The strongest soldier

Chapter 2719 Negotiation Structure

As long as anything takes up the moral high ground, it is equivalent to occupying the moral high ground, and it can be recognized and sought after by the mainstream. It will be much easier to act on anything. The establishment of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Agency is the moral high ground and the high moral ground. Whoever stops and Any violation is an enemy of the mainstream and an act that hinders the peaceful development of mankind. It will be tortured and resisted by peace-loving people across the world.

Jackson and Luo Zheng are both smart people. They know the beauty of this righteousness, and they also know that this righteousness will greatly help their careers. In the past, they acted unilaterally and were suppressed everywhere, especially the Dark Church. They can use various means to They even used various methods to hold back Jackson's actions and seriously interfered with Jackson's actions. Now it's different. Whoever resists violates international law.

Domestic suppression of the Dark Church can erase its influence through various means, which violates international laws. The subject has changed and law enforcement officials cannot control it. No matter how long the hand of the Dark Church is, it will not be able to reach into the newly established Anti-Terrorism General Administration. Jack Sen looked at Luo Zheng calmly and said, "You and I both know the role and significance of this general administration, so we must ensure the purity of the personnel inside. What do you think?"

"It's easy for you and me to handle the personnel, but the people assigned by other countries are different. Management is also a big problem. Let's ignore the personnel first. The combat effectiveness of the elites assigned by various countries should not be too bad, otherwise they will lose face. I believe Countries will not mess around on this issue. It is a management issue. In the initial stage, it is not easy for the team to be too large, what do you think?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, having too many people at the beginning makes it difficult to manage and direct." Jackson agreed.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and continued: "What I mean is that it is divided into the decision-making department, the action department, the intelligence department, the logistics department and the command center to form an architecture system with four departments and one center. The decision-making department is composed of you, me and the people appointed by the United Nations. The representatives form the highest decision-making level. It is currently in the initial stage, focusing on combating the Dark Church. The opinions of the three of us are the highest decision, and the minority obeys the majority. Team leaders from other countries have also joined the decision-making department, but they only have the right to make suggestions, not decision-making. ,what you think?"

"Four departments and one center? Three people make up the highest decision-making?" Jackson thought for a while, and gradually came to appreciate the beauty of this organizational structure. This arrangement means that no matter how big the general administration grows, there will ultimately be three people making the decision, and among the three The minority obeys to a certain extent, that is to say, only two people need to agree to execute it, which indeed avoids a lot of interference in future actions. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "I think it's okay. What is the responsibility of the UN representative?"

"The administrative functions are merged into the Logistics Department, with a United Nations representative in charge." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

Since it is the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Agency, it is naturally subject to the management of the United Nations administratively. All future weapons, equipment and materials must also be exported through the United Nations. This kind of complicated logistics work must be done by people who are familiar with United Nations affairs. Therefore, Luo Zheng If this position is given to a representative appointed by the United Nations and included in the three-person highest decision-making group, the United Nations will not object.

The more Jackson thought about it, the more he felt that Luo Zheng's organizational structure was feasible, mainly to facilitate future operations and to take care of the face of the United Nations. He couldn't help but admire him and said: "I have to say, you are a good fighter, and your political and management abilities are also good. Not bad, I personally agree with this arrangement. Of course, I will report it to the president for his approval. If you have any other ideas, please tell them."

"The operations department is mainly responsible for military operations, combating and arresting terrorists. If several countries participate, several brigades will be formed. The personnel will not be separated. Each country will appoint its own brigades and accept the command of the decision-making department. Each brigade will The first-level management organization is arranged above, divided by continent, you are responsible for the Americas, I am responsible for Europe and Asia, do you want to take charge of the remaining Africa?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, how can we lag behind in counter-terrorism?" Jackson said quickly, this is decentralization.

"Okay, it's settled. The people sent by Asian and European countries will be put under my unified command. The people sent by American and African countries will be put under your command, but the decision-making power lies with the decision-making department. The same goes for the intelligence department. You and I will each arrange for someone to be in charge. As for the logistics department, that is a matter of the United Nations. Just leave it to the appointed representatives. As for the command center, it is under unified management. I will be in charge personally and you will assist and cooperate. Are there any other problems?" Luo Zheng spoke with confidence.

Jackson thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I reserve my own opinion. The specific situation will be reported to the president truthfully. The president will make decisions. Let's talk about the organizational structure of the General Administration first. Let's talk about the mysterious prison. I didn't expect that the Dark Church will The prison is built on the bottom of the sea. No wonder we don’t have any clues. You must have searched it. Since you haven’t found it, my people may not be able to find it, but I will try my best. What should I do next?”

"You go all out to track down the news about the undersea prison. I will also seize the time. As soon as there is news, I will act immediately to contribute to the establishment of the Anti-Terrorism Administration. The first shot has been fired, and the following things will be easier to handle, right? Luo Zheng reminded with a solemn expression.

"Yes, I will do my best, don't worry." Jackson said seriously.

"That's good, let's go to the United Nations together tomorrow, confirm some details in person, and set up a team as soon as possible. As long as the daily work of the General Administration starts to operate, it will be a deterrent to the Dark Church. As long as they are afraid, they may risk exposing their flaws. ." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Tomorrow?" Jackson thought for a moment and agreed, "Okay, just tomorrow."

After the two chatted about the details for a while, Luo Zheng left, returned to the car, started the car and drove towards the embassy. The establishment of the Anti-Terrorism Administration gave Luo Zheng hope to defeat the Dark Church. He was confident and in a good mood, and arrived at the embassy. , Luo Zheng parked the car and was about to go back to his room when he heard the phone ringing.

Luo Zheng picked up the phone in surprise and saw that it was Lan Xue calling. He quickly answered the call and asked, "It's me. What's going on? Did the Dark Church release the tentacle monster?"

"I don't know if it counts. A helicopter came out of the Guanta Prison. Satellite surveillance showed that someone got on the car. Unfortunately, it was raining at the time. The person was holding an umbrella and couldn't see the person under the umbrella. I'm not sure if it was. It's continuing. Following, Hong Meihua judged that the other party might have released the tentacle monster." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"Oh? What is the basis for judgment?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

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