The strongest soldier

Chapter 2762 Risking one’s life to break out

Since fighting with the enemy, Luo Zheng found that the enemy commander used concentrated forces. Previously, he used a small force to test, then covered it with artillery fire, and finally a large force pressed in. This time, it was even more extreme. He used cobras to explore the way and poisonous snakes to move on the desert. Self-defense, impossible to guard against, even hidden sentries cannot be hidden. Once they jump out of the bunker, the enemies following behind will be shot silently with laser guns. It is a very clever tactic. If they are not discovered early, they can warn you in time. If they rush up blindly, brothers, There will be more casualties.

Luo Zheng was a little glad that he had just given the order to retreat, instead of leading his brothers to rush up to check the situation. Otherwise, they would have been exposed to the muzzle of the gun. Under the dim moonlight, the enemy fired with laser guns, silently, everywhere. If you can't see it, how can you fight this battle? The enemy is well prepared, and the best way is to evacuate.

The mountain eagle also thought of this, with cold sweat gushing down his back, and secretly rejoiced: "You retreat first, I will lead a team to stay behind and see how many of these grandsons have come."

"No, you lead the team to clear the way. I suspect that the enemy has set up an encirclement. We must fight out as soon as possible. I hope they haven't formed an encirclement yet." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. It would be easy if there was satellite support. Just ask directly. , but now there are no satellites or communications, so everything can only rely on personal judgment, and Luo Zheng does not dare to be careless.

The mountain eagle also reacted, nodded decisively and said: "Zhou Gang, take your team and follow me." After saying that, he looked at Luo Zheng, who pointed to the east knowingly, and the mountain eagle added: "The troops are heading east. Evacuate, Zhou Gang, you open the way for me and fight out."

"Yes." Zhou Gang reacted, shouted in a deep voice, and quickly led the team towards the east.

Without communication equipment, all communication could only rely on shouting. After waiting for two minutes, Luo Zheng saw that the mountain eagle had led Zhou Gang and other brothers to rush eastward. Looking ahead, it was still gray and unusually quiet, but Luo Zheng Not daring to be careless, he shouted in a deep voice: "Guishou, lead your people to the left. Liu Xun, you lead people to take charge of the right. Zhang Bin and Wu Yuan lead people to take charge of the rear alternately."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice and acted quickly.

Luo Zheng quickly found Tubas and motioned for Tubas to follow him. Tubas was also unequivocal and took action quickly with his men. He and Luo Zheng rushed eastward. Others also caught up with them, and the troops moved forward in a diamond shape. With this kind of formation, no matter which angle the enemy attacks from, they will face counterattacks from three sides.

The troops marched away in a hurry, and after running for a distance, gunshots suddenly rang out in front. Luo Zheng was shocked. He knew that Shan Diao and Zhou Gang who were clearing the way ahead had encountered the enemy. The enemy was indeed surrounded on all sides, and he immediately said to Tubas: "Follow me." Come." He said and rushed forward quickly.

Soon, Luo Zheng caught up with the vanguard and saw everyone firing at the ground. He couldn't help but startled. He moved forward towards the ground and found something rolling in the fine sand. He guessed it was a poisonous snake. He couldn't help but become nervous and quickly looked towards more people. Ahead, I suddenly saw a bright light the size of a firefly flashing past. I was horrified. I aimed my gun without hesitation and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Luo Zheng came up with three shots, and the three bullets whizzed forward in the shape of a square. The bright light the size of a firefly was too familiar to Luo Zheng. It was the unique bright light formed when the laser gun was fired, silently. But the killing is invisible and must be eliminated.

The night sky in the distance was gray, no one could be seen, and no sound could be heard. Luo Zheng didn't know whether he had hit the target. The muzzle of his gun was locked firmly in front of him, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Don't worry about the poisonous snakes on the ground, rush over, be careful. Enemy sniper, laser gun, quick-"

Enemy snipers can fire imitation dragon tooth bullets, and laser guns can penetrate bullet-proof armor, killing people invisible. They are the biggest threat. Since the enemy uses encirclement tactics, no matter where they break out, they may encounter an ambush. Luo Zheng made a decisive choice. A frontal breakthrough, the battle has begun, and the enemy has not counterattacked, indicating that there are not many people in front.

"Kill -" After hearing Luo Zheng's order, everyone decisively gave up on the cobra on the sand, picked up their sniper rifles and rushed forward, firing at suspicious locations as they rushed.

There were countless cobras on the sand, crawling quickly, and many of them held their heads high, spitting out their snakes and making hissing sounds. There was a foul smell in the air, and a cold murderous aura permeated the air, but everyone turned a blind eye. Continuing to rush forward, the heavy anti-explosion military boots step on the cobra, or kick it away. With the bulletproof armor, the cobra can't do anything to everyone.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Clearly, the hissing threatening sound of the cobra, the sound of bullets, running sounds, gasping sounds, etc. are intertwined.

While running, Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. He felt carefully and suddenly heard an abnormal sound somewhere in front. Without hesitation, he raised his hand and fired three shots while roaring: "Spread out and speed up the charge."

"Kill -" everyone responded in a deep voice, quickly dispersed, and rushed forward risking their lives to fight. No matter whether there was an enemy somewhere in front of them, as long as they felt suspicious, they would open fire and kill them. At the moment of life and death, it was either you who died or you died. I am dead, saving ammunition at this time is courting death.

Guishou and Liu Xun on both wings also rushed forward with their men, firing at full firepower into the night sky in front of them. While running, Luo Zheng also kept firing at suspicious positions, charging and hitting hard, and a pool of blood appeared in front of him. Everyone also found two corpses, and the weapons were gone. Luo Zheng squatted next to one of the corpses and observed, while signaling the others to continue rushing forward.

The deceased was wearing an Arab robe, a headscarf, and a big beard. Luo Zheng pulled the clothes off the other person's neck in surprise, but did not see any logo. Looking at his arm, he saw a cobra tattoo on his right hand. He was a cobra mercenary. logo, it can be seen that the opponent is a Cobra mercenary, not a holy warrior or a Knight of the Round Table.

Luo Zheng carefully searched the other party's clothes, but there was nothing. Then he looked at the other corpse. It was almost the same dress. There was also a tattoo on the right hand, and the weapons were also taken away. Luo Zheng stood up and looked at the person who had run away. The brother troops hurriedly chased after them, thinking as they ran, why were the weapons taken away? How many people are there?

Judging from the battle situation, it was obvious that there were not many people in ambush at this location. They were frightened by the random beatings and chose to evacuate. Before running away, they took away the weapons of their companions. Why was this? Are you afraid that the weapon will be exposed or that it will fall into the hands of your opponent and be exploited?

While running, there were no gunshots around. Luo Zheng looked at the dark night sky, his mood became heavier and heavier. Things were getting out of control. Did the enemy really just want to win the battle?

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