The strongest soldier

Chapter 2480 Discuss Countermeasures

The president was just captured. Within three days, the vice president stepped forward to serve as the interim president. He only exercised his duties as president. He publicly issued a statement saying that the president had been killed and the murderer was an anti-government army, and called on everyone to join the army. There was no conspiracy behind this. Who believes it? Luo Zheng immediately thought of the president's brother, and couldn't help but look at Qi Pufu and asked: "It seems that you need to check, maybe the president's brother has been killed."

"No way? His brother is aware of the danger and must be with the army. How could he be killed so easily?" Pufu said in surprise, but he still asked someone to send him a satellite phone. He pressed a series of numbers quickly with a solemn expression and waited. After getting through, I talked a lot in dialect.

Not long after, Pufu hung up the phone, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I'm afraid you really guessed it. My friend's phone couldn't be connected. I called his wife. His wife said that we had a phone call two days ago. Tell her that the superiors suddenly ordered the troops not to make any movements, not to step out of the military camp, to hand over all communication equipment, and not to contact anyone, so his wife didn't know what was going on and was very worried."

"Tell his wife to run away immediately and find a place where no one is around to hide, otherwise there will be trouble. A lot of things must have happened in the past two days. After the vice president takes office, he will definitely kill high-ranking officials who disobey orders. If your friend disobeys the new president, The order will definitely be bloodbathed, and the family will also be implicated." Luo Zheng hurriedly warned.

"Thank you, I guessed this and have reminded his wife to leave as soon as possible." Pufu said gratefully.

"It seems that we took action too late. The interim president will not only slaughter the army, but also liquidate the president's confidants and completely control the state machine. Maybe the media and public opinion have been controlled. Even if we issue a public statement, it will be useless because the people will not see it. From any news, there is no way to know that the president is still alive." Luo Zheng analyzed angrily.

"Yes, with such skillful means, it seems that the agents of Sam State are in action. They are the best at subverting the regime and have rich experience. If I guessed correctly, it should be Sam State who killed the president's brother. If Wouldn't it be easier to let the biological warriors you mentioned take action?" Pufu asked.

"That's right." Luo Zheng pondered with a solemn expression. It would be easy for biological warriors to assassinate the president's brother. No one in the government army could stop him. However, Luo Zheng was curious about why the interim president poured dirty water on the anti-government. ? What's the secret behind this?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately called the headquarters. The call was quickly connected, and Lan Xing's voice rang on the receiver: "Brother-in-law, is it easy to talk now? Did you see the text message?"

"Well, I saw it. You should investigate immediately. Why did the interim president throw dirty water on the anti-government? This is very unreasonable." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"No need to check. I just received intelligence that a group of unknown armed forces attacked a seaport terminal in western Myanmar. It was during the days of fierce fighting between you and the government forces. Later it was found out that they were the direct troops of the anti-government Sha Biao faction, and even more What’s terrible is that the shareholder behind this terminal is a congressman from Sam Country. Maybe this congressman is a member who supports the war in Burma. We are investigating." Blue Star explained gratefully.

"So that's it. If you have any news, please inform me immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation. Pufu didn't expect that there was something behind this, so he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Sha Biao, this bastard is also looking for death, why did he go to sneak attack the pier? You know what's behind the pier None of the shareholders are easy to mess with. Does he want to mess up the situation? Or is he trying to put the blame on you and me? The situation is already messy enough, why do we still need to put the blame on it? This is a bad move."

"Yes, his intelligence sources are definitely not enough, but this stupid move helped us and pushed them over to our side. I suggest that you arrange to contact him immediately. I believe he needs help the most at this time. Maybe Those biological warriors have already gone to find him. Capturing him will be a good weight for the interim president, enough to establish his authority, win the trust of the people and consolidate his position." Luo Zheng suggested seriously.

"That makes sense. It's true what you said. I'll make arrangements right away. Even if he doesn't cooperate with us, we'll remind him to be careful. The enemy of our enemy is our friend." Pufu said in a deep voice and immediately called someone in. Seriously I gave a few words of advice and asked the other party to do it quickly.

Luo Zheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Qi Pufu was a resolute person. Cooperating with such a person would save worry and effort. Although the situation became more chaotic and Sam State's control over Burma became tighter, Luo Zheng was not I'm very worried. It all depends on people. As long as there is enough internal unity and fighting capacity, all difficulties can be overcome.

"Perhaps it's too late." Ji Wen didn't know when he came over and whispered from the side, looking in the direction of the window. The shadows of the trees outside the window were dancing, the leaves were swaying in the wind, and a few rays of sunlight fell through the gaps between the leaves and fell on the ground. The mottled spots look like golden butterflies dancing, peaceful and graceful.

Luo Zheng also looked out the window and began to think deeply, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and he agreed with Ji Wen's words in his heart. If the Sam Kingdom really wanted to take action against the anti-government, catching Sha Biao would undoubtedly be the best way. Not only would it allow the interim president to be established With power, it can also disband the anti-government army. Without Sha Biao, the anti-government army is absolutely in disarray. Ordinary people may not be able to do it, but as long as the biological soldiers are dispatched, they can definitely capture it.

The anti-government forces without Sha Biao will definitely disintegrate soon. The absence of the anti-government forces means that we have one less ally. We must improve our strength and power as soon as possible. Luo Zheng thought of this and couldn't help but look at 仡PUFU. 仡PUFU Fu Zheng also turned around, looked at Luo Zheng with a firmer face, and said seriously: "General Counselor, it seems we must improve our strength and influence as soon as possible."

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Luo Zheng couldn't help but ask when he saw that Pufu and he were thinking together.

"Strength improvement is nothing more than increasing troop training and improving equipment. I want to ask for your help in this regard. There are two ways to increase power. One is to win over the hostile forces of the interim president, and the other is to recruit the surrounding drug traffickers. What do you think? What?" Pufu said seriously.

Luo Zheng felt that these two methods were good. After pondering for a moment, he replied: "Training is too slow. We can use battle as training and directly bring the troops up to recruit the drug traffickers. After several battles, they will all be veterans. The interim president is busy dealing with internal inconsistencies." The stabilizing factors and the anti-government forces cannot take care of us for the time being, so they seize the time to train their troops and take the initiative to win over other forces to join in and strengthen themselves, especially the anti-government forces."

"It makes sense. If Sha Biao dies and the anti-government is torn apart, there will definitely be people who want revenge. Everyone has no way out. Just pull them over and I will make arrangements." Pufu said in a deep voice, with a wise light shining in his eyes.

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