The strongest soldier

Chapter 2085 Brutal Fighting

"Puff puff puff!" More than a dozen men fought with blood and anger, their eyes were red, their strong arms dragging steel guns, as steady as a rock, their faces as calm as frost, Senhan's eyes locked firmly Ahead, murderous intent soared into the sky, and bullets rushed forward with everyone's hatred and anger. Under the moonlight, they looked like terrifying fighting machines, blocking the oncoming enemies until they were hit by bullets and fell down. land.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene with his binoculars. Seeing that these people fought to the death, they were worthy of the sons of soldiers, and he had more respect. Looking at the battlefield, the five snipers were shot by Zhou Yang and his men, and they were all dead and injured. Without any cover, the combat effectiveness of these snipers cannot be fully exerted, and there is no way to avoid Zhou Yang and others who are superb snipers.

There was no longer a threat from snipers. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and glanced in the direction of the dark Tucheng. It was quiet there. The collapsed place was like a passage to hell. It was dark and quiet, but exuded the aura of death. It was always dangerous. Countless enemies may emerge, and time waits for no time. Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Zhou Yang, fire support."

"Understood." The surrounding voices rang in the earphones, and then shouted murderously: "Brothers, let the enemy see our methods, sniper incendiary bombs, kill!"

"Boom!" Countless sniper incendiary bombs roared out of their chambers, breaking through the layers of night, drawing out a terrifying light. They rushed towards their respective targets in an instant, and exploded immediately. The incendiary bombs splashed out, instantly igniting the target, all over his body. The clothes and hair burned and turned into a pyromaniac.

The powerful burning pain caused the target to let out a heart-rending scream, which was so shrill and chilling that it spread under the night. He forgot to shoot, forgot about discipline, forgot everything, and ran around, bumping into his companions. The companion was also set on fire, knocked to the ground, and rolled over, eager to extinguish the fire on his body, but the screams soon stopped, the target was scorched by the scorching heat, and there was a stench of burned corpses in the air.

The sniper incendiary bombs did not stop, but continued to shoot at the target, specifically targeting crowded places. An endless breath of terror exploded instantly and dispersed in the air. The attacking enemy was shocked. At this time, Jack Seeing that more than half of the brothers around him were dead and wounded, Sen's eyes turned red and he went crazy. He rushed down the sand dune with his gun in hand.

Seeing Jackson rushing towards the enemy, the others jumped up and screamed, rushing down the sand dune. The guns in their hands started firing wildly, their faces were as cold as frost, and their eyes were full of killing.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Suddenly, countless armed men rushed out from the collapsed hole of the dark earth city, all with automatic rifles. They fired violently at the hiding place of Jackson and the snipers, beating and charging. There were no less than two people in total. Hundreds, each one howled crazily and charged like a wild beast.

Luo Zheng smiled immediately when he saw this group of armed men rushing out crazily. This should be the enemy's trump card, right? He snorted coldly and shouted through the headset: "Snow Leopard, I'm telling you to charge forward and cut off their retreat. No one is allowed to retreat, and no one is allowed to rush out of Tucheng."

"Understood." The Snow Leopard, who had been sharpening his sword for a long time, was overjoyed when he heard that he could attack. He shouted excitedly: "Brothers, follow my order. Teams 1, 2, and 3 will rush directly to the city wall and block the exit for me. Four, The five or six teams will fight each other, and the seven to ten teams will attack the center. I'll rush forward and see the red, and kill—!"

"Kill -" they roared in low voices, like angry lions. They stared at the enemy in front with sharp eyes and tightened their grip on their steel guns. When the snow leopard moved, everyone screamed and rushed forward, holding their guns levelly. Shoulder, gun muzzle pointed at the enemy in front, charge fiercely and start fighting.

We are five hundred meters away from the enemy. This distance does not affect our shooting. There are too many enemies and they are dense. You can catch a target casually. When a magazine is finished, everyone changes it immediately, but their feet are as fast as flying, without stopping. Immobile as a mountain, moving as fast as fire, an invisible murderous aura rushed towards the enemy.

The sudden appearance of the Snow Leopard Brigade startled the enemy, and they all turned their guns and aimed at them. The Snow Leopards and others took advantage of this opportunity and rushed up about 200 meters. They were only 300 meters away from the enemy. Zhou Yang and others saw the enemy turn their guns. Mouth, quickly abandon the previous enemy, aim at the past, and use incendiary bombs to cover the charge of Snow Leopard and others.

Jackson's eyes turned red. When he saw Snow Leopard and others attacking, Luo Zheng did not break his promise. He was overjoyed. Seeing that the enemy was only ten meters away, he threw away his empty weapon and roared: "Brothers, charge forward, draw your sword, kill!"

"Kill -" The remaining people also threw away their empty weapons and pulled out their m9 sabers. Like a completely crazy lion, they howled and rushed towards the enemy. The sharp m9 sabers easily cut through the enemy's robes. Plunge it into the heart, then twist it, and when it is pulled out, blood spurts out, and the opponent falls to the sand without any suspense.

The well-trained Jackson and others brought their close combat skills to the extreme, and could kill a target with every blow. At this time, Snow Leopard and others also rushed forward to withstand the enemy's bullets. They had tactical bulletproof vests and bulletproof vests. They have high-quality ballistic tights and three layers of protection. As long as they don't hit the fatal head or throat, it won't be a big problem. They charge hard and hit each other, and they are about to come into close combat with the enemy.

Snow Bear casually hung the empty weapon on his shoulder and roared angrily: "Brothers, rush forward, draw your sword, chop up these bastards, avenge your brothers, kill -"

"Kill!" Everyone let out a hysterical roar and pulled out their dragon-tooth sabers one after another. Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, the long swords flew around and killed wantonly. The invisible murderous aura gathered together and towered into the sky, as if to kill these people. The dark space was crushed, piercing the sky.

On the sandy slope in the distance, Luo Zheng held his binoculars tightly and watched this scene. The brothers' charge was very critical and very dangerous. Fortunately, Zhou Yang and others used incendiary bombs to snipe and cover, and they finally charged. Once we go up there, we have a hand-to-hand encounter. We all have dragon tooth sabers and have the advantage of weapons. We have also practiced the invisible sword technique. Two hundred enemies are not enough for the brothers to cut down. Next, it depends on how the enemy will move.

Luo Zheng asked Snow Leopard to lead people to charge up and kill them at close range, just to show off to the enemies in Tucheng, to kill them with a show of strength and let the enemies know how powerful they were. As long as the people arranged to block the exit, the people inside would not be able to get out, and everything would be in trouble. Well, as for the five hundred people to the east, they have been blocked by ghost hands. The one hundred reinforcements to the north are also being chased by mountain eagles and will not be able to come for a while. It is enough to block the enemies in the Tucheng.

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