without saying anything. After a while, Wang Yong came over to invite him to dinner and said that Captain Li and Political Commissar Song were having dinner together and asked if they wanted to come together. Luo Zheng knew as soon as he heard that Li The captain didn't want to be embarrassed, so he refused and motioned to Wang Yong to bring the food to the guest room.

Not long after, Wang Yong came over with food and several bottles of good wine. He sat down to accompany him. After three drinks, Wang Yong knew the relationship between Luo Zheng and Captain Li. He opened up the conversation and said, "Several leaders, I I could hear it clearly at the door. Political Commissar Song asked several military sub-regions to send people over, and each sub-military region had thirty places to run for election together. Everyone should rely on their abilities. He said it in a high-sounding way. It pissed me off, captain. I’m so angry that I can’t help it.”

"Understood. Let's all rely on our abilities. We are all in the same unit. We don't look up or down. If the number selected by your team is superior, wouldn't it be very shameful?" Guishou said with a smile.

"Yes, even if I can't get along with this tone, after all, the captain is under the jurisdiction of the military region, there is nothing I can do." Wang Yong said helplessly.

"If you understand the situation, tell us how many good seedlings there are in other military divisions?" Guishou asked.

"Except for the five people who represented the military region last time, there must be good talents from other military regions that have been suppressed. Objectively speaking, this is also an opportunity for them. Who doesn't want to stand out? Who doesn't want to make a splash? If this time you Selecting all the good players in the Grand Military Region is also a hope for other people in the Grand Military Region. It will have many things to look forward to in the future, and it also proves that our Grand Military Region produces talented people, right?"

"Your ideological consciousness is quite high." Gui Shou glanced at Luo Zheng and said with a smile. There were some words that Luo Zheng was not comfortable saying. Gui Shou, an ordinary person, naturally understood the truth and came up with Luo Zheng's words.

"What are you talking about? Political Commissar Song said it in the brigade captain's office. I got angry when I heard it. I learned it from you. Although it makes some sense, it's not a big deal to spread the word. Just wait, our brothers in the team will definitely get angry." Wang Yong said angrily.

"It makes sense. You go and pass a message to everyone, let everyone work hard and try to win all the places. We will definitely give priority to our own people, do you understand?" Guishou smiled.

Wang Yong's eyes lit up, he stood up suddenly, and said: "Thank you, chief. I'm just waiting for this sentence. I'll go right away." He smiled, turned around and left excitedly.

"This guy is quite naughty. How dare he make false statements?" Gui Shou laughed and cursed in surprise, and everyone laughed kindly.

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