The strongest soldier

Chapter 2620 Strange phenomenon

Two hours later.

The sun at noon became a bit hotter, baking on the island. The air pressure dropped, making people a little breathless. Fortunately, there was no shelter on the coast, and the sea breeze blew over, making people feel better. Luo Zheng led the team along After marching along the coast for about two hours, they unknowingly arrived at a large coconut forest. The team was physically exhausted. Continuing running would be detrimental to everyone's health. Luo Zheng quickly ordered the team to rest where they were.

Everyone dispersed, hid under the shadow of the coconut trees, took out water to drink, and stared at the surroundings vigilantly, maintaining a state of alert. No centipedes were found along the way, but no one can guarantee that there are really no centipedes underground, Luo Zheng also walked to the shade of a tree to rest, drank some water, and felt his smoky throat felt better. Seeing Xu Gang and Tie Diao coming hand in hand, he waved.

"It should be less than an hour away from here to the east, do you think?" Xu Gang said.

"The team will take a rest first and regain their strength. In the current state, once we encounter the enemy, we will not be able to outrun the enemy, let alone fight or run. Don't become a living target. We are not in a hurry for this moment." Luo Zheng said sternly and looked at it. Looking to the east, there is a mountain ridge blocking it. It is estimated that by climbing over that mountain ridge, we can bypass the enemy's position in the east.

"The weather here is too hot." Tie Diao said angrily.

"I feel something is wrong. The direction of the hot wind changes from time to time. Have you noticed?" Xu Gang said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled and glanced at Xu Gang in surprise. Seeing that Xu Gang didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help but feel the flowing wind carefully. He frowned slightly. After waiting for about two minutes, Luo Zheng felt that the wind direction was indeed changing. , left and right, as if out of control, I couldn't help being shocked, and said in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"This means that the air flow is unstable. Look at the surrounding sea area again?" Xu Gang reminded in a deep voice.

"What's the point?" Tie Diao asked in a low voice in surprise, becoming nervous.

"Before I came here, I checked the relevant scientific research information in this area. A lot of information showed that there are several air currents from different places in the Bermuda Triangle with completely different directions. Once several air currents collide, a hurricane will be formed, and the hurricane will trigger storms and tsunamis. It's possible, this ghost place is too abnormal, we can't be careless." Xu Gang reminded, looking into the distance of the sea, his brows furrowed and his face became serious.

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I suggest that the troops should not rush for the time being. We should first find a high ground to hide and see the situation before making a decision. We cannot get in touch with the headquarters and we don't know whether a hurricane has formed in the distance." Xu Gang suggested.

"It makes some sense. It's noon anyway, so let's find a place to hide." Tie Diao also agreed seriously, while looking at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng became wary after hearing Xu Gang's analysis. He looked at the surrounding mountainous landforms and then at the ocean in the distance. The sea surface was calm and the waves were rippling. It looked like nothing would happen. However, this sea area was too weird and anything could happen at any time. Unknown and strange events, whether it was a dike or not, it happened that the troops also needed to make corrections, so he pointed in one direction and agreed: "Okay, let's go to the mountain opposite."

"Okay." Xu Gang and Tie Diao agreed when they saw that it was the highest mountain in the surrounding area. Xu Gang suggested, "I will take people over to explore the way, and you will follow later."

"Let's come together. If something happens, it's better to have someone to take care of you." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked at his troops and saw that everyone was drinking water and resting. After resting for a few minutes, he looked better, so he raised his voice and shouted: "Brother Guys, let’s go to the mountain peak opposite, let’s go, it’s just a walk.”

"Yes." Everyone agreed, put their equipment on their backs, and moved forward slowly in a column.

There was no need to rush, and the team was very tired. Luo Zheng did not issue an order for a rapid march. The team moved forward slowly, and it was safe along the way. Half an hour later, everyone climbed to the top of the mountain and found that the top of the mountain was jagged with strange rocks and weeds. After a while, Luo Zheng came to an open space in the middle of the pile of rocks. He put his backpack on the ground, looked around and said, "Brothers, let's take a rest here. Let's spread out and check if there is any danger around us."

"Yes." Everyone agreed, put down their backpacks one after another, and checked the surroundings with guns in hand, even the cracks in the rocks. It was a matter of life and death for everyone, and no one dared to be careless.

Luo Zheng jumped on a stone and raised his sniper scope to observe. Xu Gang and Tie Diao also jumped up and carefully felt the wind direction. They found that the wind was much stronger, but now they went east, now west, and now south again. Went there, very abnormal.

Normally, the wind will only blow in one direction, and even if it goes in the opposite direction, it will not be so abnormal. Everyone realized that there was a danger, but could not judge what it would be. Their mood became solemn. Luo Zheng looked at the vast sea and said: "The front should be It's to the east, but there are no destroyers or salvage ships in sight. Could it be that the place they are looking for is not in the sea ahead?"

"They probably aren't here. They came here to avoid the storm. I'm afraid they've gone back by now. Let's contact the headquarters and have a look." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng agreed and turned on the signal. After waiting for a long time, there was only the rustling sound of electricity in the headset without any signal. He couldn't help but feel heavy. He looked at the sea in front of him without saying a word. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found that the end of the sea became gloomy. , it looked like it was going to rain, and I couldn’t help but be shocked.

"Sure enough, something is going to happen, but it seems a bit far away. It shouldn't come to us." Tie Diao said in a deep voice, but his brows were furrowed, and he was obviously not very sure about his judgment.

"It's hard to say. Judging from the conditions below, this mountain peak should not have been attacked by storms and waves for a long time. Otherwise, there would be no such lush vegetation as it is now. However, we have to be careful. The rocks here are not small and can be piled up as a pile. Safe house." Xu Gang suggested.

"I'm afraid not. If it's a hurricane, ordinary rocks will be swept away, which will be detrimental to us. The team can spread out and tie themselves to the big rocks with ropes to avoid being swept away." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes sense, but the storm is still quite far away from us. It might change direction soon. Don't worry, anything can happen in this damn place. Look, the sea in front of you is still calm and the sun is shining brightly. It doesn't look like anything is going on. That's how it happened." Tie Diao agreed.

"It's hard to say, just wait and see what happens." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the gloomy horizon at the end of the sea. It was gray and looked very strange. He couldn't help but said with a solemn face: "It looks like a storm, I hope Turn around or we’ll be in trouble.”

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