The strongest soldier

Chapter 2204 Arriving at North Korea

Three days later, Luo Zheng took Shi Qian, and Jackson took Tang Tiantian. The four of them took a flight to a neighboring country of North Korea. This neighboring country and the Sam Country are strategic partners and have close relations. For Jackson, coming here It was easy. After arriving in the country, the four people secretly came to the border of North Korea. The Chinese Embassy in North Korea sent a special car to greet them. China was unhappy with North Korea because of the nuclear issue, but it was not a hostile country after all. The special bus to Chaoguo did not block it and let everyone go. At dusk that day, everyone arrived at the capital of Chaoguo smoothly.

For safety reasons, Jackson, a white Westerner, stayed at the guest house inside the embassy. Luo Zheng took Shi Qian and Tang Tiantian to disguise themselves and came out. He drove around the capital and wandered around, surveying the terrain, and then found a restaurant to sit down and order. We had some food, and we all carried the ID cards of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff, so we didn’t have to worry about being checked.

North Korea is different from other countries in that it is highly centralized. Outsiders were not welcome in the past and were subject to surveillance. The diplomatic staff were kind. The three of them asked for some food and talked in low voices while eating, using Chinese Mandarin. In order to ensure Nothing was missed, and everyone had a tacit understanding not to mention anything, just talking about what they saw and felt while wandering around, like tourists.

After dinner, the three of them came out. Luo Zheng was walking in front, observing everywhere with his eyes. He was quickly attracted to a hotel. The hotel floor was the highest in the surrounding area and he could see the situation in the capital. It was the best choice for surveillance. Luo Zheng Zheng knew what was going on and signaled everyone to return to the embassy.

Luo Zheng asked Shi Qian to take Tang Tiantian back to his residence first, and he knocked on the door of the ambassador's office. After revealing his identity, the ambassador greeted him warmly, motioned Luo Zheng to sit down and talk, made a cup of tea himself, handed it over, and closed it. Behind the office door, he sat down across from Luo Zheng and said seriously: "The organization has issued an order requiring me to cooperate with your actions at all costs. What do you need me to do?"

"You don't need to take action for the time being. There is an international hotel near the capital. Is it safe there?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I know that hotel. Most of the time, the country is used to receive dignitaries from various countries. It is open to the public when there is no reception mission. The accommodation fee is very expensive. It is the residence of wealthy businessmen from various countries who come to North Korea. What?" the ambassador asked curiously. He said, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of doubts.

"I need a room. The higher the floor, the better, and I can see the capital." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The ambassador knew as soon as he heard that Luo Zheng wanted to spy on someone, but there were no problems. The reception was very clear. No inquiries were allowed, only support and cooperation were needed. After thinking for a while, he agreed: "There was an economic and trade meeting recently, and various countries There are a lot of businessmen coming, and the reception work is heavy, but the problem is not big. I will give you an answer tomorrow, do you think it is enough?"

"Okay, I need a high-power telescope." Luo Zheng agreed.

The ambassador agreed wholeheartedly, and Luo Zheng left in a hurry after chatting for a few words. He had a meal with everyone in the dining hall, and then went back to their rooms to rest. Everyone was very nervous during this journey. Could it be that they should relax, as the war is about to begin. , it is necessary to restore physical strength and maintain a strong state.

Luo Zheng returned to the guest room and did not rest. Instead, he immediately contacted Lan Xue. Lan Xue had already returned to the base. After receiving the call, he immediately said: "It's me. Can we talk?"

"Conveniently, what is the domestic attitude?" Luo Zheng said quickly. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released support, what is the domestic combat principle? Luo Zheng didn't dare to take action easily until he understood these things.

"The above means that diplomatic principles are not allowed to be exposed, and combat principles are unprincipled." Lan Xue said quickly.

"Unprincipled?" Luo Zheng was startled, and then he was overjoyed. Unprincipled means that you can do it at any cost and without any worries. The premise is that it cannot be exposed, so as not to cause diplomatic trouble. With this bottom line, Luo Zheng knew what to do. Shen He asked in a loud voice: "What's going on at home?"

"Everything is calm at home. No one has come to the door. The calmness is a bit scary. Hong Meihua said that it might break out recently. She is watching very carefully these days. In addition, Blue Star said that they have discovered several hacker attacks, but they have all been intercepted. , all from the polar bear country. Maybe they want to steal the results directly through the Internet. Fortunately, our firewall has been upgraded, otherwise we would be in big trouble. Blue Star said that the other party is very powerful and used a virus that they have never heard of. If it is The previous firewall was compromised." Lan Xue explained in a deep voice.

"It's thanks to the procedures given by those god-level military kings, otherwise it would be really troublesome. If the polar bears were making up their minds, they would definitely not give up. They might attack by force. Be careful. Red Plum Blossoms don't understand military matters. You stay at the headquarters and let Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle quickly lead the team to secretly assemble on the border and respond at any time." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Also, be careful yourself." Lan Xue said with concern: "Jin Yuan has a special status, travels cautiously, and has many protection personnel accompanying him. When arresting, he must plan carefully and not expose himself. This is the principle, otherwise the country will not recognize this If you take this action, you will be in trouble."

"I understand the principles of action, don't worry." Luo Zheng agreed confidently. He was just kidnapping one person. Luo Zheng was very confident in himself. After thinking about it, he worriedly warned: "The polar bear's KGB is good at attacking and sneak attacks. Headquarters More than three lines of defense can be deployed to ensure safety, and in addition, external delivery is tight and internal security is tight."

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed knowingly, then changed the topic and warned affectionately: "Remember, you must be careful. Now you are not alone, you still have me, do you understand?"

"I know that I must live a good life. You haven't given birth to a child for me yet. We will have a lot of children in the future and let them continue to serve as soldiers." Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart and smiled affectionately.

"Think I'm a pig. Can you afford to raise a bunch of babies?" Lan Xue scolded angrily, but her heart felt sweet. Giving birth to a child for her lover was also a kind of happiness, although the process was very painful. , but children are the witness of love and the perfection of the family. A marriage without children is unfortunate, and a home without children is incomplete.

"Don't be afraid, I will work hard to make money." Luo Zheng smiled, with deep love in his words.

The two of them chatted for a while and then hung up the phone. Luo Zheng took a bath and was about to lie down and rest when Shi Qian knocked on the door and came in. Luo Zheng asked Shi Qian to sit down and asked curiously: "What's the matter? Look at you. You look anxious, is something wrong? Tell me."

"I was wondering if I could steal the target." Shi Qian suggested in a deep voice.

"Steal? You mean to steal the gold coins quietly? How sure are you? Don't forget that the place where that bastard lives is heavily guarded, so it's hard to do anything." Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, with a bit of curiosity and expectation. I hope Shi Qian can find a way to steal people out, and then everything will be easier to handle.

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