The strongest soldier

Chapter 2767 Seizing the Tunnel

There was no communication attack, and everyone was fighting in a mess. It all depended on the tactics and command skills of the commanders of each squad. Luo Zheng believed that his brothers were fine, so he simply handed over the troops to everyone's command, and took Zhou Gang and Liu Xun with him. A small team detoured towards the enemy's rear. This situation was discovered by the mountain eagle who was fighting condescendingly on the sand dunes. The mountain eagle did not know why and observed with some doubts. There were no communication tools and no intelligence. It all relied on personal judgment.

After observing for a while, the mountain eagle discovered that Luo Zheng was leading his men to go back to the enemy's rear. He immediately reacted. With a gleam in his eyes, he immediately found the Snow Leopard and said in a deep voice, "Brother, I'm taking my men to go back to the enemy's rear. I guess he's worried about someone." The enemy's reinforcements have gone to buy us time. It seems that I want to wipe out this enemy force."

"With nearly a hundred enemies, it will take a lot of time to annihilate them all." Snow Leopard said worriedly.

"Everyone understands the truth, but what I mean should be this. Brothers can't let down my wishes. In this way, my sniper is here. Your three teams will be divided into three and attack from three directions. I want to The way is to go back to the side and rear of the enemy below, and let's give him a random beating." Mountain Eagle suggested in a deep voice.

Snow Leopard pondered for a moment, then turned cold and shouted: "Okay, it's only as big as this, give me fire cover."

"Don't worry, I'll lead my men to suppress the enemy. You lead my men and weave up quickly. The enemy is hidden behind the dunes and can't be seen. It's difficult to fight. We can only fight in close quarters." The mountain eagle promised.

"Understood." Snow Leopard is so experienced in combat, how can he not see the risks and benefits of doing this? However, there was a mountain eagle leading a sniper attack to suppress the enemy. The snow leopard was not afraid of being exposed. He agreed and led his three teams to quickly go around from behind and quickly disappeared into the sand dunes.

"Boom--" Suddenly, countless artillery shells roared out from under the sand dunes where the enemy was hiding, tearing open the hot space barrier and rushing forward with a biting chill. The enemy's bombardment began.

On the sand dune, Wu Yuan and Shan Diao's expressions changed slightly when they saw this scene, and they quickly ordered the troops to disperse and take cover. Fortunately, the troops were basically mobilized to leave, otherwise they would have been in trouble. Luo Zheng, who was running, saw the enemy's shelling, and his face darkened. , quickly rushed to a sand dune to observe, and saw the hiding place of the enemy's artillery. The eyes of the tiger were almost ready to spit fire. The artillery shells were too much of a deterrent for the party defending the position unless they gave up the position.

"How about I take someone over and kill them?" Zhou Gang said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng got a little excited and looked at the surrounding terrain. He saw small sand dunes scattered all over. It would not be a big problem for a small group of troops to penetrate them. They would not be exposed if they got close. Allowing the enemy to bombard would cause huge losses to his troops. Luo Zheng Zheng made a quick decision, looked at Zhou Gang and said in a deep voice: "Leave it to you. After killing them, support me there and attack the enemy from behind."

"Understood." Zhou Gang shouted in a deep voice, saluted Luo Zheng solemnly, looked at the brothers behind him and gestured, and rushed forward. The brothers in the team followed up knowingly, and they moved quickly and powerfully.

Luo Zheng looked at Liu Xun and shouted: "Follow me."

"Yes." Liu Xun responded in a deep voice. With a wave of his hand, he led his team to follow Luo Zheng. He continued to use the surrounding sand dunes to cover up and quickly made a detour towards the enemy's rear. As for the battlefield, Luo Zheng believed in his brothers. He is competent, but without communication tools, it is useless to worry, and he cannot effectively command the troops.

Soon, everyone rushed to a sand dune. Suddenly, they saw several people appearing in the sand valley at the bend of the dune in front. There were also people drilling out from a tunnel under the sand pile. Luo Zheng was shocked. Sure enough, there were reinforcements and tunnels. Just as he thought, he immediately became furious, pointed forward and shouted in a low voice: "Did you see it, brothers? We must not let them finish gathering, otherwise we will be passive."

"There aren't many people coming out, let's fight?" Liu Xun suggested excitedly.

"Rush up and kill them." Luo Zheng knew the importance of speed. The enemy should have just emerged from the tunnel entrance. More people are still in the tunnel. He must rush up and kill them as soon as possible to prevent the enemy's reinforcements from coming out. He quickly gave the battle order and rushed forward like a cheetah. He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the tunnel entrance in front. Just as a man came out and exposed most of his body, Luo Zheng opened fire decisively.

"Boom -" a sniper gun sounded, and the bullets whizzed away, with Luo Zheng filled with roars and murderous intent, drawing a terrifying death shock wave in the void, visible to the naked eye, extremely terrifying, in an instant, the target was killed It hit the chest, screamed, and fell down the tunnel.

The sound of gunfire was an order. Liu Xun and others also aimed at the target and pulled the trigger, catching the enemy off guard and knocking down four or five of them at once. The other enemies looked for places to hide and looked around nervously, looking for the shadow of their opponents. At this time , the second round of sniper fire roared in, claiming three lives again.

Luo Zheng took the lead and rushed to the front. He ignored other enemies and locked the tunnel exit with his gun. When he saw someone coming out, he quickly pulled the trigger without giving the opponent the slightest chance. After a while, everyone rushed to the vicinity of the tunnel entrance and continued like a tiger. He rushed forward, regardless of the risk of being shot.

When encountering someone on a narrow road, the brave one wins. Once the enemy recovers, he will be the one who suffers. He must kill the enemies outside as soon as possible and completely block the tunnel. Someone comes out from inside. Seeing that Luo Zheng is rushing forward, the brothers have no intention of hiding, so they follow behind them one after another. , continue to hit hard and rush down.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The remaining enemies outside started firing with all their might. The bullets hit their bodies and made a dull sound, but they were all blocked by the bullet-proof armor. The brothers did not dodge and rushed forward against the enemy's bullets, with sniper rifles in their hands. He also roared angrily, confronted the enemy head-on, and shot an exposed enemy to the ground.

The enemy used ordinary bullets, not the defensive dragon tooth bullets. The damage caused by ordinary bullets to everyone's body was not great and could be tolerated. Seeing Luo Zheng beating and charging fiercely, the brothers did not care about the danger of the bullets, so they all took the risk. , rushing down with bullets in hand, fearless of death.

The desperate fighting style of Luo Zheng and others scared the few enemies into scattering, and the morale of the army was shattered. Unfortunately, the surroundings had a wide field of vision, and there was no place to hide. The brothers who were rushed up were all knocked down with a rapid burst of fire. Luo Zheng Without glancing at the enemies around him, he focused all his attention on the entrance of the tunnel, firing continuously to kill those who tried to get out, without giving anyone a chance.

The tunnel must be leading to the enemy's interior. This was a major discovery. Luo Zheng rushed to the entrance of the tunnel and looked down. The tunnel was about five meters deep. There was a wooden ladder leading up to it. There were piles of corpses below. No one came out around the corner. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. With this tunnel, he could find the enemy's lair.

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