The strongest soldier

Chapter 143 Fight while retreating

The valley must not be entered. Luo Zheng ran irregularly in the opposite direction, dodging the bullets fired at him. The rugged hills were like a smooth road under Luo Zheng's feet. The rising mounds of earth even obscured Luo Zheng's figure. The pursuers were crazy. Shooting and venting their anger to no avail, they dispersed under the command of the leader and surrounded them from both sides.

"Da da da!" The dense bullets caught up with Luo Zheng again, almost biting his heels and running. The hair on Luo Zheng's body exploded in fright, and his body became even tighter. He tried his best to speed up, and his mouth was full. As wide as possible to ensure the nourishment needs of the lungs, there is only the sound of wind whistling in the ears, and the face turns red as if it is deprived of oxygen.

Another round of machine gun bullets came over, and Luo Zheng was shocked. The machine gun had a long range and a fast rate of fire. It could cover a large area in one sweep. No matter how hard he ran, he would inevitably be hit. Luo Zheng felt a huge aura of death coming over him, and he breathed. For a moment, blood rushed to the top of his head, and his body instinctively rolled to the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The dense tongues of fire swept over the top of his head, like the scythe of the god of death. The hot bullets almost burned the surrounding air, and a suffocating sense of depression swept through his mind. Luo Zheng had never felt that death was so close to him, and he took a big mouth Panting heavily, he wished he could suck all the surrounding air into his body to calm his rapidly beating heart.

The gunshots from behind were getting closer, Luo Zheng didn't dare to stop, he kicked his feet on the ground, and his body was like a cannonball being discharged from the barrel. He rushed out for about ten meters and bypassed a small hill. In front of him was a small mountain col. The surrounding hills were not high, but it was a good place for an ambush. Luo Zheng had an idea and quickly took off the grenade without pulling the ring. He threw it directly on the ground. The ground was bare and it was easy to find. However, Luo Zheng decided to run and chase. The enemy only has eyes for themselves and will not pay attention to their steps.

As he ran, Luo Zheng dropped the five grenades in an inconspicuous place. He quickly rushed up to a hill, ducked down and lay down. As soon as he set up his gun, a dozen people rushed in front of him, howling and screaming, and he quickly entered the mountain col. , Luo Zheng found through the sniper scope that the opponent's running route was a little far away from the first grenade, so he quickly deflected the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the enemy on the other side, and attacked decisively.

"Whoops!" A headshot shot, red and white things flew out, and ink splashed in the air to create a coquettish picture.

The enemies who were chasing after him were startled by the sudden change, and they all dodged to the other side. Luo Zheng drove them all to the area where the first grenade was. A sneer flashed across his face as calm as iron, and he aimed his sniper scope. After waiting for the enemy to get closer, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Boom!" The explosion soared into the sky, and the red light flashed, swallowing up the fresh lives. After the smoke cleared, the ground was covered with mutilated limbs and minced meat. The enemies who were not killed on the spot were rolling in pain on the ground. Groaning, blood dyed the surrounding ground red.

Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly, unmoved. While using the family's breathing method to quickly recover his physical strength, he once again aimed at the five or six enemies rushing towards him from the other direction. These people were scattered far apart, two hundred meters away from him. About 3 meters away, Luo Zheng quickly fired his gun and killed the enemies on the left and right sides. The scattered enemies gathered together inadvertently, just in time to hit the vicinity of the second grenade.

The opportunity was rare. Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed and he watched the enemy stepping into the death trap step by step. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He coldly pulled the trigger. The bullet slid into the barrel of the gun, making a crisp sound, and then roared out of the barrel, carrying Looking at the grim smile of death, he rushed toward the target like lightning, leaving only the bullet casing ejected from the gun chamber, turned over, and lay flat on the ground motionless.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded again. The soil was flying, and the fragments were raging, spinning at high speed, tearing apart the space barrier, tearing apart the target's body, and crushing all obstacles. Screams came one after another, and the sorrow of death filled the wilderness and valley. The pursuers behind them all lay down and took cover, losing the arrogance they had just now.

Two grenades killed about twenty people. Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction. He changed his ambush point and continued to observe the enemy situation in front. There was no compassion or compassion on his calm face. He was completely calm in the world of battle. There was only one thing in his mind. One thought, killing, shooting all enemies who try to deprive him of his life.

There is no morality in the battlefield, only life and death. Either the enemy dies or we live, it is simple and cruel. After experiencing several lives and deaths, Luo Zheng has adapted to this kind of life. The life of a soldier, the life of a strong man, does not require passionate slogans or passionate righteousness. He only needs to live and fight for life. He has never been People on the battlefield cannot understand the tragedy and helplessness involved.

In order to survive, Luo Zheng did everything possible. His cold eyes exuded blood-red murderous intent. He saw the enemy rushing up again from three directions, less than 200 meters away from him. Once encircled and blocked by fire, he would not be able to survive at all. With no way to hide, he attacked decisively, aiming at the other three grenades and firing quickly.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Three explosions rang out, startling the pursuing enemies, who all fell down to hide.

The explosion did not cause any damage, but it provided an effective cover for Luo Zheng to evacuate. When the enemy lay down, Luo Zheng spread his legs and ran backwards, like a cheetah chasing its prey on the grassland. His movements were fast and light, and his irregular running formed a A moving arc, erratic and elusive, and the bullets fired at it can only follow the heels and do useless work.

After a while, the mountains ahead became more complicated and steeper. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. Seeing that his pursuers were determined to hold on, he climbed into the mountains without hesitation, rushed up a mountain ridge in one breath, and rolled to hide on the reverse slope. With the muzzle pointed forward, he calmly observed that the pursuer was about 400 meters away from him. He had a wide field of vision in front of him and his position was condescending, which was the best shooting point for sniping.

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng opened fire without hesitation. He accurately shot five people on the spot. The others lay down on the spot to hide. Without strong fortifications to cover them, as long as even half of their heads were exposed, they couldn't hide. Cairo Zheng's shocking shooting.

The enemy was divided into three under the leader's order, leaving about 30 people to fight back head-on. The others circled around from both sides and outflanked them. Once they were surrounded, they would be unable to fly. Luo Zheng planned to kill as many enemies as possible before the enemy was surrounded. After killing about ten people again, Luo Zheng saw that the enemies on both sides had gathered around him. He did not dare to stay for a long time and ran away along the mountain ridge.

Fighting and retreating, retreating and fighting, Luo Zheng was confident that he would drag down this enemy and drag him to death. While running, Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. The sun had set and night had fallen. If he could not get rid of these enemies before dark, The situation will be very serious if there is an enemy, and Luo Zheng does not dare to stop and fight back.

While running, the wind whistled in his ears, and his eardrums buzzed. Luo Zheng ran at full speed, not bothering to look back at his pursuers. Ten minutes later, he followed the ridge to the top of a mountain and saw what was ahead of him. Seeing the scene, his face suddenly changed, showing incredible shock.

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