The strongest soldier

Chapter 2446 Adjusting Tactics

Ten minutes later, the gray moonlight enveloped the mountain wilderness and the silent small town. An invisible murderous aura floated over the small town and lingered for a long time. Even the barking of dogs gradually stopped, and in the open plain outside the town There are overgrown weeds and shrubs everywhere.

From the bushes on a slope, a head slowly poked out. Wearing a single-eyed helmet, it calmly stared at the town ahead. The cold eyes were murderous and introverted. The resolute face was covered with oil paint, looking like a god of war in the moonlight. Hiding, it was the mountain eagle. Ten minutes had passed. The reports prepared by the brothers came one after another. Luo Zheng waited for everyone to be in place and lowered his voice through the headset: "Head, are you ready? Do you want to attack?"

"Everyone was twenty meters away from the foxhole and found a place to hide." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

Everyone was stunned, but they quickly jumped out of the foxhole according to Luo Zheng's words, hunched over and ran towards another place. After they were in position, they all reported that Luo Zheng, who was in the forest, still did not launch an attack. This made the Mountain Eagle Brigade Everyone was very curious, and had never seen Luo Zheng be so cautious, but no one raised any questions and waited patiently. Countless battle experiences told everyone that Luo Zheng's decision ultimately proved to be correct.

Luo Zheng took out a grenade that Xuelian gave him last time. Once the grenade explodes, it can destroy electronic equipment to a certain extent. Luo Zheng's sharp eyes fell on Sanji. Sanji immediately took a step forward knowingly and looked at Luo Zheng, full of fighting spirit, handed the grenade to Sanji and said in a deep voice: "Find a way to infiltrate, hide near the hospital, and wait for my order. Your task is to destroy the opponent's electronic equipment."

"Brother, how about I go? I'm good at this, and I've been there once, so I'm familiar with the situation." The iron eagle lurking in the canopy not far away suddenly said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you two can swap."

"Okay." Sanji knew the seriousness of the matter and Tie Diao was more suitable than him, so he agreed and went to find Tie Diao.

Tie Diao took the grenade held by Sanji, thought for a moment, took two more graphite bombs and slid them down the tree. He swooped towards the town like a big bird and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Luo Zheng knew Tie Diao's skill and speed, so he was indeed the most ideal candidate to infiltrate into the town.

If it were in the past, Luo Zheng had already issued a battle order, but this time the situation was a bit special, and all kinds of uneasiness made it difficult for Luo Zheng to make up his mind, so he had to adjust his tactical arrangements and strive for perfection.

Everyone waited patiently. Ten minutes later, the news came from Tie Diao that it was in place. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. As soon as it was ready, the time was ripe, it was time to start fighting. He immediately said in a deep voice through the headset: "Brothers, listen to me. We have been preparing on the perimeter for so long, and the enemy has no reason not to know why they don't take action. They just want to wait for us to expose our firepower so that we can catch them all."

Everyone heard that it made sense. Since they had laid a trap, they must have known that everyone was on the periphery. Normally, they should have taken the initiative to fight back. However, the opponent did not take action, and instead allowed everyone to prepare calmly. This was abnormal. Everyone did not think much about it before. Hearing Luo Zheng's reminder, everyone suddenly became nervous.

This is, Luo Zheng continued: "The enemy is well prepared, so what, he has a perfect strategy, we have certain rules, brothers, follow my orders, everyone is ready, rapid fire of incendiary bombs, the target, the town is still there, one bomb Shoot, kill me——!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Countless sniper incendiary bombs whizzed away, drawing terrifying streams of light in the night sky. Like the gods of death, they fiercely attacked the target. The brothers had already been prepared and holding back In one breath, he would not be polite when taking action, and he would empty out the magazine in one breath.

There are one hundred people in the Mountain Eagle Brigade, all of them are snipers, with accurate marksmanship and unique vision. This kind of night sniping does not affect the performance at all. No one has a magazine, and the total is hundreds of rounds of incendiary bombs. The incendiary bombs are terrifying. The high temperature is enough to ignite any substance, and it will explode instantly after hitting the target, forming a stream of fire.

Everyone did not check the shooting results, but calmly and quickly changed the magazines. Suddenly, Luo Zheng's murderous order came from the headset: "Brother Tie Diao, do it, destroy the enemy's electronic equipment, and others should not shoot."

"Understood." Tie Diao's murderous voice sounded in the headset, and then everyone heard a faint explosion. They were all surprised and confused, wondering where Luo Zheng was singing.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng's voice sounded again: "Brothers, quickly retreat to the foxholes and hide. No one is allowed to fire without orders." Everyone was stunned, but they still got up and rushed to the foxholes they had prepared without hesitation. , jumped in, covered the hole with camouflage, squatted in the pit and hid, while raising his ears to listen to the movement in the headset, and was ready to attack at any time.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Suddenly there was a roar from the sky. Everyone was startled. They listened carefully and even quietly poked their heads out to check. Soon they found five bright lights appearing on the horizon. The powerful searchlights dispersed the night. They were five black shadows. The helicopter was coming with murderous intent, very fast.

Everyone was shocked. Sure enough, there was a helicopter. They were secretly glad. Fortunately, the foxhole was dug deep enough. Everyone hurriedly hid in it and did not dare to move. Soon, the Black Shadow helicopter rushed over, and one helicopter was responsible for one position. , the extra one went straight to the hiding place of Luo Zheng and others.

Terrifying bullets poured down like a torrential rain, attacking the place where everyone had been hiding. If Luo Zheng hadn't ordered everyone to hide in foxholes, no one would have been spared. In the mountain forest, Luo Zheng secretly rejoiced when he saw this scene. Sure enough, There was a helicopter, so it was better to be prepared, otherwise it would have been troublesome. When he saw another helicopter roaring towards him, perhaps because the pilot was careless, the flying height was not very high. Luo Zheng said coldly through the headset. : "Brother Sanchi, I leave it to you."

"Understood." Sanchi replied confidently.

Four black shadow helicopters were shooting around the town with great force, covering the entire area like a heavy rain of bullets. The terrifying attack power was devastating. Another helicopter also wanted to make a contribution, so it rushed over and started shooting from a long distance. Attacking the woods indiscriminately, he is arrogant and arrogant.

Helicopters are the nemesis of infantry. Luo Zheng and others were well prepared and hid one after another. No one touched this brow or fired to reveal their position. They allowed the helicopter to go crazy. Perhaps because there was no counterattack, the helicopter lowered itself again. After reaching the flying height, Sanji stared coldly at the helicopter rushing toward him, holding the grenade in his hand tighter, staring straight ahead with a burning gaze.

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