The strongest soldier

Chapter 2407 Talking about the secret history

During the era of Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, the scholar Luo Mi's "History of the Road? Later Ji IV" quoted from "Shiben", a history book of the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period: "Chi You made five weapons: sword, gun, spear, halberd, and barbarian spear." Three Emperors and Five Emperors During this period, there were only five types of weapons: swords, daggers, spears, halberds, and barbarian spears. There were no knives at all in the later period. The sword was the king of weapons and was not suitable for close combat on the battlefield. The sword was the overlord of weapons. Large-scale close combat occurred after the Qin and Han Dynasties. Just showed up.

Luo Zheng didn't know the content of the annotations in "History of the Road? Later Ji IV", but he vaguely felt that the halberd in the painting was very special. It seemed to have some kind of evil spirit, which was exactly the opposite of the fearful and upright spirit of the Emperor's Sword. It felt weird and special. It was like a demon waiting to devour blood on the halberd blade. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

"Does it feel evil?" Pufu whispered next to him.

"Yes." Luo Zheng looked at the portrait and asked curiously, "Is this person really Chi You?"

"I don't know if it was passed down from our ancestors. Maybe our ancestors also found a painter to draw it based on the oral traditions of their ancestors? During the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, there was no paper to record things, and the style of painting was also different. Judging from this painting, The style is similar to that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but it has not been authenticated. I have already taken pictures and asked someone to copy it. This painting will rot within a few years." Pufu said with some regret.

"The Dark Church is eyeing this halberd. It shows that they attach great importance to this halberd. Why?" Luo Zheng asked. It is understandable that the Dark Church is looking for the Emperor Sword. It is consistent with the verse record. Why is it looking for the halberd? Luo Zheng had doubts, so he asked bluntly. Since Ji Pufu is the guardian of the halberd, just like Ji Wen's clan protects the Emperor's Sword, he must know a lot of secret history.

Pu Pu glanced at Ji Wen again, Ji Wen nodded solemnly, and Pu Pu said truthfully: "The first metal weapon in the world was forged by Chi You, named 'Bingzhu'. It was Chi You who discovered copper at the foot of Mount Lu. Mine, and found blood-sucking strange stones in the mine, they used the strange stones and copper ore to cast the terrifying "Soldier Lord", which was eight feet long and weighed more than a hundred kilograms. It could suck the blood of living people. It was extremely evil and weird. According to records in the classics, this blood-sucking strange stone is an extraterrestrial meteorite."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was shocked and looked at Pufu with curiosity. Seeing that Pufu didn't look like he was lying and didn't look at Ji Wen, Ji Wen whispered knowingly: "Yes, Chi You made five Soldiers: Sword, Ge, Spear, Halberd, and Barbarian Spear. The sword was given to Xuanyuan and became the sword of the Emperor. No one knows who gave the Ge, Spear, and Barbarian Spear to him. There is no relevant record. Only the halberd is kept by himself. According to classics, five Each weapon is made from the same meteorite combined with other materials."

"So that's the case. No wonder the Dark Church couldn't find the Emperor Sword and settled for the next best thing." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

"Yes, the Emperor's Sword is corrosive. Once attacked, the body will rot and die, unable to heal. It is rumored to be God's punishment for sins. Everyone does not know the inside story and is full of awe for the Emperor's Sword, while Chi You's Halberd swallows blood. It was terrifying, regarded as evil, and was not allowed at that time. Chi You kept it himself, named it after himself, and declared that he would never use it. It was preserved until the battle between Chi You and Xuanyuan. Both sides had equal weapons. Who could There was nothing anyone could do. In the end, Chi You was defeated and Chi You's halberd was sealed away. Only the leader of our clan knew the specific location and secret." Pufu said in a deep voice.

"No one can say clearly what happened in ancient times. There is no detailed evidence or reliable historical data. Everyone has their own version. I only care about whether this halberd is safe." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Ji Wen swore that last time I believe that the Emperor's Sword is in the mausoleum, but in fact it has been stolen for hundreds of years and has to be guarded against.

Ji Wen saw Luo Zheng's thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I went to see it three days ago and it was fine. I also promised that no one could take it away. I won't go into details because no one knows how to use the Chi You Halberd. Moreover, this thing is too evil and cannot be allowed to appear in the human world. I hope you understand."

"I understand. This thing can suck human blood. It's really dangerous. It's better to seal it up. But, are you sure it's okay? With the current high-tech level, nowhere is absolutely safe. Even from the depths of the sea, there are ways to fish it out. ." Luo Zheng asked worriedly.

Ji Wen and Pufu exchanged glances, Pufu shook his head, and Ji Wen said knowingly: "Don't worry, this is special. With my knowledge, I am sure that no one can come up with it, unless there is something in this world that I don't know. "

"Senior, I'm not looking down on you. The level of technological development in this world far exceeds your imagination. For example, the Dark Church has developed a laser cannon with annihilation properties. As long as it is hit, any substance will be directly annihilated, and nothing will be destroyed. It will stay, even a little bit of dust, and disappear without a trace. Also, they have developed bulletproof armor. This is what we call it. I don’t know what they call it. It can block bullet attacks. What do you think can block yourself? Attack?" Luo Zheng reminded worriedly, feeling that these elders were unreliable.

"Can it block bullet attacks? Annihilation laser cannon?" Ji Wen was shocked. He had obviously never heard of this kind of weapon, and his face became serious. He felt that he was indeed out of step with the times. He couldn't help but look at Qipu. This kind of weapon transcended cognition. The level of science and technology has shaken Ji Wen's view of himself.

"Is there really armor that can block bullets?" Pufu asked with a shocked face.

Luo Zheng felt that these two old seniors were even more unreliable at first sight, and explained in a deep voice: "The Dark Church has popularized this kind of armor to their elite soldiers. There are more than one, and it weighs no more than five kilograms. It is pure metal. , let alone ordinary bullets, even sniper bullets can block it. Only sniper armor-piercing bullets shot at close range can barely tear open the armor, but the lethality is already very limited after tearing open the armor, and it does not pose a fatal threat to the human body."

"Sniper armor-piercing bullets are not enough?" Pufu was shocked. This was beyond Pufu's understanding. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't look like he was lying, Pufu's face darkened and he looked at Ji Wen.

Ji Wen smiled knowingly and said: "This is the first time I have heard of this, but I can be sure that he will not lie to me. As for the choice, it is your Keqin clan's business, and I respect your choice."

"Things have exceeded our expectations." Pufu looked at Luo Zheng worriedly, thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Is there a tool or equipment in this world that can get in and out of volcanic lava?"

"Yes, what is this?" Tie Diao, who had been listening patiently next to him, grabbed the topic and said, "This is too simple. It is not a problem at all with the current level of technology."

"Simple?" Ji Wen and Qi Pufu asked almost at the same time, with shock on their faces.

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