The strongest soldier

Chapter 1588 Clear out the hidden sentry

Infrared detectors work by detecting infrared rays emitted by the human body. The detector collects infrared radiation from the outside and then concentrates it on the infrared sensor. Infrared sensors usually use pyroelectric elements. This element emits changes in temperature after receiving infrared radiation. The charge will be released outward, and an alarm will be generated after detection and processing. In other words, as long as it is not detected by infrared rays, it will be fine.

Infrared rays are invisible in the night and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Ordinary people will definitely be discovered if they enter rashly. They will not know if they are exposed. Fortunately, Luo Zheng and others wore special tactical sunglasses. The sunglasses have infrared recognition function and can detect infrared rays in the night. See infrared rays, otherwise you will hit it head-on.

The infrared rays were about a foot above the ground. Bundles of infrared rays crossed each other, but they were all fixed. Luo Zheng carefully stepped over the infrared rays, not daring to be careless. Once the alarm was triggered, all the previous efforts would be wasted, and there was still the possibility of facing another enemy. Come to endless pursuit.

Fortunately, the distribution of infrared rays is not very large, about ten meters or so. Luo Zheng quickly hid on the spot after crossing the infrared detection area, and calmly observed the surroundings, his eyes shining like cold stars. With the help of tactical sunglasses, he was about thirty meters ahead. The situation is clear at a glance, perhaps because of the infrared detectors. The defense in this area is relatively loose, and no abnormalities were found.

"Come here slowly, be careful, and never touch infrared rays." Luo Zheng whispered through the headset, and slowly pushed forward, so that if there was a hidden whistle ahead, he would be the first to notice.

After walking about a hundred meters, Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset: "Brothers are already here, where are you? What's going on?"

It was too dark and the visibility was weak. Tactical sunglasses could only see a range of more than thirty meters. Luo Zheng had penetrated a hundred meters forward. Lan Xue and others could not see it. He was anxious. Luo Zheng hid on the spot and observed calmly. Ahead, he said: "Push forward, I'm within a hundred meters."

There was Luo Zheng exploring the way in front. Everyone walked very fast, and soon they arrived near Luo Zheng. They were all watching the front as vigilantly as cheetahs, hiding on the spot, with cold eyes, murderous intent, and gripping the steel tightly. The gun's arm has a little more strength.

"The manor is about five hundred meters away. There may be hidden sentries lurking ahead. Everyone, be careful. Xue'er and I are exploring the way. Guishou, take your people to the left. Snow Leopard, take your people to the right. Rush forward in column and walk in a straight line. , everyone should stay at least five meters above each other and wait for my order before moving." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged glances and nodded tacitly. Luo Zheng held the pistol and touched it forward carefully. The speed was not very fast. He walked more than ten meters and stopped to observe. Then he gestured to Lan Xue, and Lan Xue followed. Come up, move forward about ten meters past Luo Zheng, and lurk. After making sure there is no danger, give Luo Zheng a signal.

The two of them covered each other and advanced about a hundred meters alternately. Luo Zheng lurked in a bush and calmly observed the front. He felt vaguely uneasy in his heart. This feeling was very bad. He couldn't help being frightened. He watched the front vigilantly, but he didn't notice. If there is any abnormality, he will feel scared in his heart, and quickly lower his voice through the headset: "There may be danger ahead, don't move, wait for my order."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice.

It feels bad to feel the danger but not know where it is. Luo Zheng stared ahead vigilantly, not missing any details. However, the visibility was limited and he couldn't see very far. Waiting would only waste time. Luo Zheng was heartbroken. Heng, he gestured to Lan Xue who was lurking next to him. Lan Xue nodded knowingly and aimed his gun forward, providing fire cover for Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng hunched forward and rushed forward.

With Luo Zheng's explosive power, it is not a problem to rush forward ten meters in one second. Under the cover of night, this speed is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Luo Zheng used the surrounding terrain to cover, lowered his body as much as possible, penetrated forward like a ghost, and rushed forward in the blink of an eye. About twenty meters away, he carefully observed his surroundings.

After a while, Luo Zheng found a sunken ditch in front of him. There were overgrown weeds around the ditch. It was the only place in front that could hide people. He couldn't help but pay attention. The depth of the ditch was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but it was only one meter wide and two meters long. , is a naturally formed ravine. Luo Zheng was startled and doubtful. What if there was someone hiding inside and he couldn't see through it at all? If he went there rashly, he would definitely be discovered, but he couldn't stand still. What should he do?

"What's going on?" Lan Xue's weak voice sounded in the headset, but it was clearly audible in the silent night.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but stared at the ravine in front of him with vigilance, thinking that if there was someone, he would not be able to see him unless he poked his head out. Assuming that he rushed over like this, once someone poked their head out of the gully to observe, he would definitely have time to kill him. , don’t worry, but to be on the safe side, it’s best to let Lan Xue come over to suppress the formation. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was about to call out. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the bushes not far from the ravine seemed to be moving. He couldn’t help but be startled and fixed his eyes. Look.

The bushes were swaying under the blow of the wind. Luo Zheng observed the bushes in surprise. His intuition just now told Luo Zheng that the bushes there were not moved by the wind, but moved. After observing, Luo Zheng smiled. Yes, the bushes are just a man-made disguise, but they are really clever. If they hadn't happened to see them just now, they would never have been able to spot them. The other party is a master. It doesn't matter if he is not lurking in the ravine. He is actually lurking next to the ravine. Luo Zheng's determined face There was a touch of cold murderous aura.

Normally, ravines are the best places to lurk, and it is easy to attract attention. Luo Zheng regarded the ravines as a hiding place. Unexpectedly, the other party was lurking next to the ravine, using the ravine as a cover, and adding exquisite camouflage. Most people would definitely I couldn't see through it, and it hit the muzzle of the gun when it came up.

This kind of clever lurking made Luo Zheng's blood surge up, as if he had met a confidant. Unfortunately, he was an enemy and could only be eliminated. Luo Zheng did not take action immediately, but watched the surroundings vigilantly, not letting go of any details. With this name With the experience of secret whistle, Luo Zheng observed more carefully. After a while, Lan Xue's questioning sounded in the headset. Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and he locked the lurking target again, aiming his gun at it.

"Puff puff!" Three bullets whizzed out of the barrel without any warning. Although the sound was filtered by the muffler, there was still a slight sound. It was particularly clear in this silent wilderness. Fortunately, it did not travel very far. The endless murderous intent suddenly It exploded, as if it was going to tear the entire night sky into pieces.

The three bullets flew up silently in a square shape, like three life-threatening ghosts, and disappeared into the bushes in an instant. Luo Zheng keenly felt the bushes move, but soon there was no sound. Luo Zheng Worried, he fired three more shots at the bushes, but there was still no movement from the bushes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Lan Xue's voice asked anxiously in the headset.

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