The strongest soldier

Chapter 2640 Act according to circumstances

The next day, the sky became gloomy, the sun rose a little later, and it hid behind the dark clouds. The sea breeze roared, shaking the island woods, swaying this way and that, making a swishing sound. The quiet woods suddenly became lively. Various birds flew into the sky, fluttering in the wind, making strange calls, and soon disappeared into the forest. In a forest on a hillside, Luo Zheng looked at the sky with a solemn face, frowning in thought.

"The sky is going to change." Tie Diao whispered in surprise.

"It looks like it's going to rain. I hope there won't be any thunderstorms or anything like that." Xu Gang also whispered. After discovering that the Knights of the Round Table were clinging to the experts last night, Luo Zheng temporarily canceled the attack plan, and Xu Gang came back with his brothers. When they met and looked at the sky, Xu Gang's face became heavy. The nature in this sea area is beyond imagination. Who knows what will happen next?

"Let's wait and see what happens." Luo Zheng whispered helplessly, asking the brothers to eat some dry food, check their equipment and get ready for battle.

When eating dry food, Luo Zheng found that the bottom had reached the bottom. Asking other people, the situation was similar, which meant that if he didn't go back, he would have to solve the food problem on the spot. There were many creatures on the island, so he was not afraid of the food problem, but in this way You must light a fire when you come. If you light a fire, your whereabouts may be exposed. This is the last thing Luo Zheng wants to happen.

However, things have developed to this point and there is no longer anything to worry about. Luo Zheng simply asked everyone to eat all the remaining food. No matter what, an attack must be launched today. Once the gunfire rings out and everyone is exposed, they can collect food on the spot. , everyone ate all the few remaining compressed biscuits knowingly, feeling full and ready to fight.

Ten minutes later, everyone had eaten and drank enough, maintained their weapons, and stayed quietly in the woods waiting for an opportunity. About half an hour later, everyone saw a team of twenty people walking out of the camp in neat columns. We walked along the ridge and entered a forest. It looked like we were going hunting.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this scene and said in a deep voice: "It's going to rain soon. I didn't expect these people to come out to hunt. It seems that our opponents are extremely short of food. Let's go. Xu Gang, take the lead with your people and bite them." Keep track of their whereabouts and don’t lose them, the others will follow and get to work.”

"What about here? Why don't you give me the poisonous water you collected from the mosquito suckers, and I'll find a way to get it into the enemy camp." Tie Diao suggested in a low voice.

"No, it's too dangerous, and it's easy to be exposed. Let's go. I have other ideas, let's go." Luo Zheng rejected Tie Diao's proposal in a low voice, and walked towards the enemy hunters with weapons and equipment.

Tie Diao told Luo Zheng that he had other ideas, and he didn't want to say more now, so he didn't ask any more questions, and followed closely, and others followed suit. The trees were blown to and fro by the strong wind, and the sound was loud, which just covered everyone's thoughts. At the sound of marching, Xu Gang rushed ahead with his action team, keeping a certain distance from the hunting troops.

The team walked very carefully. About half an hour later, the hunting team fought with a group of animals in a forest. The gunfire was intensive and fierce. About five minutes later, the gunfire gradually stopped. Luo Zheng signaled the troops to stand by. , rushed up by himself, joined Xu Gang, and hid on a hillside to observe.

In the canyon woods below, the hunting troops were collecting trophies. They looked very rich. There were more than a dozen beasts the size of calves. They looked like wild boars, but they looked a little special. Luo Zheng was not sure, so he moved the sniper scope to observe the hunt carefully. When the troops saw that these people were all very impressive and did not look like ordinary troops, they were startled and looked at Xu Gang and whispered: "These people are not simple. What do you think?"

"Judging from their marching speed and combat effectiveness, these people are probably holy warriors." Xu Gang responded in a low voice.

"Using holy warriors to hunt, these people can really do anything." Luo Zheng said with a sigh.

"This is efficient and safe." Xu Gang analyzed.

"What you said makes sense. There are about twenty people, and the terrain in front is open, which is not conducive to siege. What do you mean?" Luo Zheng whispered. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found a few more donkeys and wolves in the sniper scope, and they were hunting. The troops were about a hundred meters away, staring at the hunting troops with eager eyes. They were shocked and immediately laughed.

"There are donkeys and wolves." Xu Gang also noticed this scene and reminded in a deep voice.

"Great, donkeys and wolves are attacking in a pack style. There must be a lot of them. Notify the troops to come up immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, a plan flashed in his mind.

Xu Gang immediately called a brother to give some instructions and signaled the other party to deliver the message. He immediately looked at Luo Zheng and saw that Luo Zheng was staring ahead intently, as if thinking about something, so he did not interrupt him and raised the scope to observe. He was horrified. I found that there were more than a dozen donkey wolves in the canyon ahead of me. I was shocked and whispered: "It seems that the donkey wolves are getting ready to attack."

"Donkey Wolf must have been attracted by the bloody smell here. With so many prey, Donkey Wolf will not let go of such a good opportunity, but he will not attack immediately. He is probably still waiting for more companions." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. .

The two continued to observe. After about five minutes, the hunting force seemed to have discovered the threat of the donkey wolf. They piled the killed prey together and formed a defensive formation. Seeing that the donkey wolf was not in a hurry to attack, these people pulled out their sabers and chopped them off. They removed the trees blocking the view in front of them and took on a fighting stance.

Xu Gang looked at this scene with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice: "Brother, with the combat power of twenty holy warriors, even a hundred donkeys and wolves can be dealt with. Shouldn't we do something?"

"Of course, don't worry." Luo Zheng said calmly, while continuing to observe the front, and after waiting for a while, the large army came up quietly, hiding in the surrounding woods. Ghost Hands, Mountain Eagles, Snow Leopards and others hurried up, Standing behind Luo Zheng, he saw that Luo Zheng was observing something, so he waited patiently.

After a few minutes, Luo Zheng pointed his gun down, looked back at the person who came, and said with excitement: "Brothers, the opportunity has come, Mountain Eagle, lead your people to quickly seize the commanding heights. Once the donkey wolf attacks the hunting troops, Attack, you attack immediately, take the opportunity to kill the enemy and help the donkey wolf. The gunfire of the hunting troops can cover up your gunfire, so you don’t have to worry about being exposed."

"Understood." The mountain eagle quickly agreed knowingly.

"Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, your people are protecting the Mountain Eagles' people respectively, so that they can snipe with peace of mind in case there is a sneak attack by donkeys and wolves. Once a fight breaks out, it is difficult to guarantee that the team of Mountain Eagles will not be discovered by donkeys and wolves. Their safety is left to you. ." Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and Snow Leopard and said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Guishou and Snow Leopard responded solemnly, with strong fighting spirit bursting out.

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