The strongest soldier

Chapter 2637 Prepare to attack

In the camp, a heavily armed team slowly came out. More than thirty people lined up in three columns. Each column had about ten people. They held their weapons silently and marched in an orderly pace. Their whole bodies were filled with blood. It exudes a cold murderous aura, and should not be approached by strangers.

After the team walked out of the camp, they did not walk along the hillside, but towards one side of the mountainside. Below the mountainside is a canyon. The canyon is densely wooded and bushy. There are many birds changing their names. It is full of life. The hillside not far away. On the way up, Luo Zheng looked at the leaving team in surprise and began to ponder.

"I was shocked. I thought I was exposed. Why are these people going?" Tie Diao came up and asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say, let's go and have a look." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. If he didn't understand the purpose of these people, he would feel uneasy. Ignoring any detail on the battlefield would bring a fatal blow to himself. In extraordinary times, Luo Zheng did not dare to Without the slightest carelessness, he walked towards the enemy with a calm face.

Tie Diao was stunned for a moment and quickly signaled to Ji Wu. The two of them quickly followed and walked for a while. When everyone saw the team heading towards the canyon, they couldn't help but stop curiously. Luo Zheng looked at the direction of the enemy camp. No one was sent out there. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Let's go and have a look."

The three of them continued to move forward and unknowingly came to the hillside near the canyon. They were about to pass through the woods on the mountainside in front of them. Suddenly they heard a burst of gunfire from the canyon below. The three of them quickly found a place to hide and set up a sniper scope to observe. , but unfortunately there are too many trees in front, blocking the view.

Luo Zheng quickly looked around and found a big tree not far away. He immediately grabbed his weapon and rushed over, quickly climbing the tree. Not long after, Luo Zheng climbed to the top of the tree, hid his body, set up the sniper scope again, and listened. Once inside the canyon, another burst of gunfire rang out. He quickly moved his sniper scope to look in the direction of the gunfire.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng saw through the gaps between the leaves that a man was holding a wild beast. It looked like a hare, but its shape was a bit special and difficult to confirm. When Luo Zheng saw the enemy continuing to walk along the canyon, he suddenly understood. He came over, smiled, and quickly slid down the tree.

"What's going on?" Tie Diao came forward in surprise and asked in a low voice.

"There are more than 200 enemies. Eating is a problem. They are hunting for food." Luo Zheng explained.

"No wonder, why didn't I think of it in advance? It's just that they didn't come for us." Tie Diao breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, looked around, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and suggested: "A team of more than thirty people, you are not Are you bringing dragon tooth bullets? Let’s find a favorable terrain to ambush them?”

"You mean the three of us are going to deal with more than thirty holy warriors?" Luo Zheng didn't expect Tie Diao to be so bold. He couldn't help asking in surprise. Seeing Tie Diao actually nodding without hesitation, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother , do you think the three of us can kill more than 30 of them? If there is a team of mountain eagles, we may be sure. Only my sniper rifle can fire dragon tooth bullets, and neither of your guns can do it. This battle will not be easy to fight. "

"It's very easy to fight. We wait until we are far away from the camp before we attack. They have no communication equipment, so even if we can't kill them all at once, it doesn't matter. They run and we chase. There are many opportunities to kill them all along the way. The enemy will never expect that one of his own will be killed. Someone should be sent to investigate, and then we can continue the ambush, and maybe we can kill all the enemy holy warriors." Tie Diao suggested in a deep voice.

"No, it's too risky. Once the enemy breaks out, it's impossible for the three of us to annihilate them all. Once exposed, all our preliminary preparations will be in vain. The risk is too great." Luo Zheng vetoed without hesitation. The iron eagle looked unwilling, thought for a while, and explained: "Since they are short of food, they will definitely come out to hunt again. We have plenty of opportunities. We will use your trick when all the troops arrive later."

"Okay, let them live one more day." Seeing Luo Zheng's persistence, Tie Diao reluctantly agreed.

The three people quickly returned to the original lurking point and continued to monitor the Dark Church camp. They saw that there were no special changes in the camp. The patrols continued to swim around, and there were also patrols in the tents. Until dusk, the expert team The members were once again escorted out to show off.

When it was dark, the hunting team came back with a full load, carrying all kinds of strange animals, including the familiar donkeys, wolves, and horned rats. They were all covered in blood and were very tired, but the formation was very neat and there was no trace of them. After a while, the team entered the camp, and many people cheered and came out to greet them and help the prey.

Several bonfires had been burned in the open area of ​​the camp. As soon as the prey arrived, they set it up to lean on. When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately asked the iron eagle to return to the camp and notified the large troops to come and join together. Tonight is a good opportunity and cannot be missed. Tie Diao agreed and left quickly.

Luo Zheng and Ji Wu stayed where they were and continued to monitor the enemy camp. They ate some dry food to satisfy their hunger. They didn't carry much dry food. If they didn't complete the mission and go back, they would have to hunt like the people of the Dark Church. Hunting itself was nothing, everyone was good at it. , but lighting a fire will reveal their location, and Luo Zheng doesn't want to expose everyone's whereabouts yet.

More than two hours later, Tie Diao arrived with a large force and spread out in the dense forest to stand by. The officers quickly came to Luo Zheng. Everyone gathered around and squatted on the ground to discuss excitedly. Luo Zheng saw that everyone was in a good mood, He looked at his watch again and saw that it was already around ten o'clock in the evening. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the enemy camp is quiet. They should all go to rest. Just avoid the light and dark sentries. Xu Gang, please find a way to put the donkey away." If the wolf carcass is thrown near the enemy camp, it’s best to spread it out.”

"Understood, keep it with me." Xu Gang responded in a deep voice, handed a kettle to Luo Zheng, and explained: "Here is what you want, I don't know if it is enough."

Luo Zheng took it and opened the lid, and a fishy smell hit his nostrils. He quickly closed it, tightened it, and said with a smile: "Great, with this thing, our chances of winning are much higher. You guys act first and see if we can attract mosquitoes to help." , if we can, we will take advantage of the chaos to infiltrate and rescue people, if not, we will launch a sneak attack around three or four in the morning."

"Tonight the moon is bright and the stars are sparse. It's a good weather to do something. I'll go first." Xu Gang said solemnly, made a gesture, and hurried away with the members of the action team holding their backpacks, and in the blink of an eye they all disappeared into the woods. In it, it was like a ghost, silent and silent.

With the combat capabilities of the Veterans Club, throwing things near the camp was not a problem at all. Luo Zheng was relieved. He looked at Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle, who were also full of fighting spirit, and said in a deep voice: "Please arrange the sentry rotation, please. Rest on the spot and start in the early morning.”

"No problem." The three ghost hands responded in a deep voice and made murderous arrangements.

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