The strongest soldier

Chapter 2017 Latent surveillance

After talking to Master Goode, I didn’t get much information, but it proved two points. One is that Paradise Valley is indeed the sect’s residence, and it’s very old. It’s hard to say whether it’s the Dark Church. The other is that this sect has been registered. You need to check with the local government to find out, but Luo Zheng is not optimistic. Even if it is filed, the information above may be false, so you cannot have too high expectations.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng and the ambassador said goodbye and left, picking up Lan Xue who was watching outside and driving away. Master Gude sent everyone out with a smile on his face, looking easy-going and unconcerned. He waited until the car went away and there was no trace of it. , Master Gude's expression suddenly changed, a touch of frost appeared on his gentle face, and his dull eyes slightly condensed, becoming sharp, like a hidden sword.

Master Goode took out a gold-encrusted mobile phone from his pocket. It was a limited edition with no more than a hundred units in the world. He quickly dialed a number. When the call was connected, Master Goode said coldly: "What are you doing?" The one who did it? His whereabouts were actually exposed, and now the other party has come to your door. The leader of the team that went to kidnap him should go back to the headquarters and train his troops. If he doesn’t bring out the same team within two years, he will kill himself. "

"Yes, Master Mercy!" A cold voice sounded.

"People from China will definitely attack the valley. Be careful and give me a hard fight. You will gain a reputation in one battle. The Cobra mercenaries have been hiding for three years. It is time to show off your power. Don't let me down, otherwise you will know the consequences." Gu. Master De said coldly, hung up the phone, stared at the direction where the car disappeared, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Luo Zheng didn't know that Gude was hiding so deeply. He looked like a monk who was independent of the world and had high moral standards. He kept thinking about Gude's words along the way and said to the ambassador after a while: "Ambassador, please coordinate with the relevant departments of the local government." Let’s see if I can get the filing dossier, or make a copy of it, because I need to know the information they filed. Although it may be falsified, some hidden truths can also be seen through the falsified content.”

"Okay, I'll take care of it." The ambassador promised, took out the phone and started calling.

After going all the way, it was already night when everyone returned to the embassy. What Luo Zheng didn't expect was that he got a copy of the filing file. Luo Zheng took the file back to his room and studied it carefully. Lan Xue went to the canteen to get some food. The two People exchanged their opinions while eating. The file was very simple, just the registered name, basic information such as doctrine and number of people, which seemed very ordinary. The name was Tiantian Cult, which worshiped the sun, and its teachings advocated freedom, peace and so on.

Heaven symbolizes light, and the opposite of light is darkness. Luo Zheng has reason to suspect that this sect is the Dark Church. The Heaven Sect is just a cover to deceive the outside world. Other information is basically useless. No wonder the local government is willing to provide copies of relevant files. These information Too common.

As time passed, Lan Xue reminded: "It's almost the agreed time. Should we prepare in advance? I don't feel very good. If we must attack tonight, the airdrop location must be carefully planned to ensure Just in case, I still can’t trust Jackson.”

"Yeah, I can't believe it either, but now that the matter has come to this, we can only take one step at a time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, spread out the map and studied it for a while, and found the location of Paradise Valley, which is twenty kilometers away to the north. Find a valley. The valley is relatively large and the surrounding mountains are not very high, which is convenient for airborne landing.

Luo Zheng immediately reported the location to Blue Star, which mobilized satellites to investigate and sent the aerial photos to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked at it and felt good about it, so he decided on this location as the airdrop point for the night, and then selected it. Jackson's weapons are airborne, and the two positions must not be placed together to prevent Jackson from cheating.

Soon, Luo Zheng found a place suitable for airdrop in another mountainous area ten kilometers away. This place was about ten kilometers away from the airdrop point of the brothers and about ten kilometers away from Paradise Valley. In the middle of the two, the surrounding area was deserted and uninhabited. Area, don't worry about anyone finding out.

After confirming the two airdrop points, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue packed up and asked the ambassador for a car. The two quickly left. On the way, Luo Zheng contacted Gui Shou and told them to continue to monitor the power plant and communicate in a timely manner. , if Jackson really attacks, then the credibility of the whole thing is 50%. If it is not true, then you have to be careful. To dance with wolves, you have to be smarter than the wolves.

After driving all the way, Luo Zheng unknowingly came to a mountain ridge. Luo Zheng drove the car into the bushes nearby. The bushes were as tall as a person and could completely block the vehicle. It was already dark, so even if a car passed by, he would not notice it. The two quickly left and walked deeper into the wilderness on foot.

If the whole thing was set up by Jackson, it would be useless even if he concealed his whereabouts. Jackson knew how to return to attack Paradise Valley. If not, with Cobra's strength and lack of satellite reconnaissance conditions, the two of them would not have to worry about being discovered. The two put on their tactical goggles and ran like two cheetahs on the grassland, extremely fast.

While running, Luo Zheng kept in touch with Blue Star to determine the coordinates. About an hour later, the two came to a mountain to ambush. In front of them was an open plain, endless as far as the eye could see, with a broad field of vision. Luo Zheng raised his hand to look at his watch. At nine o'clock, Luo Zheng immediately turned on his cell phone and dialed Jackson's number.

"You finally turned on your phone. I thought you suddenly changed your mind and backed down." Jackson's voice sounded.

"How could it be?" Luo Zheng agreed casually and kept the coordinates.

After getting the coordinates, Jackson immediately said: "A transport plane will be airdropping over in an hour. I wish you success."

"It depends on whether your equipment is reliable. Paradise Valley is a tough nut to crack. If possible, I would rather trade with you." Luo Zheng said lightly, while looking around vigilantly. This coordinate was decided by himself. , it is impossible for Jackson to know in advance, if someone does, it means a lot of problems.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng set his phone to vibrate, put it away close to his body, and waited patiently. The tactical goggles have a strong night vision function and can perform thermal imaging. He cannot see the cold-blooded cobra, but he still has no problem finding the lurking person. After observing for a while, there was no one around. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said to Lan Xue next to him: "We will monitor here and airdrop supplies in an hour. If no one comes during this period, it means that Jackson's story is credible. Another ten percent increase in speed.”

"Yes, for us, there are two things that must be determined. One is whether Jackson is sincerely cooperating, and the other is whether the Cobra terrorist organization is our enemy, or whether our engineers were kidnapped by the Cobra terrorist organization. It is not sure. These two points are very passive." Lan Xue also said in a deep voice.

"In tonight's battle, if Jackson does not cheat, it means that he is indeed willing to cooperate. As for whether the Cobra terrorist organization is our enemy, we will know in tonight's battle." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, staring sharply at Looking around, there was a cold fighting spirit.

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