The strongest soldier

Chapter 225 Escape intact

Late at night, the moonlight was thicker, and the valley was heavily guarded. The view was wide and it was almost impossible to penetrate. Without any warning, the people on the second floor were looking at the computer with a contented look on their faces. They had no idea that the ghost was coming and had already arrived. , when he felt danger, he turned around, only to see a group of black shadows rushing over like a mountain, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were full of horror, and he even gave a warning.

When people see something unbelievable, their brain thinking will often come to a standstill and they cannot believe what they are seeing. Of course, they will also react quickly. The time required for this process from brain reaction to directing the body to fight back varies from person to person. , it may only take a blink of an eye for a professionally trained person, but this blink of an eye is enough for Luo Zheng to execute a close-range kill.

Luo Zheng rushed forward like lightning, covering the opponent's mouth with one hand, and the blade of the other hand flickered, slashing out a cold sword with a grim smile of death, directly cutting into the opponent's throat, cutting off the opponent's warning cry, and then stabbed With a bang, the blood arrow flew, air poured in from the incision, and the blood came out.

This man tightly covered his neck, trying to block the blood. He looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised face, as if he was shouting something desperately, but unfortunately no sound came out. His vitality gradually disappeared, and his body collapsed on the chair. , the blue eyes opened helplessly, with endless confusion and confusion, and they refused to close their eyes.

Luo Zheng glanced at the screen, and it turned out to be videos from several cameras. This guy was monitoring the surroundings through the cameras. Looking at the angle, the cameras monitored almost all intersections where he could sneak in. If he hadn't relied on camouflage to cover up, he would have spent several hours Time crawls in like a snail, and there is no way to escape surveillance.

This guy is in command. As long as he finds a target, he can direct the patrol team below to investigate through the headset. With the addition of heavy machine guns, it is such a terrifying trap. Luo Zheng's scalp went numb thinking about it. He was secretly glad that he had better thoughts. , cautious enough, worthy of being the eighth-ranked organization in the world of killers. These killers are indeed not simple.

Luo Zheng put on the earphones. It was quiet inside, with the occasional sound of wolves and dogs coming. Looking at the surveillance camera, there was nothing but the occasional patrol passing by. Luo Zheng quickly checked the computer hard drive and found that it was empty. Thinking about it, No one keeps secrets inside a computer.

I wonder if this computer can be cracked into something valuable if it falls into the hands of a master? Luo Zheng thought about it, unplugged all the computer cables, put it into the computer bag next to him, then carried it on his chest, and then searched the other party's body for a gun, two magazines, some cash and passports. .

Luo Zheng put all the things in his bag. This was not a place to stay for a long time. He quickly came to the stairs and looked at the passage on the roof involuntarily. It was pitch dark. The door should be closed. There were machine gunners on the roof. Luo Zheng thought for a while and quickly came to the stairs. He saw that the door to the rooftop passage was closed but unlocked. He gently pushed it open and saw that an armed man was lying on the roof, controlling a machine gun. In addition, there were Four people were sitting chatting quietly.

There were so many people that it was difficult to start, so Luo Zheng decided to give up and went down the stairs to the first floor. Then he climbed out from the window again and groped along the corner of the wall. After waiting for a while and seeing that no one was paying attention to his side, he quickly Charge, duck and hide in the shadow of the stable, and observe calmly.

If you follow the original method to evacuate, it will take more than three hours. It's almost dawn, and you don't have much time left for you. You must find the place where Lan Xue and others are detained as soon as possible. Once you wait until tomorrow, you will be completely passive. Look, Come on, we can only force our way through.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard several horses snorting next to him, and a lantern hung next to him. He had an idea and untied the horses' reins, opened the fence, took off the lantern, and used the fire to light a handful of hay. Coming up all at once, Luo Zheng looked at the horse and his apologetic smile was quickly replaced by determination. In order to rescue Lan Xue and others, it didn't matter what Luo Zheng did.

The horse's tail was quickly ignited. The horse was in pain and frightened, and rushed out of the stable neighing. The patrol team was startled when they saw the frightened horse rushing out, and they all stepped forward to stop it. Luo Zheng looked at the last horse calmly. After rushing out and not attracting the patrol's attention, he knocked the lantern to the ground, took off his disguise, and rushed in another direction as fast as he could.

In the dark night, the patrols were attracted by the horses and intercepted them. They never thought that someone had penetrated in and evacuated from the opposite direction. The hay in the stables caught fire and the fire started. The patrols were busy putting out the fire without thinking too much. , such a tight defense, no one believed that anyone came in.

Luo Zheng took the opportunity to escape, and then rushed out of the open area under the cover of night and got into the dense forest. Under the cover of the dense forest, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and detoured towards the place where the car was hidden. Half an hour later, Luo Zheng came to the place where the car was hidden. The Ferrari was still there. Now, Luo Zheng observed carefully and saw that there was no danger before he walked up.

Turn on the ignition, start the car, and leave. Luo Zheng's face was as deep as water, but his heart was extremely anxious. It was already past midnight, and Lan Xue and others had no clue at all. Luo Zheng rushed towards Mogan Town. Half an hour later, Luo Zheng turned the steering wheel. After a while, he drove the car behind a slope on the side of the road, turned off the engine, opened the door, and opened the trunk.

In the trunk of the car, the boss was dizzy due to the lack of air circulation in the trunk and the bumpy road. He looked at Luo Zheng with an angry face. Luo Zheng was on fire, his face turned cold, and he stabbed the boss in the thigh with a knife, and then He quickly pulled it out and shouted coldly: "You dare to lie to me?"

"Oh." The boss screamed in pain and asked in horror, "How did I lie to you?"

"There is no one in the base you mentioned. It's a trap. If I hadn't run fast, I would be dead. You want to use the trap to kill me. Very good. I'll help you first." Luo Zheng said coldly, full of His face was murderous, like an angry wild beast, and his eyes were staring at the boss, full of anger.

The boss was frightened by Luo Zheng's appearance of eating people, and quickly said: "It's impossible, it's obviously there."

Luo Zheng could tell that the other party didn't seem to be lying, so he said coldly: "Your blood will flow out for an hour at the current speed. After an hour, you will die from bleeding. Unless it is bandaged immediately, you will die." That is to say, you still have one hour, if you don’t find my person within one hour, you can die.”

"You?" The boss's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He glanced at the blood on his leg and knew that what Luo Zheng said was true. A fear of death surged into his heart. After thinking about it, he quickly said: "I want to Call me, quickly, give me the phone, my father will not watch me die."

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